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thats it going home

beach pig

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Thanks rammy girl, I want to print those pictures out and have them on my walls!!!!


Half the pubs closed aswell last year but we still had a great time on the mile on good friday :)


I read an article from the guardian about rammyfest last week...they insisted on calling it rammy in the article, like the locals do, and just was wrong! I dont think you should be able to call it rammy until you've done some very rammy things...the mile, winberry picking, drinking on pot green as a teenager are just a few examples. lol


Keeping my fingers crossed that you dont get floods again with all the lovely weather you are having. he he he


Josie xx

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They have just started the 5 yr work on a $30billion gas plant up in the NT. Sure not everyone wants to live there but surely it's better to try there on well above average wages for tradies than to go home and lie that work was scarce was the reason you came back. It just sounds to me like you miss your old life/job which is fine but to say that work is scarce enough to "force" you home is basically an out and out lie.

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lots of work still in uk for tradies according to my pals, some lower their prices but those rush hour traffic jams is because all those people are going to their jobs,

dont fall into the trap of beliving averything he uk press tell you, they thrive on misery news.

nodisrespect to those in the uk waiting to get here but they do have a biased view, boom and bust is in near all modernise countris, boom in uk tuned to bust same will happen in oz

its how the world turns.

I know several people who on paper look to be poor but they are happy so who,s to say what we decide is best for them. :-)

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Guest fallguy


Holcombe Old road and the Peel Tower last winter.


Great pictures Rammygirl...you are making me homesick!!


For anyone interested, the piccie on the right is Peel Tower which was erected (tee hee!) in 1850s in memorium to Sir Robert Peel who was a statesman accredited with forming the first ever Police force...hence the English term for a cop is a 'Bobby'!! Its also on top of the hill that we used to sledge down as a kid when it snowed....happy days!! :jiggy::SLEEP:

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Guest fallguy

I take it you are referring to my post?? I never said there is no work in Perth and I never said it was my reason to return! I agree there is more work here than in the UK...but I am in Perth where we have a steady stream of interstate tradies showing up for the big money only to find its not here any more and promptly return home. I am returning if you read my old posts because of my friends & family and because I want to. I am able to return back to Oz whenever I like in the future so feel I would like to spend time with my family whilst they are still here.

I was stating to the other poster who is a carpenter what I missed from my old job as against doing the trade in Oz. I love things about both countries and would not encourage anyone to not move to either to try for a new life.

Just a thought, I dont see there would be that much call for carpenters on a Gas plant, Is this the same Gorgon gas plant thats been happening for a couple of years now in Northern W.A.!!




They have just started the 5 yr work on a $30billion gas plant up in the NT. Sure not everyone wants to live there but surely it's better to try there on well above average wages for tradies than to go home and lie that work was scarce was the reason you came back. It just sounds to me like you miss your old life/job which is fine but to say that work is scarce enough to "force" you home is basically an out and out lie.
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Guest fallguy

hello there

Rammygirl and fallguy.......its a rammy convention on here today!!!! I Used to work in the shoulder of mutton and the masons...ahhhh good times.


was very sad on good friday this year because i was one of those drunken people doing the mile every year :( Hows Holcombe hill lookiing? Have the winberries been good this year? I love australia but i miss rammy :((((


Hello there fellow tups arser!!, gosh its a small world!! Went in shoulder every sunday when Conrad & his wife (forgot her name) had it, great pub food. Where you at now & how long you been over in Oz? We always have that twinge on Good Fridays, it was the law to get smashed at the dogs!! regards Guy

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We live just behind the dogs, but now it has been done up he doesn't do the mile any more. And to get in on new year and other "big" nights you need a ticket. Not that I am complaining as it keeps the riff raff out and lessens the mess on the road to our house after!

The landlord of the dogs got fed up with the milers as they made a real mess, and he was out of pocket by the time he cleared up. It had gotten a bit mad with people travelling from all over and taking over the town.

