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Should I buy a one way ticket or return?


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So I have just got my visa and am super excited! Obviously if I could I would leave tomorrow but I am thinking about August/early September, I am not sure which ticket type to go for- I am also thinking of applying for the NZ year visa just before I leave so I can go on to there, hence why I am considering a one way ticket. However one of my friends has suggested that turning up with a one way ticket may look suspicious to customs even though I have the visa for a year and that I could end up having to go through added security checks/questioning at the airport. A one way ticket is a bit cheaper though...

Any ideas?:goofy:

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My brother went out on a one way ticket and on a working holiday visa in november 2011...he is still there as he did 3 months fruit picking and got another years visa.....its not againt the law to get a one way ticket so go for it, especially if you dont know when/where you will be moving on to...good luck! :biggrin:

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Just make absolutely sure you have money put to one side to buy that ticket when you want to come home. I would advise putting it in another totally separate account. Also, a ticket from this end will cost a bit more (when bringing UK money into it) so you'll need to put about 2-2500 dollars aside.


There was a backpacker on here a few months ago that had done just what your saying, but was in a desperate situation because he had no money to get home.... he was having real trouble finding work, and although it worked out at the last minute ( found a few weeks work) he was evn considering handing himself in to be deported once his visa ran out!

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Hi Guys,

Thanks for the responses, it's good advice to keep some money aside for the return, I think I will be ok with that and I guess if I found myself needing to get home quickly I can always use my credit card. It definitely seems to vary depending on which day you search for flights, last week it was like Warren&Liz said with not much difference between the lights but then yesterday I found a few one-way tickets for about £250 less! Decisions decisions! Rolypolybird- I am definitely planning to do the 3 months fruit picking too! :)

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