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thats it going home

beach pig

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no decisions made yet mate .I won't and don't give up easily i am not gonna go back to the uk with my tail between my legs and slag off austrailia .this country has been good to me and my family and i am not going to pack it all in like alot do for whatever reason, but thats their choice and you have to respect that .To DIGITALIS if you reckon i would lie about my predicament to try and influence someone elses decision in relocating to this country you are mistaking me for some type of homesick,miss family,pubs,christmas,seasons,snow,bonfire night,castles,culture,europe,cheap food,cheap holidays,anything i've missed. s*** after listing all that nearly talking myself into going back for them reasons.


like i said in post my reasons up to now are job related and when you have tried and tried and tried to get work and not even get interviews it starts to get you down .So much so it effects your confidence and you start questioning your own ability, and the only way out sometimes is to bolt back to familiar surroundings of what ,where and who you know .Makes sense hey.But for some good news i might have a start in western austrailia fly in fly out got the contact through a friend of the family. FIFO it will be like they say its who you know not what .He who dares wins and all that, good look all

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no decisions made yet mate .I won't and don't give up easily i am not gonna go back to the uk with my tail between my legs and slag off austrailia .this country has been good to me and my family and i am not going to pack it all in like alot do for whatever reason, but thats their choice and you have to respect that .To DIGITALIS if you reckon i would lie about my predicament to try and influence someone elses decision in relocating to this country you are mistaking me for some type of homesick,miss family,pubs,christmas,seasons,snow,bonfire night,castles,culture,europe,cheap food,cheap holidays,anything i've missed. s*** after listing all that nearly talking myself into going back for them reasons.


like i said in post my reasons up to now are job related and when you have tried and tried and tried to get work and not even get interviews it starts to get you down .So much so it effects your confidence and you start questioning your own ability, and the only way out sometimes is to bolt back to familiar surroundings of what ,where and who you know .Makes sense hey.But for some good news i might have a start in western austrailia fly in fly out got the contact through a friend of the family. FIFO it will be like they say its who you know not what .He who dares wins and all that, good look all


Fingers crossed beach pig you get the contract in WA. Really hope it all works out for ya. As I feel you don't really want to go back to the UK. Australia has been good for us too! Wish ya well & keep us posted! x

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