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Transporting white goods

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Does anyone have any experience of moving white goods? We are planning on moving out next year, and the washing machine and tumble drier are not sounding good. I am unsure whether to fix the tumble drier or to buy a good miele one and and make a saving in the long term? And do washing machines move well, as my hotpoint spinner is not happy either...

Any thoughts and ideas most welcome



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If you think that you are going to have to buy new machines before you leave, maybe you could pick up a second hand machine in the UK and sell it on Gumtree before you leave? Depending on where you plan living here, your Meile tumble dryer might never get enough use to justify its initial cost. I very rarely use my tumble dryer for a full load of wet washing, usually I just need it to finish things off so they don't go damp smelling in times of high humidity. If you are just going to be using it like that, it doesn't need all the bells and whistles. There's also the issue of buying a new machine, shipping it to Oz only for it to break down, and you then would have no warranty. At least if you buy new in Oz, it will have a warranty should it break down. If you decide to bring out a washing machine there are a couple of considerations. Firstly, try to get one with the lowest water useage you can if you are going to be on metered water here. We are on the Gold Coast and water is terrifyingly dear. My first bill made my eyes water and we are living in a water efficient house and shout very loudly if anyone dares take a shower for longer than 10 minutes! If you are on tank water, you are really going to want a machine with low water consumption! A lot of British washing machines have very long running times so consider a machine that can do a load in 20-40 minutes. Also, make sure it has a delay timer function. Many homes here now have solar panels where your excess electricity is sold back to the electricity supplier and are on a lower night tarriff. If you use your electricity between the hours of 10pm-7am it is much cheaper, so if you have the dalay start function it means you can load your machine and have the load done by 7am, ready to hang out. For anyone considering bringing out a freezer, check that it can still freeze well in the Australian temperatures. Since British freezers aren't expected to deal with working in high ambient temps, often they don't have enough insulation for Australia. The manufacturer should be able to tell you the optimum working parameters if you send them an email.

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I would second much of the advice above. I don't have a tumble dryer here, and have never felt the need for one. Clothes dry so quickly - even indoors. I am talking from the Queensland perspective, so it does depend where you are going, but even in winter the temps don't go low enough to stop the clothes drying quite quick. I also agree about the washing machine, if your current one is on the way out I would consider buying here instead. They are likely to be more economical, as most are built with water savings in mind, and have a range of cold wash programs - another advantage when it comes to bills. We actually bought a second hand one when we arrived (Samsung) thinking it would just get us going, a year later and we've had no need to replace it! :)

We bought our fridge freezer here, and again you can get ones that are economical etc. I have heard that ones from the UK can be problematic as not built for the temperatures we get here - but I have no personal experience of that. Enough people have said it though, so I would be inclined to think there may be something in it.

It is quite easy to pick up very good second hand stuff here, but new is equally reasonable. We bought our fridge freezer new and were able to negotiate well on it.

Hope this info helps!

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Does anyone have any experience of moving white goods? We are planning on moving out next year, and the washing machine and tumble drier are not sounding good. I am unsure whether to fix the tumble drier or to buy a good miele one and and make a saving in the long term? And do washing machines move well, as my hotpoint spinner is not happy either...

Any thoughts and ideas most welcome




We brought ours but they were only a few years old. If you can be bothered and they won't cost any extra to bring, why not if it gets you through the first year?

Washing machine needs cleaning well (drainage hole), then transport bolts fitting to hold the drum still, then we packed an old quilt around ours. You'll probably want to change the plug when you get here and not rely on an adaptor for something that draws a lot of power.


If you're flush with cash....look at bringing a Meile vacuum as well. Much more expensive over here..

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Thanks so much guys, we are unsure if we will end up in Perth or Melbourne- job dependant, but Melbourne would be our first choice after reccy visit last March... Its a hard decision to make... Think will see how much to repair tumble drier, if silly money, will replace...As for the washing machine, have no idea about transportation bolts, the nice man from John Lewis just installed it?


And JoandJon, best manual I had for my daughter was deep breaths, counting breaths on bad days, chocolate and enjoy every minute, they grow up so quickly!!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy her x

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Is there any issue with taking fridges/fridge freezers? Read something about the fact that they have the refrigerator gas in them? Anyone know if its true? We have an American fridge freezer and a smaller undercounted freezer that I would like to bring but don't want any issues!

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