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Easter Eggs..... to bring or buy?


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We arrive in Perth in the early hours of Saturday 30th March and our two girls are worried the Easter Bunny will forget about them....


Blonde question - do we bring easter eggs with (no hollow ones just small bits and pieces) or overcome the jetlag and dash out and buy some on arrival??? We will be in the red queue on arrival as we have some items we need to query yes/no so happy to add chocolate to the declaration card.:err:

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Bring them.


Aus chocolate tastes noticeably different to UK choc (if we are talking Cadbury and the like). I personally can't abide the Aus off the shelf stuff. I remember some family gave my son some hollow easter eggs when we were there over an Easter and I tried one and never touched another bite. Blergh.

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Guest Ptp113
Bring them.


Aus chocolate tastes noticeably different to UK choc (if we are talking Cadbury and the like). I personally can't abide the Aus off the shelf stuff. I remember some family gave my son some hollow easter eggs when we were there over an Easter and I tried one and never touched another bite. Blergh.

Poms like you crack me up. You make out as though all chocolate here is the same, ludicrous at best. If you don't like one brand of egg, you try anothe, just you would back in blighty

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Bring them - the poor girls will be shattered from the flight and Aussie chocolate will definitely not cheer them up!!! As has been said, it doesn't taste very nice, although Lindt is the same as in the UK so if I want some I'll buy that. Once you're here and settled then you'll probably find shops that sell chocolate (and various other bits) from the UK.

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Poms like you crack me up. You make out as though all chocolate here is the same, ludicrous at best. If you don't like one brand of egg, you try anothe, just you would back in blighty


I've tried various standard brands of chocolate and didn't like any of them. I did include in my post and said about Cadbury comparison. It is noticeably different and to my taste buds far less pleasant stuff in Aus. I didn't tar the higher end spec of chocolate with the same brush. I much prefer the higher end chocolate over here and usually buy Green and Blacks, some Lindt or one or two other brands.


I found a make I liked and stuck to that when in Aus. Haighs. Only that isn't along the lines of Cadbury and other such makes which was what I was on about in my previous post. It was good and so I bought it. But things like a Mars, Snickers, Cherry Ripe and those sorts of things tasted pretty nasty to me so I didn't worry about keep on trying similar. Same with the eggs of Cadbury brand. I thought they tasted awful and so didn't eat them. I did however get a Haighs egg and some frogs and speckles so all was good. I'd sooner buy Haighs now and again than eat what passes for a Cadbury bar of something.

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I've tried various standard brands of chocolate and didn't like any of them. I did include in my post and said about Cadbury comparison. It is noticeably different and to my taste buds far less pleasant stuff in Aus. I didn't tar the higher end spec of chocolate with the same brush. I much prefer the higher end chocolate over here and usually buy Green and Blacks, some Lindt or one or two other brands.


Lol, this makes me laugh. The main difference between Aussie chocolate and the British stuff, is that the Aussie stuff has more chocolate in it. The EU wanted us to start calling UK chocolate vegolate due to the low levels of cocoa solids in it!

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Bring them.


Aus chocolate tastes noticeably different to UK choc (if we are talking Cadbury and the like). I personally can't abide the Aus off the shelf stuff. I remember some family gave my son some hollow easter eggs when we were there over an Easter and I tried one and never touched another bite. Blergh.


I'm with Snifter on this. Whenever we came over on holiday the Cadbury chocolate always tasted burnt or something. Not that it bothered the kids though. I never ate chocolate here when we came on holiday.


Having said that though now we are living here I've tried the chocolate again and it doesn't taste anything like I remember it. Not sure if it's the chocolate that's changed or my taste buds. I will however agree that Haighs is superior to Cadburies any day, but I think they might be SA specific(?). They are a bit like Hotel Chocolat in the UK.


OP - bring some eggs with you just in case you don't get a chance to get out for any. Chocolate is allowed through customs so you won't have any problems there.

