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Fire ants springfield lakes - advice please


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Hi all,


We're over in Oz doing our reccie at the moment. I really like Springfield lakes but after a bit more research I have seen that fire ants have been detected there since 2010. For those of you living there at present or in other affected suburbs, how much of an issue is it? Have you come across them? Are you extra wary going out into the back yard/ parks etc?


I've read conflicting things saying that the colonies have reduced significantly since the eradication program but on the other hand there are major cut backs going on and there's been a cover up by the government and things are actually far worse than people are aware of.


Anyone know much about this situation?




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We live just over the other side of the river (West side) and often go over that side to Mount Omaney shopping centre. On crossing back over the river to get home there are signs alerting people to be aware, and to check they are not 'transporting' them to other areas, but I've not actually heard of anyone having a specific problem. I think they are there (clearly, since the signs are put there for a reason!) but I don't get the impression they are a day to day concern.

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Its nothing to worry about, if your looking to buy id worry more about termites than fire ants.

Springfield is one of the areas that has regular helicopter searches and if you do see any a quick call to council and they will be out like a shot to get rid of their nest, regradless of if theyre on your land or not. I havent heard of one person coming to any harm because of them in the few years ive been here, infact ive seen more reports about kangaroo attacks or snake bites and they are quite rare.


Cal x

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