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Help! When to move Aussie dollars back into pounds?!


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Hey everyone,

We have been watching the falling dollar recently and are keen to move our savings back into pounds. They have already lost a bit of value and we are watching it drop further :S We recently left Aus and see now how the country appears to be slipping a little further into recession/something like that. We are quite inexperienced with all this type of stuff and are not sure whether to wait, or just move it now before it drops more. What should we look out for as warning signs/positive signs?


Anyone else thinking similar thoughts? Interested in people's experiences!

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The pound is rising against the dollar and it's not going to go back down again thats for sure. I'd exchange now.


This. The UK recovery appears to be starting. I don't think the dollar will get weaker but the pound will get stronger

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Please see my previous posts, the days of the AUD being the worlds high interest TD are over. I got out at GBP 64p and USD95c.


How many more times to people need to be told, if you are planning anything money wise - bank it on a GBP / USD re-bound. That includes, if so inclined - moving back there for a stint (~ 5 years) to make hay while the sun shines. US / UK go in 7 year cycles and we are already 18months into upward trend.


I predict AUD1 = GBP2 by the new year & USD75c this time next year. By investments in the US, AUD drops = make more money. As I say, rocket science it ain't.

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Please see my previous posts, the days of the AUD being the worlds high interest TD are over. I got out at GBP 64p and USD95c.


How many more times to people need to be told, if you are planning anything money wise - bank it on a GBP / USD re-bound. That includes, if so inclined - moving back there for a stint (~ 5 years) to make hay while the sun shines. US / UK go in 7 year cycles and we are already 18months into upward trend.


I predict AUD1 = GBP2 by the new year & USD75c this time next year. By investments in the US, AUD drops = make more money. As I say, rocket science it ain't.


I pretty much agree with this, although the UK has to keep up with the good news on the economy.


Luckily i transferred a lot of $ to Pounds at 1.47 and now waiting to send them back at a nice profit :wink: I think we could see 1.9 if not 2.0 in your time frame

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Looking at the exchange rates recently it does look like the $ is falling and the pound is starting to get strong again. This is a bit like when to buy a house? Do you wait and see if the prices come down or get on the latter now. Would say exchanging now would be the best option, as the pound looks like it is going to continue to climb.

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You're still getting an excellent rate if u exchange now. Many of us who waited for the £ to rally once it started falling against the AUD have had a very long wait! I am hopeful that the £ will continue to appreciate as I'll be living off UK savings for remaining time in Oz unless I can find work. We want to move back to UK in early 2015. Expect the £ to be very strong against the AUD then as we liquidate Oz assets. We have the knack of getting timing wrong pretty much every time we need to transfer!!

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Please see my previous posts, the days of the AUD being the worlds high interest TD are over. I got out at GBP 64p and USD95c.


How many more times to people need to be told, if you are planning anything money wise - bank it on a GBP / USD re-bound. That includes, if so inclined - moving back there for a stint (~ 5 years) to make hay while the sun shines. US / UK go in 7 year cycles and we are already 18months into upward trend.


I predict AUD1 = GBP2 by the new year & USD75c this time next year. By investments in the US, AUD drops = make more money. As I say, rocket science it ain't.


Sorry to sound stupid but this has me confused? You predict that 1 australian dollar will equal 2 British pounds in the new year?? But 1 aud is only worth 58p at the moment? This has me confused? I am concerned that soon 1 aud will only be worth like 40p or something in the future....


(We have a fair amount of aud, saved for a deposit on a house/flat and need it to be in pounds ideally. But any loss is a hit, since we kept an eye on it we have already 'lost' 4k... not sure what to dooooo! Spoke to Moneycorp and they said to wait and see before we transfer)

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Sorry to sound stupid but this has me confused? You predict that 1 australian dollar will equal 2 British pounds in the new year?? But 1 aud is only worth 58p at the moment? This has me confused? I am concerned that soon 1 aud will only be worth like 40p or something in the future....


(We have a fair amount of aud, saved for a deposit on a house/flat and need it to be in pounds ideally. But any loss is a hit, since we kept an eye on it we have already 'lost' 4k... not sure what to dooooo! Spoke to Moneycorp and they said to wait and see before we transfer)


I think he meant 1GBP = 2AUD


I don't think we'll be seeing $1 = 65p for many years. We are now transferring every month when we get paid, as we think the rate will become more and more unfavorable for returnees. But we exchanged a lot at around 65p, I think the best we got was 68p, so not complaining at all. Still way better than the 40p it was last time we left Australia!

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Today !!!!!


I keep an eye on this sort of stuff.


It will continue to fall as its still way above its real value, the dollar falls but also the pound gets stronger, cutting interest rates will weaken it further but that in turn with a lag of time will hopefully aid the failing economy here in Oz

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