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How much did Emigrating cost you?


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Hi guys


Sorry to ask such a question, but could you give us rough guestimates of how much this is likely to cost please.

We have budgeted for the agent, and the pooch but the other half is saying its going to cost us £15k.


Would like your input please!! that seems like a HUGE figure!!!




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We came over with £10,000 after paying for our flights. Just ourselves, no shipping, children or pets. It was do-able but didn't last long as work was scarce in the small region we were based. For me personally, if I had to do it again, I would have allowed a more breatheable budget as I don't like stress! But there are people who bring less.

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No far its cost me €5500ish but thats just for the visa, permanant residency, (decided to go with a agent which adds to it)... I got a quote for a dog and it was around €2-3000 from what i can remember.


But thats one case. Employee sponsered visa's would be much cheaper.

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If you are coming over on say a 457, so will be getting a wage in the door straight away, you may be ok with that. If you are getting relocation costs (flights, shipping, few weeks accomodation), you'll be laughing... If you are coming over, funding all yourself, and no job initally, that is prob the bare minimum you should come with. The pet shipping is pretty expensive as a first outlay, then factor in flights, bond, rent, car, shipping or furnishing house, and that money will rapidly be spent.

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Guest Vixenpops

so far with selling the house shipping furniture flights etc it will have cost us around £10k but we know we need to find rental bond money and living money for a couple of months till we have work so your estimation of £15k if you are shipping furniture etc is probably about right

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We came over on a relocation package but still seemed to spend a lot more than we thought we would.

The main expense for us was my car. Also things like driving licenses, bond, new furniture (a bit of ours was on its last legs plus outdoor stuff), renting things until our stuff arrived, mobile phone sim card/contract, house and car insurance, internet set up. It mounted up a far bit.

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35000 pounds to get here and probably around 20000 pounds to get home 2 years later.


This takes into account everything but the amount is just a guess, it could be more:


Coming out (all amounts in Sterling)


Shipping 4000

Dog 4000

Temporary housing 2000

Flights 2500

A month off work for two of us 3000

Start up money in Australia 12000 (due to wife not getting nursing registration for ages so only me working, buying a car etc.....seems like a hell of a lot actually)


And then some other stuff


Going home (all prices in Aussie Dollars)


Shipping 8200

Dog 4200

Flights 4700

Ridiculous car lease 20000 but currently trying to sort out and will get some back from sale of it

6 week holiday to bring ourselves back to life and to stop me being such a cynical dick 15000 at least!!


Not for the faint hearted (and not really for 2 nurses!)


Good luck!!

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You thought wrong!


1000 pounds for a month of quarentene for a start.


2200 for the crate and flight and an extra 500 because the pet carrying people ripped me off (I took Murphy the dog to be measured for their largest crate and they said he would not fit in and added an extra 500 quid to the total, I saw the look the two jokers gave each other, but what could I do? They said if I dont take their advice and Murphy gets turned down at customs then he misses the flight. They built him his own crate! Fast forward 2 years and the wonderful JETPETS I did the same thing, they actually produced the large crate (the same size as the one the UK company would have used) and Murphy fitted in it perfectly! (I hope that made sense, bif of a ramble)

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When you are talking about total cost really you should include EVERYTHING.


I'm talking about the car seats you will have to throw away, the extra suitcase you may have to buy when your luggage weighs over and you need to turn it into hand luggage, the hire car in Australia, the temporary accommodation costs in Australia, time off work before you leave, a leaving party, trips around the UK to say goodbye, visas, flights, shipping, time not working in Australia, buying a car in Australia, selling your car cheap in a panic in the UK, selling your house cheap or letting it out cheap in a panic in the UK........


It all adds up (best not to add it up, best not to even think about it)

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Hi guys


Sorry to ask such a question, but could you give us rough guestimates of how much this is likely to cost please.

We have budgeted for the agent, and the pooch but the other half is saying its going to cost us £15k.


Would like your input please!! that seems like a HUGE figure!!!





ACS (agent fees and app fees) $2000


FBI checks $37


Medicals $1000

190 visa $3060

flights $3500

moving costs $4000

total $13,671


I did not factor in 6-12 months of living costs when we get there and when we have to start looking for jobs from scratch.

But this is our costs so far.

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So far we have incurred the following costs:

Australian £'s

Agent $2800

TRA $900 (initial submission was rejected and had to pay $300 for review which was sucessful)

WA SS $600

DIAC $2960

Total $7260


UK expenses:

Medicals £670 (extra £100 for Hep A & B blood tests)

Solicitors £250 (certifying of loads of documents!!)

PCC x 2 £60 (I think... it seems so long ago!)

Courier £80

Total £1060



Still to come for UK expenses:

Airfares for 4 - £3000 Approximate

Shipping or 20' container - £5500 approximate

Shipping on RORO car - £1000 approximate

Insurance for container - £250 (? approximate)

Import taxes / etc for car on arrival in Oz £1000 (erring on the side of caution)

Set up costs (3 months rent / living costs £8000-10000)


TOTAL £18750 approximate...



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