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Baby milk


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Hi there

Currently here in the UK my baby has Aptimal baby milk, this is not a cows milk formula, but meant to be a special blend so it's more like breast milk. Can anyone please tell me whether they sell this brand in Australia or whether there is a similar brand out there? I think my baby is lactose intolerant so giving him a cows milk formula is likely to make him poorly.Were moving out in 3 weeks and wondering what to do. Any info would be greatly appreciated! Thanks

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I thought Aptamil milks were cows milk, our eldest was lactose intolerant and couldn't have that one. She used to have SMA-LF which was prescribed by her doctor. You can get heaps of different baby milks over here, and I am pretty sure that Aptamil is available, although I don't know if it is the same formula. I would bring a couple of tins of the one your son usually has (declare it on the landing card) and then just compare the ingredients of that to what you are using. Might be a bit trial and error until you find the right one, but at least by having the original one here, you will have something to use whilst you are looking around.

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It's called karicare over here. Not sure if it's the same ingredients though.




The first supermarket trip will take hours and a few trips back to the car.


Take a photo of the ingredients of the one you use now and compare it when you get here.


Leave the kids at home and only one of you shop for the first one.


We took the 18 month old. 2 hours, 2 trolleys, $400 and Valium needed by the end.

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You can purchase Karicare Aptamil formulas at supermarkets; however, the range does not usually include lactose free and cow milk protein free versions. These more sensitive formulas are often sold on prescription; however, you can still generally get them without a script at a pharmacy.


Our daughter is on Aptimil Gold Pepti Junior which is a lactose free formula which is partially hydrolyzed (I think so the cow milk protein in it is broken down so it’s easier to absorb).


She is sensitive to both lactose and cow milk and this stuff works for her.


If your baby does have an actual allergy to cow milk protein (MPI / MPA) then you may need a completely hypoallergenic one, such as Neocate.

Neocate can be brought at a pharmacy. Depending where you buy a 450g tin of may retail for as much as $60.00! Pepti is cheaper at about $18.00 for a 450g tin (non-script).


A paedeatrician may be able to give a script for it if the baby has a proven allergy or intolerance to lactose or milk protein, if so it will only cost you around $36.00 for a month’s supply (8 tins).


If it is only a lactose issue, you could try the S26 lactose free formula (there are some other brands also, all available at most pharmacies or supermarkets).


Have a look at the Aptaclub site for formula ingredients – page I’m landing you on shows you what’s in the Gold Pepti Junior (see “Nutritional Info” tab).




All the best with the move!

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Do you have an address yet of where you'll be staying? If so, you could always buy some online and get it delivered for when you arrive. That'd buy you some time whilst you settle in and suss out alternatives, and also save you having to lug over a months supply in your luggage. Sites like chemist direct ship to Oz in 1-2 weeks, they do charge for delivery but given how expensive stuff is here you probably won't be any worse off than buying it here! Hope that helps

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As some have said, supermarkets will have a good selection but not always a huge range of speciality formulas. Chemist Warehouse is great for harder to find formulas and you know that you're unlikely to get them cheaper anywhere else. They have a website and deliver (they will often deliver for free if you spend over a certain amount).


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Bring it with you. You can stock up and put it in your container and bring as much as you can over in your luggage. You have to declare it but it won't be a problem and it will give you time to sort yourself out with a different brand when you get here. We brought my son up on Aptamil and I have seen it on the shelves here, but not sure if it is Aptamil Comfort (which is what my son had) or not, as he is no longer drinking it as we got him across to Rice milk and Soy Milk which he has been fine with.

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