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Hello one and all,


Just signed up and thought I'd say Hi. Been in Aus now for a couple of years with my family. We are living in Adelaide and loving the life here and know we have made the right decision.


I've enjoyed reading the posts from those trying to make the journey - brought back many memories. I hope to get to know some of you a bit better over time.


Anyway - that's my first post sorted



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Ha Fleabo,


The only decent sausages can be found in Adelaide Central Market but even those are not quite the same! I thought I was the only one who missed decent bangers!!




LOL, Definately not,, there is alot of us missing them,lol


Cal x

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

Hi and welcome to PIO


Tell us a lot more about your life in Adelaide, it's not overly publicised here on PIO, I get the feeling those there want to keep it a secret so people don't flood there.

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Hi and welcome to PIO


Tell us a lot more about your life in Adelaide, it's not overly publicised here on PIO, I get the feeling those there want to keep it a secret so people don't flood there.


Hey Ropey Hoff (love the name),


Yeah - we love the fact that everyone bypasses Adelaide and thinks it's a sleepy backwater! Long may it continue! We've got a friend from the UK staying with us just now so we have had the opportunity to take them to all the places we love - it has been great seeing everything through someone elses eyes again. Today we went to the Wolfblass cellar door and were sitting 'tasting' wine at 10 in the morning! This truly is the life!!



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