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Help for planning to study in oz!


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Does anyone know if there is any age restrictions on applying for a student visa in Australia. I am already on a first year working holiday visa and wish to apply for a student visa to extend my stay in the country. Also, do I need to register for and be accepted for a course before I apply for a visa, or can you apply for a student visa prior to applying for a course?!? Any help will be great thanks

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If you are on a whv then you are young enough for a student visa.


You have to enrole on the course, then apply for the visa. You can apply I think it is four months before the course starts if you are in oz (it might be three, it is different onshore to off). Have you realised that you will be paying international student fees? These are very high. Not only that, for most course (but not all) you are limited to working only 20 hours a week. You will be bleeding money as it is also a condition of a student visa that you must have health insurance for your whole time, and this is generally paid in advance to the educator for the whole visa length.

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Hey thanks for your help. Yea I am aware that the fees are quite high but I want to stay here and the course is ideal for what I want to do I future. Do you know when the course fees have to be paid by? The only other thing I need to know is the course doesn't start until feb 2014, but my WHV will expire in nov 2013, so if I apply now and get on a course, and then apply for the visa, can I stay in the country beyond November??

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Hey thanks for your help. Yea I am aware that the fees are quite high but I want to stay here and the course is ideal for what I want to do I future. Do you know when the course fees have to be paid by? The only other thing I need to know is the course doesn't start until feb 2014, but my WHV will expire in nov 2013, so if I apply now and get on a course, and then apply for the visa, can I stay in the country beyond November??

The payment times depends on the course provider. Mine let me pay every six months, but I don't remember at what point they wanted the first payment.


I have just looked it up for you and you can not apply before 93 days before the course starts (3 months). It is all going to come down to the dates the course starts and the date your visa runs out on if you will have time. But if you do have time to apply before your whv runs out then you will get a bridging visa. Chances are this won't last long as the student visa is generally approved quite quickly. Note though that you won't be able to do ANY work once your whv starts until your course starts. Don't even consider cash in hand, if you get caught you mess up your visa chances in the future.

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Ok wow, so just to clarify, I can't even apply for the student visa until 3 months before the course start date? And even if I do have time to apply for it, and get a visa granted, I can't work any hours here from November until the course starts in February?! Is there any other options to help me stay longer in the country and study or is this my only option??

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Ok wow, so just to clarify, I can't even apply for the student visa until 3 months before the course start date? And even if I do have time to apply for it, and get a visa granted, I can't work any hours here from November until the course starts in February?! Is there any other options to help me stay longer in the country and study or is this my only option??


Get the second year WHV.

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  • 8 months later...

hi guys,


I'm looking into this scenario too. My second WHV ends in mid Sept 2014 and the course I want to start commences in Feb 2015. I want to find a way to stay in Australia until November - only 6 weeks longer than my current visa allowance then leave to travel a little, return to the UK for Christmas then return to Perth mid-late Jan 2015 - any ideas?!


The dates and visa allowances/requirements are doing my head in!

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Go offshore and apply for Electronic Travel Authority (601) which will allow you to come back onshore for up to three months?


yeah that's what I'm looking at, worst case scenario, if it's declined, would I be allowed back into Australia to sell my car, furniture, collect my belongings etc?

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