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who can certifie my documents for APHRA ?


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Me too! exactly the same - good enough for ANZPAC but not APRHA. Apparantly it must be a justice of the peace or notariy whoever they are.


I think you can make an appointment at your local court before they are in session, no idea of the cost yet- you need the magistrates clerk.


i've emailed to ask if i can email scanned copies of the correct cetified documents i'll let you know if you want



i didnt think this part of the process would cause so much trouble

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Hi both.

I am curently going through the process of applying to APHRA myself. When I applied to the NZ nursing board several years ago, I only needed a solicitor to certify my documents. It is only due to the nursing agency I am applying through now, that have made me aware that I need a JP or notary public to certify. If you do a google search of your local area for notary public, you should get quite a few come up. Most have offices in the local highstreet or some do home visits. I do not the cost yet, but believe this will be easier than tracking down a JP.


However, completing the AHPRA reg seems so difficult and time consuming but luckily the agency I am with have given me lots of guidance. Be glad when its all over, for sure!! But nothing worth having comes easy, as they say!!


Good luck with your registrations and hope all goes well and you sort it soon.


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some solicitors are notarys but not all notarys are solicitors.. i know you might not believe me but its quite easy to get through ahpra if you have all the documents required.. mine took under 4 weeks so anyone who needs anything to help them pm me.. im in this country for another 4 weeks so happy to help! good luck x

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What nonsense!

In Aus a JP really just witnesses documents - a cultural difference.

AHPRA just being pedantic.


Oh they bring pedantry to new heights..........if you want registered you do what they say............I what with bated breath to see the outcome of their consultation on police checks for overseas nurses from the other countries they have lived in.....before registration.

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AHPRA are a law unto themselves - they have their very own set of very defined requirements for registration - and you WILL obey them :rolleyes:


But.. as Delaneym has posted, if you follow all their guidelines to the letter, available on their website and on the application form, you can get your registration in a very quick time - my daughter's took 3 weeks and mine was 4 1/2 weeks.

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I had no end of trouble with AHPRA, it eventually took 9 months for my registration to come through. As other posts above state, they are a law unto themselves, and apparently the rules can vary depending on which state you send your paperwork to. I had to sit the IELTs exam as I couldn't get a letter from my school and my GCSE certificates wouldn't suffice even though they stated my schools name and I got an A grade in English Language. Yet others on here have had their certificates accepted.

I used a public notary to certify my documents, you can find them online and as already mentioned they usually work from offices in towns. Mine was a retired solicitor who worked from his old office, he would just arrange to meet me there at a time suitable to me. He charged between £80-£100 to notarise the documents depending on how many I took. I would suggest maybe getting two copies of everything to save time later if you need them again. I had to visit three times in all at the total cost of £260 and that could have been avoided if I'd known everything I needed in the first place and got two copies.

I sent my application in April 20122, my first delay was that the credit card details I gave for payment must have been entered wrong by AHPRA as I double checked it before sending the paperwork and there was more than sufficient funds to cover the payment, but they said the card was declined. However instead of contacting me to tell me this they waited until I emailed to ask why I had not received confirmation of my application being received and when would they take payment. This was 4 weeks after the payment was "declined". I then waited again for another month when they said my GCSE certificates were not proof of English Language ability so had to wait a further month to sit the IELTs, a week to receive the results myself and another month for AHPRA to confirm and accept the result. They then contacted me to say the University Transcript of my Nurse Training, which they'd had for 6 months by then, did not include the number of hours studied on the subject of Mental Health. At this point I began to think I would never register however the Uni were very good and ammended the transcript and resent it. Just as I thought they couldn't possibly need anything else they than requested a letter of Good Standing from the NMC. This had been sent to them, and obviously lost, 6 months prior also. The NMC reissued the statement and I eventually got approval on 4th January 2012.

Even then the catalogue of errors didn't end. They sent me a letter of intention to register that is valid for 12 months, which you the present with your documents at the AHPRA office of choice on arrival in Oz to complete registration. This letter has to be provided when applying for your visa so sent it along, only to discover AHPRA had put the date of issue as January 2011, not 2012 as it should have stated, therefore my registration had lapsed before it began. A quick phonecall by my agent got it sorted and a new letter issued however. The last error they made was after I arrived here in Melbourne. I presented at the office, gave all my documents which they copied. They asked for my new Australian contact details including job offer documents and a few days later I got an email to say my registration was complete and I was now able to work. Some weeks later I got a call from my mum in the UK as she is dealing with my mail over there to say AHPRA had posted my Registration Certificate and card to my old UK address. Unbelievable!

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