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Have I forgotten anything??


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Hope everyone is well and can throw some suggestions at me?


We have 3 weeks on Wednesday until we fly to Melbs and we are trying to run through things that we need to get sorted out before we go... so far we have done the following:



  • House is up for rent (we have a tenant on board)
  • Re-mortgaged to a BTL
  • Sold all our furniture (we have only a small sofa we are borrowing as well as a small 3/4 bed)
  • Cancelled the Virgin Media
  • Sold the car
  • Opened Aussie bank account
  • Opened a Moneycorp account
  • Sorted out shipping
  • Taken out Landlords Insurance



There are things that we are yet to do which we have been advised to sort last minute; TV license, Electric and Gas, Council Tax....


What else is there to do?


All suggestions welcome! :)




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HI Soozy B - We fly out three weeks this thursday - Never ending lists, I think you have everything covered. Husband there since july and hes home next week, just cant wait to get going, it really is some organising to move to the other side of the world - best of luck

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Guest Suzi Wong

We fly 5 weeks today, think you are doing well to have sold all the furniture etc, I am constantly attached to my EBay account, did u mention mail redirection? I am just about to look into it now, not sure how complicated it will be!

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All will be no problem except the tv licence. We told them to turn off licence as we were immigrating, but got a letter 5 days later threatening to take us to court for no licence.

We phoned back, retold immigrating story, cancelled licence, a week later another letter.

A month later, another letter. Idiots.


Havent heard from them since then, I can just see a car sitting outside our place in the uk waiting to kneecap us for lack of a tv licence. They'll be waiting a while!

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Hope everyone is well and can throw some suggestions at me?


We have 3 weeks on Wednesday until we fly to Melbs and we are trying to run through things that we need to get sorted out before we go... so far we have done the following:



  • House is up for rent (we have a tenant on board)

  • Re-mortgaged to a BTL

  • Sold all our furniture (we have only a small sofa we are borrowing as well as a small 3/4 bed)

  • Cancelled the Virgin Media

  • Sold the car

  • Opened Aussie bank account

  • Opened a Moneycorp account

  • Sorted out shipping

  • Taken out Landlords Insurance



There are things that we are yet to do which we have been advised to sort last minute; TV license, Electric and Gas, Council Tax....


What else is there to do?


All suggestions welcome! :)





Hey Sooz.


Will you need to register as a business with HMRC too, so you can pay the appropriate taxes on any income from renting your house out?

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Hi SoozyB


We fly 4 weeks tomorrow to Perth. How about the below?


* register for non resident landlord scheme with HMRC and that way you will get taxed in australia and not in uk. I found out today though that we'll still have to complete a self assessment form.

* let HMRC know you are leaving the country on a form called something like leaving the uk. You send this off with your P45

* change address for any pensions- if you have any


good luck

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Hi All!


Thank you for all your messages! Good Luck to everyone in the same position as us and moving over in a few weeks!! :)


We started to sell all our furtniture back in October, with the mindset that folk don't want to spend too much on the run up to Crimbo (apart from food, presents and booze of course!) and we did well to have sold everything within 2 weeks...Gumtree is brill!


For those mentioning HMRC, the Letting Agent have given us a Non Resident Landlord Scheme form to fill out, but ours is one where you apply to not pay tax. This being that our yearly rental income is much less than our personal income allowance. So we are to hear back about that.


Can I ask....what should we do with the P85 (claiming any overpaid tax back when leaving the UK) as we have heard to complete the form before we go and others have advised to do the form once we are over in Oz?? A little confused so if anyone can help??


The main things left for us are trying to cram everything in our cases now! 30kg each is proving hard work!!


Thank you again!


Sooz :)

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