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Hi there , just looking for some advice anybody used global-migrate, i am new to all this but dont seem to be getting very far with them, waited 2 half months to have a cv rewritten, which cost £360, dont get any answers from emails and feeling very frustrated about it all. Any help would be great. Thanx

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Hi there , just looking for some advice anybody used global-migrate, i am new to all this but dont seem to be getting very far with them, waited 2 half months to have a cv rewritten, which cost £360, dont get any answers from emails and feeling very frustrated about it all. Any help would be great. Thanx


Dont know of them tbh,i used CONCEPT AUSTRALIA in manchester,as have 3 or 4 cpls i know,all got visa's,and if they think you wont get a visa, they wont take you on just to take your £,as happened to a mate of mine

Just a suggestion in case youre not too far down the line with Global Migrate,think they charge about £1700 a cpl now,and no,i dont work for them lol,but theyre 100% gen

Best of luck with it all anyway Margie

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Thanx for your reply, guess i will just have to be patient and hopefully get there in the end just seems to take forever, i paid £360, for cv re written then im hoping the next step they find me a job offer, without askin for more money. i do think they are 100% gen they are just slow>:SLEEP:

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Thanx for your reply, guess i will just have to be patient and hopefully get there in the end just seems to take forever, i paid £360, for cv re written then im hoping the next step they find me a job offer, without askin for more money. i do think they are 100% gen they are just slow>:SLEEP:


Hopefully they are gen,and they sort things out for you,that seems a hell of a lot of £ if it was just to re write a CV tho tbh

Best of luck anyway

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Thanx for your reply, guess i will just have to be patient and hopefully get there in the end just seems to take forever, i paid £360, for cv re written then im hoping the next step they find me a job offer, without askin for more money. i do think they are 100% gen they are just slow>:SLEEP:


I don't know who they are but don't throw good money after bad.


DIAC do not care what your CV looks like, I didn't present one at ant point in my visa journey.


Do you know what visa you are applying for? What occupation you are applying under? They are not one of those companies that offers to find a job and sponsorship are they? (Which might explain why they want a well written CV).

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  • 2 weeks later...

HI Ruper, well yes GLOBAL-MIGRATE, did offer to find me a job and sponsership, all I got was a CV rewritten which took 3 months and cost £360 , They said my first CV had gone missing which i find all a bit strange. as they had emailed me to say they had received all my documents, So a staff member must have lost it , which they would not own up to . When i questioned what was going on there they said that member of staff who had my documents does not work here anymore .I have never even received a letter off them. I have asked for my documents back which up to now have not had a reply.I feel as though there is a big cover up with what has gone on with my case. Well GLOBAL -migrate i have reported you, for the terrible service you provide. The whole thing has been a nite mare. Please if anybody reads this plz been warned. Any feed back on this Rupert would be great,and should they send my documents back to me , Thanx Rupert feel better now lol.

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Hi there, yea i know the whole process will cost alot more but I was not expecting to pay £360 just to have a CV written in Aus format, and then they wanted more money, new to all this so it was a bit of a shock. I Work in community based care/disability care , Just about to complete a diploma in health and social care. Any advice would be most welcome. Thanx

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Hi there, yea i know the whole process will cost alot more but I was not expecting to pay £360 just to have a CV written in Aus format, and then they wanted more money, new to all this so it was a bit of a shock. I Work in community based care/disability care , Just about to complete a diploma in health and social care. Any advice would be most welcome. Thanx


Its no use now i know,but theres helpful people on here who would have helped with aus cv format,put your queries on here before giving them more conkers margie

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We're fairly new to this but my husband has just been offered a job via the 457 sponsorship route, which we're obviously over the moon about, and we've only been on the case since April. I have just been doing loads and loads of research, sending off my husbands cv and covering letter (which I was fortunate enough to be able to use a friends format who paid someone in london £75 to do in the oz format). We have friends who came to Perth on a 457 18mths ago so they were able to give us a few hints and tips. I have also spoken with Tony Mooney from Living the dream, who I believe comes highly recommended and is very efficient. I signed up with seek.com.au and totaljobs.com and they send me daily email alerts and I've just been applying for jobs everytime they come up. I've probably applied for about 80 by now. Also check out <snip> I've found his website also very useful. Good luck, it's hard work but worth it (I hope! :wink:) Cathy x

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