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What are roots?


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I was just wondering what people mean when they say put down roots? I lived in Oz for five years and I had a job, a mortgage, one friend, my partner and my dog and later my baby. I still didn't feel I had any roots there, ie nothing that tied me. The house was material, the job I was sad to lose as well as my friend but everything else could come with me.


Here in UK I have more friends and perhaps more of a feel of belonging in the community, is that what roots are?

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I'm not sure what it is or what makes it - I certainly feel that we have set down roots here and that we'll be here for a long time, my childrens futures are for the moment invested here, my daughter is finishing year 12 and is hoping to go to Uni here ... we have a sense of belonging I guess. I've recently been in hospital and i've become very aware of the depth of the friendships we've made here, offers of help and making sure my daughter was able to get to exams that weren't at her school, somone bringing dinner for us, cheer up visits ... Thinking about it, perhaps that's what it is ... I probably have more a sense of belonging to a community here than I did before ... maybe that's what the roots are???

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I was just wondering what people mean when they say put down roots? I lived in Oz for five years and I had a job, a mortgage, one friend, my partner and my dog and later my baby. I still didn't feel I had any roots there, ie nothing that tied me. The house was material, the job I was sad to lose as well as my friend but everything else could come with me.


Here in UK I have more friends and perhaps more of a feel of belonging in the community, is that what roots are?


When you no longer think or say you are "going home to the UK" when in fact you are only going on holiday. I have lived in the UK for over 10 years and 50% of the time I talk about Oz as home and the other 50% of the time I talk about UK as home. Call me indecisive (but not Shirley :biggrin:) but I consider my roots are in both countries. That may also be because I have family in both countries; children, grandparents in the UK, children and parents in Oz. I have lots of friends in both countries.

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Roots ( apart from the rude Aussie version) are belonging to different things within the community and being a part of it, having family members and friends, having a place to live which you like and intend to stay in for some time and above all a feeling of connectedness- keenly wanting to return after you have been away ( one week plus for pathetic ones like me!)

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