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Passport renewal and visa sticker?

Guest JK2510

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Guest JK2510

Need to get my passport renewed....I'm aware of the process but what's happens about the visa sticker in the old passport?

Any advice welcomed! :biggrin:

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You will have to apply via NZ for the passport and no need for a visa stamp it's all digital


It is not digital in that sense. Australian immigration does not know when somebody renews a UK passport and thus the new passport will not be linked to the Australian visa unless Australian immigration are informed.

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  • 1 month later...

The new photo for the passport....I have read it may not need counter signing if the photo hasn't changed that much?? Is this correct?? We haven been in oz for 2 yrs do obviously this is the easier way...but I don't want to get all my info gathered together get an appt booked for them to tell me it needs counter signing.

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I have had my passport renewed twice in the last couple of years (second time was a name change). I didn't get it countersigned either time.


Children need it countersigned, and if you've suffered a disfigurement then adults do too, but if you look at the new and old photos and there's no huge differences, then it should be fine.


In terms of transferring the visa, just contact DIAC with the new passport details and they'll update their system. No need to carry the old passport that has the label unless going to a country that can't access the electronic system and prefers people to have the labels (iirc China needs this). I've travelled to the UK, USA and Canada on the new passport without label and not had a problem.

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