For the last mile he did after the refurb he put everything outside, bar, bands, toilets,BBQ the lot ............ it rained all day and he lost a shedload of cash. So he doesn't bother now. He opened up in the evening this year after most of the P***heads had long gone, most were out of it by mid afternoon!

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pretty new to this site but read alot of comments of why people want to go back to uk


well here is mine. me my wife and 3 kids arrived on austrailia day january 26 2008 on a 176 PR visa .WE DON'T MISS FAMILY,WE DON'T MISS PUBS.The aussies we have met are our family seriously.We like it here in adelaide but unfortunatley i have had no work for 6 months from january 2012 apart from some cash in hand jobs their is no real full time jobs or sub contract for that matter (i am a carpenter 18 yrs expierience fully qualified)

We had to sell our house due to lack of work and thankfully sold it in a unstable market we are now renting and funds from the house sale are dwindling we have come to the conclusion to cut our losses and go back to uk.Not the town where we came from mind you, we could not handle that,it would be like a step back.I could go on and on about staying, but we can't live off the sun or beaches!


also for work i have applied for every job on seek.com/careerone not just in adelaide but interstate but no feedback had enough of cv's and resumes now.Here is the irony though i keep getting job alerts for carpenters in uk at least they give you a number to ring and start tommorow. Here its the spanish inquisition.The foremen in the uk know who the chanchers are when they turn up with a plastic asda carrier bag with all their grandads tools from the shed.:biglaugh:


Hey beach pig, sorry to hear about your predicament,have you thought about a different state, it is absolutelydire here in the uk, im in construction and from having seven employees a couple o years ago i now am on the dole, think it through first pal. There is no sign of a let up here at all, regards

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Fall guy.....yh i worked in the shoulder when jackie and conrad had it...for 5 years. you probably know me....it is a very small world. lol


Im in Newcastle, NSW now, been here 7 months and love it, especially now that its warming up and i can spend my days gardening and skimming the pool. lol


How about yourself? what you been upto?


josie x

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Guest guest74886
Nah mate, they had their chance of securing my services for 6 years but never took me under their wing. When we first got here they were trampling over each other to get a tradie, you could resign & have a new job the next day!! With the downturn I think its who you know now. I am not complaining as I have always been in work, but as a chippie in Perth....I am not enjoying my work as there is nothing of any quality being built. I used to do loads for heritage & listed buildings, I had many builders who if they couldnt get anyone to do a particular job because it scared them (anything that was'nt right angles or could'nt be bought of the shelf at trade depot), they phoned me because I like the challenge & because I could charge what I wanted & get it. I miss doing my loft conversions, extentions & renovations which I cant do here coz I dont have a bloody licence!! They want me to go to college at 43 years of age for 3-4 years to learn how to build these "crap excuses for a home" where the poor people move into their brand new $250000+ home...only for the brand new roof to leak at the first sign of rain!! My last house in the UK was 250 years old & the roof didnt leak & the house was more energy efficient than anything I have seen here!! I have forgot more about building than these idiots at the BRB, there Licencing system does not prevent the builders cutting corners & generally offering an end product that will only last 20 to 40 years & has no defence against water, rising damp, heat & cold loss & most important- fire (not Bush-fires, general fires like chip pans, electrical, children...) I have used 8 of the fire regulations from the UK in my owner build here in perth, when I phoned building control about the regulations here...they said what regulations!! I rest my case your honour. Anyway...Rant over...no.. I am heading back to civilization, to be with my family & lifelong friends & to get back to a job I have always loved (I gave up being a Surveyor to be a carpenter...how stupid am I...with my bad knees,back,shoulder......) even though the day rates are half of what they were, it is so much cheaper to live in UK.

Good luck to you with what you decide (I used to do deliveries to Fulwood when I was an apprentice..nice place!) & may see you on the darkside some time soon!!


