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Queensland driving license on a 457


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I dont think you HAVE to get one as your not classed as a permanent resident on that visa HOWEVER it is such a good form of ID (and the Aussies love ID) that its definately worth getting one. You dont need to do a test or anything if your from the UK, just show your UK licence and pay for a 1,3 or 5 year QLD licence.


Cal x

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We got one and we are on a 457 ... it makes buying a car a lot easier, we were told that you need birth certificates and all sorts to register a car, but when I bought ours I just gave them my driving licence as ID.

Also I have a feeling that after a certain time you are expected to have a local licence rather than your UK one PR does not come into it, 4 years is a long time for us to run up offences :wink:

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Goig to finish with a daft question! Where do you go to get a Queensland license?:err:


To the transport department in your local town, any local with tell you, we had to take a ticket and wait.

I always try to get there before they open :wink: it get´s very busy ..... or can get very busy.

In fact I need to go this week to pay my Rego :dull:

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You need a license for lots of things. Without one you will find it hard to get rented accommodation and you can't buy a car. I believe you can only drive for 3 months on your English one.

To get one you need a few bits...Medicare cards, bank debit and credit card so make sure you set up your bank account before you come out. Would advise you getting your visas put into your passports.

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I'm on a 457 also and my understanding is that you can stay on your UK license, obviously if it expires you would need to get a QLD one. To buy a car you will need a CRN if you don't have an Aussie license which you can get from the department of transport, but you'll need various documents (passport etc) which are listed on the web I think, but as Love Shoes says it does get busy!

We had no issues getting rented accommodating using our Jersey licenses as a form of ID. If you don't have a relocation agent heping you find somewhere to live i would suggest getting your new manager or HR department to write a brief letter of recommendation as you basically have no history in the country.

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  • 5 years later...

Hey Sparnell

My family and I moved to Hervey Bay 3 weeks ago, I was looking for advice on the 457 visa and driving and saw your post! We've come from Nottingham in the UK and I can encourage you that it's absolutely lovely here. 

We have been really busy setting up schools, looking at areas to live, sorting rental accommodation, bank accounts, tax file numbers... the list goes on. If I can be of any help please let me know. Still lots for us to learn too! 

Hope your move goes really well.


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  • 5 months later...

yep the above ,are right you don't have to get a Queensland license straight away on a 457, I believe there is a time limit on how long you can stay on your UK one though. We moved over in a January and finally got our Qld one in the August.  We bought a car on our UK driving license and rented a house obviously having Australian ID does help in many circumstances to verify your ID but it is not a must.

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  • 1 year later...

is it true that you have to have PR to get a QLD license, or have I misunderstood that on the Transport and Motoring site?

I've lived away from the UK since 2004, my UK license expired 2010. I have called DVLA and as I can't renew my UK license if I'm not a resident of the UK, they will issue me a certificate of entitlement. Anyone had experience of this? will the Transport and motoring site accept that to transfer to a QLD license?

any help/thoughts would be appreciated

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