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The school holidays are driving me demented!!! and other things....


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WARNING... WARNING.... this will be a fair dinkum moan thread!


I feel completely miserable at the moment, and to be honest a bit depressed. I wonder if I suffer with SAD (seriously!). Its worse when its supposed to be summer, and its wet and dark, last night we were also cold, and lit the fire. If I didn't have kids I'm pretty sure I'd be spending my days in bed. Everyone I know hates the weather, but I wonder if I'm alone in how deeply it is actually affecting me.


I am also aware that we will be leaving this country in three months. My friends think I'm very lucky and should be on top of the world. I am, but its killing me now, getting to the end.


I also think the school holidays are not helping. Lack of routine does me no favours! I feel guilty, cause my kids deserve a better summer holiday than this. I know I should just get out everyday regardless of the outside conditions, but half the time they want to be inside, and the other half is my fault, I just keep remembering my own summer holidays, and think... this is ****!


However, today, I'm starting afresh, spilling my guts, then moving on. We're off to the library to get books, then treating my two beautiful children to McDonalds (cause they both gave me the biggest hugs this morning), and then we're off to the zoo...


I love my family with all my heart, and they shouldn't have to put up with a miserable grumpy mum & wife.


Here's to the rain outside, and and to my happy children playing inside (for now).


Thanks for listening, no comments required!



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....Big Hugs.... I know how you feel..

We have just had 2 weeks of holidays and the first week was pretty wet and grim.. You cant feel guilty though, its not your fault and regardless of the weather you would get the ''I'm bored!!' at some point,lol..


I do agree about being down when its grotty outside, ive said since moving here that waking up to sunshine automatically puts you in a good mood and makes you feel better.. Unfortunately though we still gets crappy dull days like today where its been grim and wet all day, the only bonus was it was warm, grim and wet ,lol


Cal x

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i hear ya chick, dont you worry, its driving loads of people in sane, including me....... we are a week away from the dreaded summer holidays, and if the weather stays like it is its gonna be a tough one...... I am grumpy too lol the kids keep saying when are we going to australia mum, can we go now????? still waterproofs on and a long walk soon calms em down

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i hear ya chick, dont you worry, its driving loads of people in sane, including me....... we are a week away from the dreaded summer holidays, and if the weather stays like it is its gonna be a tough one...... I am grumpy too lol the kids keep saying when are we going to australia mum, can we go now????? still waterproofs on and a long walk soon calms em down


Ours broke up last Tuesday and don't go back until 10 Sept - I just don't know how we're going to stay sane. We work from home so it's good that we don't have the childcare issue and they can do their own thing but they are going to become bored really quickly. I'm trying to do something with them everyday (park, library, etc) but this neverending bloody rain definately dampens enthusiasm. Not helped by the fact that the eldest is desperate to move to Oz. Oh gawd. I love them to bits, but absence does make the heart grown fonder - especially when they are niggling at each other!

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Ours broke up last Tuesday and don't go back until 10 Sept - I just don't know how we're going to stay sane. We work from home so it's good that we don't have the childcare issue and they can do their own thing but they are going to become bored really quickly. I'm trying to do something with them everyday (park, library, etc) but this neverending bloody rain definately dampens enthusiasm. Not helped by the fact that the eldest is desperate to move to Oz. Oh gawd. I love them to bits, but absence does make the heart grown fonder - especially when they are niggling at each other!


I really dont miss that BIG summer holiday,lol ,its seemed to go foreverrrr, especially if you werent going on holiday. (and without rubbing it in,lol) For some reason here it flies by, i think its because its over Xmas so hubby's off work for a while right in the middle of the holiday, then the week or so before they go back your rushing around getting organised with uniforms, books etc..


Cal x

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I definatly suffer from SAD, its not been diagnosed but I do suffer from depression, and I have to say, its so much better here. Even in the winter when its cold its normally sunny, yes we do get wet grey days but few and far between. We are in the middle of winter hols here and we are one week through, its been leveling at 16,17c in the day but dipped to 4c last night, its cold but you can go out and warm up. We've just spent the evening on a pub verandah watching a fab sunset, it warms the cockles of your heart it does. Hope you feel better soon :wubclub:

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We also start the SEVEN week break this weekend!!! Last night I sat them down and we wrote a list of things we have already planned to do (structured days out) and then we wrote a list of things they would like to do... should point out that they are soon to be 6 and 4. The 4 year old said she would like to eat chocolate cake, have picnics and paint. The 6 year old wants to walk up hills, have treasure hunts and go to London to see the Queen! We hope to be in Qld by October so the list then turned into a sort of 'bucket' list of things we want to do before we go. Now I have to fit in a trip to Cadbury World; a camping trip; a canal boat ride; a day out at the museum of welsh life (better than it sounds); and trip up North to visit family. All this whilst carrying on going through the whole visa thing with medicals etc. Not to mention the whole packing up your life thing.... BRING IT ON...:laugh:

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We also start the SEVEN week break this weekend!!! Last night I sat them down and we wrote a list of things we have already planned to do (structured days out) and then we wrote a list of things they would like to do... should point out that they are soon to be 6 and 4. The 4 year old said she would like to eat chocolate cake, have picnics and paint. The 6 year old wants to walk up hills, have treasure hunts and go to London to see the Queen! We hope to be in Qld by October so the list then turned into a sort of 'bucket' list of things we want to do before we go. Now I have to fit in a trip to Cadbury World; a camping trip; a canal boat ride; a day out at the museum of welsh life (better than it sounds); and trip up North to visit family. All this whilst carrying on going through the whole visa thing with medicals etc. Not to mention the whole packing up your life thing.... BRING IT ON...:laugh:


OK, now I'm feeling like the worst parent in the world. We've started giving them homework each day to keep them fresh. We tried it last year and it worked well as they just go rusty. They're given a subject or object (yesterday was a robot walks into town and today is a journey into space) and they have to write a story about it as the same as you ozindublin, we don't cope well without routine. They earn cash or go-go's (don't ask). More points for correct spelling and grammar and tidy handwriting, the more 10ps they earn. One of the first things the eldest asked about this morning was what the subject was going to be as they enjoy it so much. Wierd. We did find that they settled back into school better in September though. Off to the park this afternoon. I'm conscious that things are going a bit off subject for the OP so I won't add any more. It may be though that some of our suggestions may help. All I can say Ozindublin is to stay strong and if it is SAD to get as much light as possible - you can get those lamps that may help. Is there any chance of play dates for the kids just to get them up and about? At least it's free. Good luck to you.

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"OK, now I'm feeling like the worst parent in the world. We've started giving them homework each day to keep them fresh."(quote)


Now I feel bad that I'm not doing anything academic with them... might have to add that in... seven weeks just isn't enough!!....

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thanks peoples! lovely reading all messages, I think the secret is to get out, its just the lack of 'want' some days.


We're back from five hours out and about, we're knackered, but happy to be home (at least we left it today), and its the weekend! yay!


Its been so rare to have sunshine here over the last few years, the winters have been cold, but dry, the summers wet (as we all know), but I just miss sunshine, I don't even care if its not hot, just a bit of sunshine... it makes me happy. I really am wondering how going home will effect my moods, I only hope it does so dramatically!


Its nice hearing that the move to sunnier places has made an impact on some of you. When the sun does shine here, you can't stop me!


I'll be a crazy woman over there! bring it on I say!


Thanks again!

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