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help me please..so desperate to come back to australia


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i had my advanced diploma of hospitality (with cert 3 in patisserie) finished back in 2011 and applied for TR, but due to uncertainty in getting PR and at that time my wife was pregnant, we then decided to go back to our country (indonesia) in july 2012.



i did not apply for bridging visa class b as i wasn't thinking of going back to sydney. i also had my tr application cancelled back in april 2013, so now, i totally have no visa at all.



about a month ago, i found out that baker was on nsw state sponsorship list and was shocked. if only i waited for a bit, and try to apply for it through eoi, i might be able to get pr.



i just need some advice, is it possible for me to apply for eoi offshore with baker as my occupation? problem is, i haven't got my skill assessed, all i got is just some paperwork from TRA for the first step of job ready program, and also i found out that there are no such place in indonesia where i can get my skill assessed for the australian pr (the closest one is hongkong i think?), and i dont think indonesia is one of the nominated country where i can have offshore skill assessment. will you guys be able to help me? i am having a really hard time to fit back into the community here as i consider myself as australian already, with australian values as well :(



i am very sad. and needed advices, or probably an agent that can help me somehow. i am looking forward to apply for subclass 190 visa through nsw state sponsorship or worst case, i'll go for master degree in accounting..is it still promising?



please do reply..anyone..



thank you

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You seem to have found a path, I didn't know baker was on the CSOL, but if it is and it is on a state list, then there is your path. You need to press on with it, most people send their skills assessments out of their country to be assessed surely, as most assessing bodies are Australian. If you need to go and do a test somewhere and they only do the tests outside your own country, well then you have a choice, you book a flight or you forget the whole thing.


Actually, I don't think you need help, you know your stuff, you just have to get one with it.


good luck.

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for TRA you have to have minimum 3 years work experience after qualification for the job you are being assessed for. My husband was assessed by TRA as a cook (we are in uk) and he didnt have to do any practical assessment, not sure if it is different if applying from your country though.

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@pablo, levi & simmo : thanks for bumpin the thread up!



@rupert : yes, i have been looking around the immigration & tra website. I wish i can do something, but unfortunately i don't think baker occupation can be assessed outside Australia. i couldn't find the occupation on the offshore skill assessment on tra website. If it is possible, i will surely book a flight and get my skill assessed. Unfortunately i do not have any visa and won't be able to apply for whv either :(



@nikkiwd : but i thought since i have australian qualification i only need about 2 years experience? Not really sure since there are not many reliable migration agent here, thus i am asking for advice in the forum..



or probably there's an agent here that is willing & able to help me out? I am not asking for free service, i'd pay for it if you guys could just help me to find a way back to australia permanently..

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@savedbytheson: I recommend contacting Alan Collett, he is a helpful migration agent. Send him a PM outlining your situation and main questions: http://www.pomsinoz.com/forum/members/8471.html


Alan Collett: Managing Director, Go Matilda, www.gomatilda.com - Partner, GM Tax, www.gmtax.com.au; Registered Migration Agent Number 0102534, and CA (England & Wales, and Australia)

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@pablo, levi & simmo : thanks for bumpin the thread up!



@rupert : yes, i have been looking around the immigration & tra website. I wish i can do something, but unfortunately i don't think baker occupation can be assessed outside Australia. i couldn't find the occupation on the offshore skill assessment on tra website. If it is possible, i will surely book a flight and get my skill assessed. Unfortunately i do not have any visa and won't be able to apply for whv either :(



@nikkiwd : but i thought since i have australian qualification i only need about 2 years experience? Not really sure since there are not many reliable migration agent here, thus i am asking for advice in the forum..



or probably there's an agent here that is willing & able to help me out? I am not asking for free service, i'd pay for it if you guys could just help me to find a way back to australia permanently..


