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How long will we have to extend our rental lease for?


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We took out a lease on our rental for 1 year. We will probably want to stay longer. Is it likely that we would be able to extend it on a 2 month rolling basis (ie, keep it going but either side has to give 2 months notice of ending)? Has anyone else done this? I don't want to discuss it with the agent yet. I might not want to sign up for another whole year in case we want to buy before then. I'm not sure what normally happens. :unsure:

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You can go onto any length lease you want with the consent of the landlord, the normal ones are 3/6/12 months, but I've had 4 months and 2 months before.


there is the 1 month rolling lease option, but it doesn't give you much security if they want to put someone else in there - I think it's 2 weeks' notice on either side, plus some landlords won't do it as it's a specific exclusion on the insurance policy.


If you've been a good tenant, you can ask the agent if you can have the new lease set up with a 2 month notice option; they can do that with permission, but it's not a usual thing to do.

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