Regards Guy

Hi Guy

I have just joined PIO and as a Chartered Surveyor from the UK I can't say how much I agree with you and it sounds as if you are as p****d off as I am with being told how wonderful their Regs are and how marvellous there H&S is.

I am like you, I've got to the end with it and I'm going back to Europe to retire, back to where the beer tastes of something and they know how to cook and a decent shirt doesn't cost a $150 bucks.

See you around


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They have just started the 5 yr work on a $30billion gas plant up in the NT. Sure not everyone wants to live there but surely it's better to try there on well above average wages for tradies than to go home and lie that work was scarce was the reason you came back. It just sounds to me like you miss your old life/job which is fine but to say that work is scarce enough to "force" you home is basically an out and out lie.


I don't see why you're accusing him of lying about it. He says he hasn't been able to secure suitable work as a chippie. Why not take the man at his word? It seems to me he has no reason to lie.

I don't know anyone on the planet that would purposely deplete their assets and savings to give credibility to an excuse to move countries.


Beach Pig, wishing you all the best with your journey and really hope things improve for you very soon.


Millie x

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Guest fallguy

Hi Josie, we have been in perth for over 6 years but are now considering returning to Rammie. We have enjoyed our adventure in Oz and we are sure we will return in the future, but as my folks are getting on I feel a tad guilty. We also miss our pals & the feeling of truly belonging.....after all great weather & beaches are not everything (although I will miss them!!).

I was never one to go in the masons although went a few times to meet friends, I tended to go to the Major, Dogs, Shoulder, Grants & the Railway. I'm sure we would recognize each other & I vaguely remember a Josie in the Shoulder but cannot place the face!! did you work there when Jackies brother (Gay) Dave was there? They moved to the pub in Affetside & Dave ran the Shoulder if I remember correctly.

Good luck with your adventure in Oz,


regards Guy


Fall guy.....yh i worked in the shoulder when jackie and conrad had it...for 5 years. you probably know me....it is a very small world. lol


Im in Newcastle, NSW now, been here 7 months and love it, especially now that its warming up and i can spend my days gardening and skimming the pool. lol


How about yourself? what you been upto?


josie x

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I don't see why you're accusing him of lying about it. He says he hasn't been able to secure suitable work as a chippie. Why not take the man at his word? It seems to me he has no reason to lie.

I don't know anyone on the planet that would purposely deplete their assets and savings to give credibility to an excuse to move countries.


Beach Pig, wishing you all the best with your journey and really hope things improve for you very soon.


Millie x




maybe these guys are lying too.

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Guest fallguy

Hi Russell, sorry to hear you are also at the end of your adventure, when you spend a third of your life working...it needs to be something you enjoy, in my opinion. My brother in NSW is a Chartered Quantity Surveyor & he has had a few problems & cant believe how basic the construction industry is here. Probably will see you around Europe mate as I cant wait to batter them cheap flights & hit the French Alps for a bit of boarding this winter then the beaches in Majorca in the summer!!


A Carling Black Label toast to that Russell, happy retirement.


Regards Guy


Hi Guy

I have just joined PIO and as a Chartered Surveyor from the UK I can't say how much I agree with you and it sounds as if you are as p****d off as I am with being told how wonderful their Regs are and how marvellous there H&S is.

I am like you, I've got to the end with it and I'm going back to Europe to retire, back to where the beer tastes of something and they know how to cook and a decent shirt doesn't cost a $150 bucks.

See you around


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I would really think twice about coming back to the UK if the main reason is work. Im in the construction industry and i can honestly say that its on its knees. Dont believe the job alerts too much. I have a few friends in recruitment and one job may be advertised by 80 agencies. Some of the jobs they advertise are sometimes not real either and just do it to collect CV's. Chippies are being paid peanuts at the moment and even in London they cant command more than around £15 an hour at the most.

I know that Sydney is about to start on some very very large construction projects so maybe you can look into that?