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Sorry, if I sounded overly pompous :) I do find it confounding that someone who has managed to arrange to move the whole family to the otherside of the world needs advice on whether or not to bring chocolate eggs with them...

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I'm with Snifter on this. Whenever we came over on holiday the Cadbury chocolate always tasted burnt or something. Not that it bothered the kids though. I never ate chocolate here when we came on holiday.


Having said that though now we are living here I've tried the chocolate again and it doesn't taste anything like I remember it. Not sure if it's the chocolate that's changed or my taste buds. I will however agree that Haighs is superior to Cadburies any day, but I think they might be SA specific(?). They are a bit like Hotel Chocolat in the UK.



Yes, burnt. That's it. Thank you :D


Haighs was lovely. Still like my Lindt and Green and Blacks bars though.


Cadbury is pretty crap in both countries in my eyes. Don't buy it here or there ;)

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Lol, this makes me laugh. The main difference between Aussie chocolate and the British stuff, is that the Aussie stuff has more chocolate in it. The EU wanted us to start calling UK chocolate vegolate due to the low levels of cocoa solids in it!


Brands like Cadbury and Nestlé are defo lower in their cocoa content in the UK. Buy the better brands the content is way higher. Chocolate is vastly improved then :)


Have to say, Aus Cadbury choc certainly didn't taste better for supposedly having more chocolate in. Tasted rank when I tried it. NicF came up with a good description, burnt. Didn't taste like the higher choc content stuff I buy here like Lindt and Green & Blacks either.


I'm happy to stick to Haighs in Aus though.

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Guest Ptp113
Lol, this makes me laugh. The main difference between Aussie chocolate and the British stuff, is that the Aussie stuff has more chocolate in it. The EU wanted us to start calling UK chocolate vegolate due to the low levels of cocoa solids in it!


There's negligible chocolate (cocoa solids) in pommy chocolate, so as soon as they taste the real thing they are lost. If they tried something with 80% cocoa solids they'd probably keel over!

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I find good chocolate here a bargain when on special - when Woolies sold Lindt bar 3 packs for $3 we stocked up. I blame my weight gain partly on that!


If you have luggage space for easter eggs by all means bring and declare - no probs letting chocolate through but failure to declare means a fine if caught! But easter eggs are bulky and delicate and UK chocolate may melt on arrival if it's warm weather when you arrive.


Just an aside but I went off UK cadburys many years ago - brown lard I called it! Yuck.

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Guest Ptp113
I find good chocolate here a bargain when on special - when Woolies sold Lindt bar 3 packs for $3 we stocked up. I blame my weight gain partly on that!


If you have luggage space for easter eggs by all means bring and declare - no probs letting chocolate through but failure to declare means a fine if caught! But easter eggs are bulky and delicate and UK chocolate may melt on arrival if it's warm weather when you arrive.


Just an aside but I went off UK cadburys many years ago - brown lard I called it! Yuck.


Pommy 'chocolate' is coloured fat, disgusting stuff. Real chocolate has a slightly bitter/burnt taste that takes a long time to get used to, but once you do you'll never go back.

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I couldn't be bothered having the 'worry' of chocolate eggs breaking or melting enroute, and the hassle of having to carry them with you, declare them etc etc .... Naaah! Just buy them here! There's plenty for everyone to suit all tastes.

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chocolate here is about twice the price too so be prepared to cut down or give up


From what I hear, everything in the UK is about half the price we pay here - friends who visited recently were astounded at seeing 100 sausage rolls on sale at Tesco for less than a Pound! (Sorry can't remember the Pound sign shortcut on this keyboard)... does make you wonder what's in them though!

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Guest Ptp113
From what I hear, everything in the UK is about half the price we pay here - friends who visited recently were astounded at seeing 100 sausage rolls on sale at Tesco for less than a Pound! (Sorry can't remember the Pound sign shortcut on this keyboard)... does make you wonder what's in them though!


Neigh idea.......

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