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Best time of year to relocate to Canberra: any time of the year to avoid?


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Hello Everyone,


Sitting down yesterday and having a thought about our move, we anticipate our time frame to move between July and October. We were wondering, how good is this (to move) from Job search point of view, rental availability etc. We already think that September shoud be avoided if possible because of the students moving in...

Also, when do people take holidays (annual vacations) in ACT in general? Is it the winter months there vs. te summer time in the UK or there is no set rule for such?

Any thoughts on this subject?

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Nope, remember its a foreign country and the school year is different!!!! Any time between March and October would be best although there could be a shake up if there is a new government coming in and that might have a(beneficial) impact on real estate come September. If you arrive after the end of September, it will be getting warmer and you will have missed the worst of winter. Avoid between October and March - new students, recruitments winding down, transferring public servants and Defence personnel etc.


​summer holidays usually January which is when Canberra almost shuts own

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Thank you very much on these tips. We really hope that it will be sooner than September and as of now here is still 14 degrees Celsius so going in July wouldn't be a harsh adjustment for us if that was the case..

Um, gets down to -7C quite frequently and Canberra houses, especially rentals are not well insulated and can be very expensive to heat. Take your Damart thermals if you're going inJuly!

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You'll probably be fine as long as you avoid Dec and Jan: That's when the large transient population of diplomats, military, government officals and others eem to rotate so the rental market (assuming you intend to rent) can be very competitive and cleaners/movers/decorators can be impossible to get hold of - especially as they all seem to take 3-4 weeks off over Christmas (the Christmas and summer holidays are pretty much combined here so airfares and holiday rentals double or triple in price).


I'd have thought the student thing would only be an issue if you want to rent 1/2-bedroom flats (or units as they are called) but there seems to be a glut of them on the market right now anyway.


I came over in late June and foound it quite miserable, probably due in a big way to going from 16 hrs of sun a day to barely 8hrs and of course a big drop in temprature (we were having a good summer in the UK that year!)

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Guest Ptp113
Um, gets down to -7C quite frequently and Canberra houses, especially rentals are not well insulated and can be very expensive to heat. Take your Damart thermals if you're going inJuly!


​-7C rarely. And very different than -7C in Blighty as I well remember

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​-7C rarely. And very different than -7C in Blighty as I well remember


Wasn't it last winter in ACT there were something like 60 consecutive nights under freezing? I remember my visiting friend complaining about it (and being very grateful for the scarf I had knitted her LOL) Less well insulated homes too. I haven't yet experienced a -7C in UK, well, I don't think I have.

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You'll probably be fine as long as you avoid Dec and Jan: That's when the large transient population of diplomats, military, government officals and others eem to rotate so the rental market (assuming you intend to rent) can be very competitive and cleaners/movers/decorators can be impossible to get hold of - especially as they all seem to take 3-4 weeks off over Christmas (the Christmas and summer holidays are pretty much combined here so airfares and holiday rentals double or triple in price). I'd have thought the student thing would only be an issue if you want to rent 1/2-bedroom flats (or units as they are called) but there seems to be a glut of them on the market right now anyway. I came over in late June and foound it quite miserable, probably due in a big way to going from 16 hrs of sun a day to barely 8hrs and of course a big drop in temprature (we were having a good summer in the UK that year!)


Nope, definitely not a studio in our mind and yes, we'd rent first. Thank you, we'll try to avoid Dec and Jan. Unfortunately summers by us (March) are not that warm, at least where we live is not (this area seems to have micro climates) and if we get it above 21C in summer here is definitely only a few days a year. We are both sun loving peps. Sunshine? well, it is almost always overcast and if we get to see the sun, on average it is not more than 3-5 hours a day (dead seriously). So, yeah, Canberra: gimme gimme gimme :-)

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Wasn't it last winter in ACT there were something like 60 consecutive nights under freezing? I remember my visiting friend complaining about it (and being very grateful for the scarf I had knitted her LOL) Less well insulated homes too. I haven't yet experienced a -7C in UK, well, I don't think I have.


well, that is okay, as long as the sun is shining. Besides, it is always fun to cozy up under the duvet. Just keeping it warm, you know....

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Guest Ptp113
....you'll probably love it here then as we seem to get clear blue skies about 300 days a year, (relatively) little rain (but when it rains it pours) and lots, lots more stars at night!


​2nd highest sunshine hours (just) of any Oz capital city, more than Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide etc

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Wasn't it last winter in ACT there were something like 60 consecutive nights under freezing? I remember my visiting friend complaining about it (and being very grateful for the scarf I had knitted her LOL) Less well insulated homes too. I haven't yet experienced a -7C in UK, well, I don't think I have.