Hope you get sorted one way or another soon.





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Hi Josie, we have been in perth for over 6 years but are now considering returning to Rammie. We have enjoyed our adventure in Oz and we are sure we will return in the future, but as my folks are getting on I feel a tad guilty. We also miss our pals & the feeling of truly belonging.....after all great weather & beaches are not everything (although I will miss them!!).

I was never one to go in the masons although went a few times to meet friends, I tended to go to the Major, Dogs, Shoulder, Grants & the Railway. I'm sure we would recognize each other & I vaguely remember a Josie in the Shoulder but cannot place the face!! did you work there when Jackies brother (Gay) Dave was there? They moved to the pub in Affetside & Dave ran the Shoulder if I remember correctly.

Good luck with your adventure in Oz,


regards Guy


Good evening Guy,


Rammy is still lovely and pretty and I miss going out for a drink and having many many pubs to choose from that are all within walking distance and then getting a kebab from zaidys on the way home. lol

Have you got PR? if you have then its easy for you to come back ina few years if you wanted to but I cant see myself ever going back but i dont have any family in the uk that I want to see...so its much easier for me and my OH has his family out here in SA so another reason not to go back....and I love the beaches lol


Yeah I was at the shoulder when dave was there but left before j&c went to the pack horse. Trust me, you would knwo me if you saw me....I was full time and even 13 years after i left i still had people saying hiya that recognised me. lol.

Are you the Guy that was friends with...i want to say mark... I also want to say kevin...but dont know if thats right....you had a flat in rammy nearish to the church...you shaved your head....hmmmmmm hmmmmmmm.:unsure:



Josie x

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I know that Sydney is about to start on some very very large construction projects so maybe you can look into that?



There's not *that* much work, and most of what's in the pipeline is big infrastructure (North West Rail Link etc) which is of limited use to the average tradie, and will take 6 years to deliver to boot


Building sector, both commercial and resi, is on its bum. Outside Barangaroo there's very little going on. There's a lot more commercial building going on in London than there is over here. Resi is dead everywhere

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Hi Russell, sorry to hear you are also at the end of your adventure, when you spend a third of your life working...it needs to be something you enjoy, in my opinion. My brother in NSW is a Chartered Quantity Surveyor & he has had a few problems & cant believe how basic the construction industry is here.


Agreed, it is pretty backward


Also agree on the stupidity of a lot of the trade & profession licensing, and the expectation that everyone coming over here has to reprove themselves 2 or more steps back from where they were. At least for those of us with Engineering professional quals, the Washington Accord affords us some protection but there's still loads of BS. I feel really sorry for the likes of surveyors who get treated like dirt, and guys on the tools with great skills who can't get a license without doing a stupid course to teach them things they did 20 years ago. You wouldn't mind if the end results in the industry were so much better in terms of quality and modernity, but, err, they ain't - quite the reverse

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Agreed, it is pretty backward


Also agree on the stupidity of a lot of the trade & profession licensing, and the expectation that everyone coming over here has to reprove themselves 2 or more steps back from where they were. At least for those of us with Engineering professional quals, the Washington Accord affords us some protection but there's still loads of BS. I feel really sorry for the likes of surveyors who get treated like dirt, and guys on the tools with great skills who can't get a license without doing a stupid course to teach them things they did 20 years ago. You wouldn't mind if the end results in the industry were so much better in terms of quality and modernity, but, err, they ain't - quite the reverse


Your right, im in construction and saw houses built with a bit of rendering covering the walls,add a couple o downlighters, all for a 1 million dollars plus , absolute crap

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I've just ordered a bed box to be custom made from a guy a Caboolture markets. He makes more money from using his carpentry skills making chopping boards, wooden boxes, shelves, tables etc than he does in his job. Have you thought of doing something like that?


It sounds liek you have made your decision and I wish you well but unless a well paid job in the UK is absolutely guarranteed, i wouldnt move back again.

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