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Ielts score. 8??


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I'd say it depends on both your English level and examination technique. I am not a native English speaker, but managed to get the 8s I needed at my first go but it was through a lot of practice papers and training. Quite some people taking the IELTS underestimate the difficulty of the exams itself but if you're sufficiently prepared, you should be fine! :)

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I'm a native speaker with good English skills and have tried a couple of the trial tests online and did ok but wasn't sure if in order to get the 8, you had to sit the academic test...? Everything so far I have read for migration just states General, we have a date for end of April so gives us time for studying... Any advice would be appreciated.

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Hi the job you do usually determines whether it has to be academic, so for my nursing registration I needed academic and level 7 in all bands. However as I scored a 7.5 (rest were all 8.5 and above) I may sit the general version to try and boost to an 8 in all levels to gain 20 points for immigration purpose as it dosent matter whether academic or general for point allocation. Im a native speaker but was certainly in minority on day of exam!

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I took the Academic one as I needed it for studying purposes and also as nic mentioned, for some occupations such as nurses, and teachers you'd definitely need to have the academic one as part of the assessment. So I think for migration purposes you would only need the General paper.


I practiced on both the General and Academic practice test papers and found the Academic papers just marginally more difficult than the General papers. Some people here in past have mentioned that they managed to score a slightly higher band with the Academic paper than with the General paper, and I found that also in my opinion to be the case. I'd say sign up for the General paper and practice as much as you can and if you find that you have difficulty in getting the bands you want, perhaps an option to try the Academic paper as well?


Good luck!

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How hard is the test to achieve 8 for 20 points?


As a native English speaker with good English skills, you should not have too much trouble. I would describe myself the same way and thought it was very straightforward. Worth preparing / familiarising with the format of the tests as much as anything.

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As has been said, Google all practical material for the IELTS and time your tests. This will help you on the day. The majority of people seem to struggle on the writing. My OH got all 9's on his second attempt. He failed his first test on the writing by 0.5 point.


You can also purchase the Cambridge IELTS book from Amazon which will have some practice listening tests to also give you an idea of what to expect.


Good Luck.

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Wenstu, it really is about understanding how the exam tests are presented. I did quite a few practice tests and made sure i thought hard about the presentation of a question before i committed to an answer on the answer paper.


Don't know if you have tried these (at this link) but it is where i started: http://takeielts.britishcouncil.org/prepare-test/free-practice-tests

I did the general test.

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