Yep, and great nights they were. No wind, clear starry skies, crispy cold til about 9am, then sunshine and clear skies getting up to 12-15. You could not wish for a better winter, if that's what they call a winter here. I didn't even wear my winter coat.

We did have 1 afternoon of sleet at the end of last August, which the locals were hopefully trying to describe as snow....:-)


My last UK winter in 2011 we were down to -16, -20 with wind chill, 8 days consecutive below freezing day and night.....dark grey skies, turgid, dirty frozen snow for weeks, couldn't drive your car, trains were off, buses couldn't get up the hills. Oh it was bliss.

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Guest Ptp113
Yep, and great nights they were. No wind, clear starry skies, crispy cold til about 9am, then sunshine and clear skies getting up to 12-15. You could not wish for a better winter, if that's what they call a winter here. I didn't even wear my winter coat.

We did have 1 afternoon of sleet at the end of last August, which the locals were hopefully trying to describe as snow....:-)


My last UK winter in 2011 we were down to -16, -20 with wind chill, 8 days consecutive below freezing day and night.....dark grey skies, turgid, dirty frozen snow for weeks, couldn't drive your car, trains were off, buses couldn't get up the hills. Oh it was bliss.


4 very distinct seasons here and all good. Don't mind 'winter' at all, and last years was a doozy

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Funnily I just got reminded of our trip last year, we got a campervan from Brissy to Melbourne. It was in May and our discovery tour. Anyhow, we got to Melbourne, it was 17-20 celsius, we both in shorts, sandals while the city peps in long coats and scarfs. We got quiet a few stares and felt SO DIFFERENT! ;-)


So I do not think I'd be wearing any winter coats when it is 15-17 degrees. Well, maybe after a few years after my body forgot how British weather is.....

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  • 1 month later...

Having just been there for work I would avoid January to December. I can only describe the city centre as a combination of Slough and Reading and the suburbs look like Basingstoke.


There's nice wide streets so rush hour is very quick and the countryside around Canberra looks nice but if I was offered a job paying double I would stay in Brisbane.

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Guest Ptp113
Having just been there for work I would avoid January to December. I can only describe the city centre as a combination of Slough and Reading and the suburbs look like Basingstoke.


There's nice wide streets so rush hour is very quick and the countryside around Canberra looks nice but if I was offered a job paying double I would stay in Brisbane.

There is no city centre. Maybe you were in the Parliamentary Triangle?

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Having just been there for work I would avoid January to December. I can only describe the city centre as a combination of Slough and Reading and the suburbs look like Basingstoke.


There's nice wide streets so rush hour is very quick and the countryside around Canberra looks nice but if I was offered a job paying double I would stay in Brisbane.


Stay away from Canberra, it is an ugly place.





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heres my pics of Canberra


No offence, but photography doesn't seem to be your calling. So, in the odd moments where you're not being eaten alive by mossies or underwater your making the argument that Brisbane is devoid of ugly bits?


Even Cooyong St looks much different when the suns out. I can't defend Braddon though.


And around the corner:




Anyhow, I guess my point is; I'm sorry Canberry didn't shine her best side at you. Shout if you ever come back and fancy a real ale or two :)








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Whoa! They've built the ship one since my departure - where is that?


The blights on Canberra that I can't excuse are Black Mountain Tower and the new Australian National Museum. The rest ain't so bad - one of the better Aus cities really.

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Guest Ptp113
Whoa! They've built the ship one since my departure - where is that?


The blights on Canberra that I can't excuse are Black Mountain Tower and the new Australian National Museum. The rest ain't so bad - one of the better Aus cities really.


Because most of it is bush and farm land. Where else would you see a man on horse herding cows down a main street at rush hour??

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Because most of it is bush and farm land. Where else would you see a man on horse herding cows down a main street at rush hour??

I don't think I've ever actually seen a man herding cows down Northborne or any other street in Canberra let alone at rush hour but I have had kangaroos in my garden in suburbia (very scary when you go out to get the paper in your pjs!). We do have cows in the centre of Cambridge though - real ones. I can imagine the health and safety outcry there would be in Canberra if they were grazing in Commonwealth Park LOL


I don't recall the ship - must be the angle of the photograph! They need to knock down the Braddon flats and shove something like that in there!!!

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Guest Ptp113
I don't think I've ever actually seen a man herding cows down Northborne or any other street in Canberra let alone at rush hour but I have had kangaroos in my garden in suburbia (very scary when you go out to get the paper in your pjs!). We do have cows in the centre of Cambridge though - real ones. I can imagine the health and safety outcry there would be in Canberra if they were grazing in Commonwealth Park LOL


I don't recall the ship - must be the angle of the photograph! They need to knock down the Braddon flats and shove something like that in there!!!

You obviously haven't lived in Belconnen

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