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Super fund and shipping


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Now then guys, just trying to tally up costs of moving back to the uk.


How much approx would 1/2 a container be?


I have read that you can get you super back after you have left, visa cancelled etc....does anyone know if this comes in cash (basically for my pocket so that I could borrow the money then pay someone back).


I'm a bit distressed, I asked for a rise in January and was told in one way or another I'd be ok...so I stupidly booked a 'trip' to the UK. 6 weeks later I'm not getting the rise I wanted and needed and can barely afford to get by because of the UK trip. My thoughts are now possibly moving back to the UK when I go in October.


I feel trapped here because of finances, love it here and had I gotten my payrise an talk of a bright future these thoughts wouldn't even have cropped up.


Aside from the poor education and the cost of living Australia is kind of perfect for me and my family......but thouse 2 things do put a bit of a downer on things.



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We have had a few quotes for containers... To get it as cheap as we can we are packing ourselves and they are wrapping the furniture. We have approx 17cubic meters which is approx half a 20' container and have quotes ranging from $3900 to $4400 plus insurance.

The super you claim back after your visa is cancelled and they take 35% ( I think ) that's if you do it yourself, the agencies that do it for you take more. You also have to pay to get a copy of the cancelled visa I believe.

Hope that helps

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Thanks for that reply frostie....who is that container with most people are telling me it's about 8k?


My biggest problem is I feel in limbo, life in the UK was expensive got a great opputunity here but didn't exactly do alot of research into the cost of living....nearly 2 years down the line I can't see a great future here. I want to buy a house but here on the Goldcoast it's so expensive.



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  • 3 weeks later...

Hi Ginger how re you getting on? we will need to claim super back too just wondering then is this done when you are back in the UK or can you claim it as soon as you finish working? Also how do you go about doing your tax rebate if you leave before the end of the tax yer. could really do with these extra bits of cash but is it likely you only receive them once back in the UK?


Also I have had a quote for 9.50m3 plus a washing machine at $2790. this seems expensive to me! What do you think?

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Just a thought , with the high prices people want for old junk ( not saying in anyway yours is ) would it not be better for you to sell everything here then take the money back home and buy new....? The exchange rate is so good this has to be an option. For me it's a no brainer when we go, flogging everything and just coming back with the suitcases of clothes, plus you save thousands on shipping cost. More money to buy brand new items back home.

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Just a thought , with the high prices people want for old junk ( not saying in anyway yours is ) would it not be better for you to sell everything here then take the money back home and buy new....? The exchange rate is so good this has to be an option. For me it's a no brainer when we go, flogging everything and just coming back with the suitcases of clothes, plus you save thousands on shipping cost. More money to buy brand new items back home.



I am in the process of selling a lot of stuff. what I'm wanting to ship really is just personal things, clothes and kid toys and kitchen contents (would defo get next to nothing selling them) the only big items I'm taking is my washing machine and a queen mattress. spent a $1000 on my washing machine 3 months ago there is no way I'd get near that for it so that's why I think I should ship it. I am on selling sites on Facebook and Gumtree and I find that people here don't want to pay hardly anything for second hand stuff even when it's in immaculate condition and even when buying it brand new costs an arm and a leg.

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We have had a few quotes for containers... To get it as cheap as we can we are packing ourselves and they are wrapping the furniture. We have approx 17cubic meters which is approx half a 20' container and have quotes ranging from $3900 to $4400 plus insurance.

The super you claim back after your visa is cancelled and they take 35% ( I think ) that's if you do it yourself, the agencies that do it for you take more. You also have to pay to get a copy of the cancelled visa I believe.

Hope that helps



hi please could you send me the names of the cheapest shipping companies you have found from your own research. thanks

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I am pretty sure the tax they take is horrendous, I think it is around the 35% to 45% mark.

I am pretty sure they cough it all up in cash, less the tax.

Its your choice, and don't tell me either way, but give Oz one more go.

Bosses the world over shaft their staff, at least here you have the weather, a decent healthcare system, lower crime levels, and a basically benign government.

And don't forget, once you turn 65, or will it be 70 by then, the UK government will send you a winter fuel payment.

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hi please could you send me the names of the cheapest shipping companies you have found from your own research. thanks


Hi ill send you a pm. I have also found that second hand items sell at a far less price than back in the uk. Except for cars that is !

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  • 2 months later...

With regards to Super Fund, you cannot claim this back until such times as your temp visa is cancelled. When we did it 20 months ago it was through immigration in Tasmania. Employer advised them to cancel visa but wasn't done so I requested it to be cancelled while at the same time setting up a claim online to get super fund back. You won't get your super until they have confirmation from immigration that the visa has been cancelled. If I remember correctly it took about 3-4 months for it to all be finalised and money paid into our Australian bank account, easier than trying to get it into UK account. We also had lots of phone calls to Super Fund provider along with some notorised documents (exit stamp on passport, driving license). Hope that helps.

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I take back what I said with my recommendation of shipping company. I went with them as their price was good at the time. However when they came to pack up they did not consolidate and my volume ended up being way over. I did express my concerns to the packers at the time but they just kept saying it would be fine. They clearly where not working towards the volume given in my quote and hence when they took my belongings away I got an email the next day saying my volume was way over what they where expecting. I told them exactly why this was.......original boxes for things such as printers, games consoles, dvd players where being packed empty and our items where going in their boxes!! Items where not dismantled to make smaller and compact......the list goes on.


I then got a new quote sent to me for $800 more than the original one on the day I flew back to the UK!! I did not have this extra money and I still do not. I am currently trying to resolve my issue with the shipping company however they just ignore me and keep sending me requests for payment.


it is so out of order, companies should not be allowed to behave like this. I am very worried about my stuff as I don't even know if it has left Australia!


Be very careful who you choose and make sure you will be paying the quote you are given many. From my experience the initial quote meant nothing to them but everything to me!

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This is a good tip actually, before shippers arrive we always dismantle any furniture ourselves, and put anything into boxes if we kept the boxes. Do anything you can do to reduce volume yourself. We have moved 4 times and always end up getting close to the quoted volume. The packers just go into robot mode when they arrive and it's much easier for them if you do some prep before hand.

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Pack everything yourself it is always a cheaper option plus you know it has been done securely. With super depending on how much you have in Aus it may not be worth taking now because of the ridiculous amount of tax you have to pay, if you aren't desperate for it might be best to leave it and let it mature, you can even add to it when you back home. Super is a better scheme than the UK pension so might be worth keeping it here, so I have been told.

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