Use George Lombard or Alan Collet, cant go wrong with either of them. Goodluck

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i had my advanced diploma of hospitality (with cert 3 in patisserie) finished back in 2011 and applied for TR, but due to uncertainty in getting PR and at that time my wife was pregnant, we then decided to go back to our country (indonesia) in july 2012.


i did not apply for bridging visa class b as i wasn't thinking of going back to sydney. i also had my tr application cancelled back in april 2013, so now, i totally have no visa at all.



about a month ago, i found out that baker was on nsw state sponsorship list and was shocked. if only i waited for a bit, and try to apply for it through eoi, i might be able to get pr.



i just need some advice, is it possible for me to apply for eoi offshore with baker as my occupation? problem is, i haven't got my skill assessed, all i got is just some paperwork from TRA for the first step of job ready program, and also i found out that there are no such place in indonesia where i can get my skill assessed for the australian pr (the closest one is hongkong i think?), and i dont think indonesia is one of the nominated country where i can have offshore skill assessment. will you guys be able to help me? i am having a really hard time to fit back into the community here as i consider myself as australian already, with australian values as well :(



i am very sad. and needed advices, or probably an agent that can help me somehow. i am looking forward to apply for subclass 190 visa through nsw state sponsorship or worst case, i'll go for master degree in accounting..is it still promising?



please do reply..anyone..



thank you




I can not believe that, yours and mine circumstances were very closely similar.


I was too in Australia on SRS subclass 475 visa and was living in regional WA. I was settled there after a big struggle for initial months but the wheels of destiny moved soon and I was required to go back to India even before months of my 475 regional visa expired. I am still trying to get rid from the shock that my visa were expired and I was required to leave Australia and my rented home and other stuffs which I got after a lot of struggle. I think it was only our bad luck which forced us to leave our good lives otherwise why we were required to leave Australia while we were not involved in any visa breach or any criminal activity? There is no offense on my name in Australia not even a single memo for breaking traffic or parking rules but I can see over the internet that, many people are working illegally but they are still there hence what we can call it, i think just bad luck nothing else even those without any skills or knowing English language are getting a chance to settle there like refugees. Now I am also desperately interested to move back to Australia and looking for getting a visa again. I wish you best of luck.

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@Levi & Hery: many thanks! I've heard of their names and will try to get in touch with them, hopefully they can help me out.


@mpatel: Hi too, it's good to hear that there's someone out there is in similar condition. I am having a very hard time to settle back here, and wish that my family can live in a better place as well. Hopefully you can find your way back to Australia as well. Just curious, what was your occupation when you were on 457?

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bumping up my post,hoping someone would be able to help me..


any chance for me to apply temporary work visa/permanent offshore from indonesia? i have australian qualification but haven't got any skill assessment..





Well nobody can stop you applying for work can they? The question is are you likely to be successful and I would think probably not.


If you want to come back to Australia you need to follow up on the path that you identified earlier yourself, you aren't going to get to Australia by wishing, you need to do what you need to do. This seems to be the skills assessment you need to follow.



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Well nobody can stop you applying for work can they? The question is are you likely to be successful and I would think probably not.


If you want to come back to Australia you need to follow up on the path that you identified earlier yourself, you aren't going to get to Australia by wishing, you need to do what you need to do. This seems to be the skills assessment you need to follow.




Thanks Rupert, appreciate your reply..Tried that web before, as I said before, neither of the options there would fit me. 1st, onshore (I am already offshore) I checked the nsw state sponsorship website, I need to get a 3 years work experience on-top of the australian qualification in order to get my skill assessed, the fact that I am overseas means it's not an option. 2nd, off shore skill assessment to get me to permanent visa directly.. the thing is, on that website, indonesia is not stated as nominated country, even baker is not listed as nominated occupation, so it's pretty much dead end.. tried vetassess website as well, but no luck :(


The only option that I can think about is to get a student visa on a cheapskate diploma course, while working in the bakery to get my skill assessed onshore, and then apply for state sponsorship before my visa expires..but as we all know, no one can tell if in the next 2 years, baker will still be on the nsw state sponsorship list.. or i should probably get myself into master degree of accounting course..? just need some advice, since I made a wrong decision once, and not gonna make another one..


Or..has anyone ever tried to revoke their decision on withdrawing their TR application? I have withdrawn my TR application back in April 2013, wondering if I can get DIAC to re-open the application ? (tried to get in touch with the CO, he said no :( )


EDIT: Wait a minute, Rupert, I have just re-read the link you posted before. Do you reckon I can use TRA Migration Skill Assessment for subclass 190 offshore application? From the information I gather, I might need to use the Job-Ready program since I have Australian Qualification. But if I can use the TRA migration skill assessment program then that will be a good news ! Since I only need to submit documents & evidence..

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