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Aus tax advice needed


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In need of a bit of advice re how much tax I am paying. This is the first month I have been paid and I was taxed approx 30%. The actual net pay reflects the figures I put in taxcalculator.com.au. E.g. I put in $130000 as anual salary and I was paid the the figure in net pay give or take $5. Am I correct in assuming this is how much I should get paid each month on the above salary?


As part of my relocation package they paid me one month's salary a week after I got paid. This was to cover flight costs etc. So in theory I should have been paid the same amount again. Nope I got an amount that was taxed at 43%. Anyone any ideas why I paid more tax?

Until today I didn't have a TFN would this explain why? If so I would have thought that I would have paid more tax in the first run...

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Thanks everyone..yes you are right they are basing the income on the total month and they are assuming that I will be getting 20K each week. As Blossom said it should even itslef out otherwise I hope I get it back when they do my tax return...

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