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Does anyone have an idea about the rules on shipping/importing my musical equipment into Australia?

I have a home recording studio full of equipment & instruments, and as i am a sound engineer i guess it would technically be regarded as business equipment, and not personal effects. Any ideas on where i stand with this please?


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I'm a former professional sound operator, now with a fairly elaborate home studio (but no instruments). I had a similar worry--most of my gear is of pro quality (digital mixer, 20+ mics all good ones, 30 metre 24 way snake, etc.


I enquired and was told that, as long as it was for home use and I could demonstrate I'd owned it all for at least a year, there'd be no problem. I had all the receipts, invoices etc. and was scrupulous about being honest on values. Not a bit of trouble with customs--the only thing they worried about was one of my wife's wooden Christmas ornaments.


So, you should be okay. Good luck--and bring as much as you can. Quality gear is silly expensive down here.

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That I can't help you with since I was already retired when I made the move.


However, I've seen many a thread on PIO about carpenters etc. bringing their tools along with them (and never noticed a discussion of a problem) so I assume there are ways to deal with that.

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Jon brought over a stack of equipment (mostly his 7 million guitars and associated amps and all the other stuff) and everything in the container was fine.

He airfreighted out his big amp & cab and I think the shipper f*&ked up the declaration because he ended up getting charged tax on it!!! GRRRRRRR (and yes he'd owned it for longer than 12 months). He needed it for a gig, so just paid the bill and to get the stuff, but I still get grumpy thinking about it.


Sorry I digress - he uses his gear to earn money (although he also has a real job too) and it's all good.


If you're happy with it, then ship it - music gear that you really like can be hard to replace :)

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