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Holiday in Perth with a 5 month old baby


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Hi All

We are hopefully going to be in Perth (Jundalup) for my sisters wedding in December and our first child is due to be born in July. This leaves us with a few dilemmas: namely getting a pram, car seat and travel cot to Oz.

I understand that Uk car seats don't conform to Oz standards so I was wondering if anyone knows if they can be hired? I know the hire car company that we have used in the past don't do baby cocoons. Travel cots are quite cheap in the UK but is that the same in Oz? I assume that we can take the pram onto the flight for a cost (hopefully a small one), we are planning to fly with Emirates.


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We flew to Perth with an 18 month old, you can take a small fold up pushchair for free, which you can use around the airport and hand over just before you get on the plane, if its a bigger one you may have to pay a small amount and put in the hold, but they do have strollers that you can use free of charge around the airport. we also hired a car seat from the company that we hired car from. Don't know about travel cots sorry, just make sure you ask for a seat with a baby bassinet that will allow you to lie your baby down to sleep on the plane. We went with emirates and they were very accommodating with young children, it was a much better flight than we thought it would be.

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Emirates are fine for taking prams. We had a Silvercross which was in 2 parts, the carrycot bit and the wheels, they took it no problem no charge, we had to check it in though and it goes in oversize baggage. Cant your relations sort out a car seat and travel cot for you?

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Hi All

We are hopefully going to be in Perth (Jundalup) for my sisters wedding in December and our first child is due to be born in July. This leaves us with a few dilemmas: namely getting a pram, car seat and travel cot to Oz.

I understand that Uk car seats don't conform to Oz standards so I was wondering if anyone knows if they can be hired? I know the hire car company that we have used in the past don't do baby cocoons. Travel cots are quite cheap in the UK but is that the same in Oz? I assume that we can take the pram onto the flight for a cost (hopefully a small one), we are planning to fly with Emirates.



try this company ...they can also deliver to where u need it .....


mrs keily

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Hi, I have travelled with littlun's in the past, admittedly not long haul. But as pp have said you can take your pushchair. I have taken large ones on Ryan air and thomson and they have been fine and not charged me. Even when it's broken down into carry cot and wheels. We took our carseat one time to go on the wheels too, obviously harder if its not a legal one. But yes car hire cos def hire them. If I was you I would ask your sister to find a cheap second hand cot or travel cot over there and not worry about transporting it, they are faff. We did this with my in laws, the got a £30 second hand cot and kept it throughout our visits whilst kids were smaller, and on another occasion my car broke down a week before going to my Dads and we couldn't fit a travel cot in our smaller car, so we won one of ebay for £15. A quick steam clean will sort either out.

Biggest piece of advice I can give is you really do not need half the stuff you think you will!!!!

Book a seat with a basinette on the bulkhead and you will be travelling with a child at the perfect age.

Good luck with the rest of the pregnancy

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Wonder if you,ll get the same horrified looks we did when we got on the plane with a baby, i mistakingly, on purpose sat next to the one who looked most frightened and said

dont worry bout the crying its the projectile vomit that you gotta watch, lol

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I'll suggest investing in a decent sling or wrap (not the crotch dangler type if possible) and using that for the flight and round the airports. Keeps hands free, baby close to you and no pushchair to faff with. Just check that for the duration.

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Why don't you get your sister to pop a notice in the local mother and toddler group,there will always be people trying to offload stuff where they have duplicates or have no further use,Boots used to sell disposable sterilising bags which were fabulous.

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FWIW there are lots of local shops and companies hiring out baby equipment etc. Car seats, cots and so on.


When we went over last with our son my MIL borrowed a cot, car seat and highchair for him from friends. Saved loads on hiring or taking it all with us. We took a stroller pushchair and cover and that was it.

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Guest acbenson

no entirely relevant but we went to Perth last september on emirates with our (then) 18 month old, taking a full UK car seat on the plane with us. We did pay for the extra seat but having the car seat meant he had proper belts and we had the car seat for when we get there.

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