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Visa 175 questions and frustrations - any advice would be welcomed


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So far we've found the process very stressful. We submitted our application last year (2011) and as my husband is a mechanical engineer we thought it would be easy as his skills are on the SOL. Our visa was rejected and after closer inspection the case officer had calculated our points wrong and for some reason she also claimed we had not attached all the documents when we clearly had. After a few phone calls to Oz she admitted she had calculated it wrong but we were still 5 points short.


I also fond it frustrating that all the information on their website contradicts one another. The pdf about submitting your form says the IELTS has to be completed before application. But when you download the form to fill in manually it gives you the option to add the date of your test if you don't have the results. WHY give the option when you need to completed the test before you submit and application?


Sorry, rant over!


Because of all the contradictions and having a case officer who couldn't calculate our points correctly we are thinking about using an agent.


We are now going to resubmit and pay again but before we do this I want to double check a few things.


1: Can anyone recommend a good agent and will it be quicker as we already all the information required?


2: The latest pdf I have downloaded says we need to show evidence that he has 10 years experience in his industry and to do this we need a letterhead from his company stating Company details, reference, and to be signed by the person authorised to sign the reference. The problem is his current employer does not know we are planning to move to Oz, is there a way round this?


Any help or advice would be appreciated :)


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Hi Ecarter


Sorry to hear about you experiece. Wouldn't they re-access after admitting they were wrong. I havejust filled in the online application for the 175 and it does not mention anything about proving anything regarding work experience. I do not know when you are meant to send off the paperwork, it does not say. I am presuming that the Case Officer will tell me to do it when I get one assigned. I am also a mechanical engineer so I am quite surprised how lomg it took.



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Hi ecarter,


Sorry to hear your experience has not been great. I am just away to submit my 175 application in the next few weeks but think I will do it it manually rather than electronically - depends on how close it is to 1st July I suppose!


Not an expert by any means but for the reference can your OH not contact his HR department asking them for a reference? As at this point it is normally just to show he is actually employed and to show his work experience. So his contract, along with payslips, and a letter from HR confirming he is an employee who was employed on, how many hours he works etc etc and this should be sufficient for visa application. Then when he has handed in his notice, he could then get an actual reference from his boss with reference to how he is as a worker etc. Maybe worth contacting someone at DIAC to clarify this?


Good Luck!

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So far we've found the process very stressful. We submitted our application last year (2011) and as my husband is a mechanical engineer we thought it would be easy as his skills are on the SOL. Our visa was rejected and after closer inspection the case officer had calculated our points wrong and for some reason she also claimed we had not attached all the documents when we clearly had. After a few phone calls to Oz she admitted she had calculated it wrong but we were still 5 points short.


I also fond it frustrating that all the information on their website contradicts one another. The pdf about submitting your form says the IELTS has to be completed before application. But when you download the form to fill in manually it gives you the option to add the date of your test if you don't have the results. WHY give the option when you need to completed the test before you submit and application?


Sorry, rant over!


Because of all the contradictions and having a case officer who couldn't calculate our points correctly we are thinking about using an agent.


We are now going to resubmit and pay again but before we do this I want to double check a few things.


1: Can anyone recommend a good agent and will it be quicker as we already all the information required?


2: The latest pdf I have downloaded says we need to show evidence that he has 10 years experience in his industry and to do this we need a letterhead from his company stating Company details, reference, and to be signed by the person authorised to sign the reference. The problem is his current employer does not know we are planning to move to Oz, is there a way round this?


Any help or advice would be appreciated :)


Welcome to PIO


It is always recommended that people run through their application with a Registered Migration Agent first regardless if they are going to use one or not.


With regards to the IELTS the changes in the Migration Regulations state that the IELTS needs to be from a test dated BEFORE they submitt there application.


There are many good agents - when looking for one you should always use a MARA registered agent. Go Matilda, Visa Buearu are both well reccommended. http://migrationagentreviews.com/australia-agent-reviews.html


To get maximum points for work experience it is 8 years out of last 10 years. You would need refereances from employer or HR stating duties, but other information that is asked for proving proof of employment can be - P60, Payslips, bank statements - your CO may even contact your employer. As a CO will determin if Work experience is closely related to gain the points for work experience.


If you are still 5 points short you should think of applying for State Sponsorship to give you the extra points you require.

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Hi ecarter,


Sorry to hear your experience has not been great. I am just away to submit my 175 application in the next few weeks but think I will do it it manually rather than electronically - depends on how close it is to 1st July I suppose!

This would be a mistake. Applying online is the fastest and easiest way to apply. Also you can upload your documents without needing to get them all certified. (Colour scan of original documents are accepted - ceftifying documents can cost £5 per page)


You can check the progress of your application online, your CO will also communicate with you by email, if require further documentation or when ask to get medicals etc. Which again are also done electronically at the medical centers.


Once your application is lodged (Paid for) your are in the que, you have 28 days to upload the documents that are required. By sending manually it will take alot longer and more chance of things getting lost.


You can go through the online application form to see which information you need to provide but appliying online is the best way to do it.


Maybe worth contacting someone at DIAC to clarify this?

The DIAC helpline are known to give people worng or misleading advice and they are not accountable for what they say that is why any questions you have it is better to get the advice from a registered migration agent.

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Hi All


This is probably a silly question but I will ask it anyway. I am just going to press the magic button to lodge my 175. In regards to the documents which need uploading, I believe that I have to give proof that I have worked for the last 8 in 10 years doing my nominated role. Ideally that is some references from my current employer. Tha's not good, I do not want to let them know that I am thinking of emigrating until I hand in my notice. Is there any other way of showing evidence. Any advice would be appreciated.



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Very sorry to hear of your experience, how frustrating..


I did use an Agent to help with the 175, (mail me if you want to know who) not so much because I found the form filling daunting but because I wanted to be re-assured that everything was spot on. I had heard on this forum and others that DIAC were quite strict about rules and regulations etc.


I did have 8 years experience out of the last 10 and like you had to get a reference from my current employer (and other employers employed with during the 10 year period). Luckily he was very understanding. However, if you are worried about this, you can get a work colleague in a similar or more senior position than yours to sign etc.. It does mention all this on the DIAC site.. I had to get references from 2 previous employers too... I basically phoned them first and then emailed them with a rough outline of what the DIAC were expecting in a letter.. e.g. direct references to work that I did that they could cross reference with the ANZCO code that I was applying under, dates of employment, job title, salary etc etc


The only other thing worth mentioning is that you make sure you have all your documentation sorted correctly, either in colour or certified... I got all mine certified, got genuine copies of Birth Certificates, ACS Results and did my IELTS before applying as I needed the 20 points.. I also had 2 complete copies of everything that I sent electronically. DIAC, it seems also prefer people to apply electronically.. it will also be quicker this way as well.


Good luck the second time around.


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Hi Daz,


Unfortunately they would not reconsider and sometime after sending the form off we were told by an Oz migration adviser that we would probably be short of points and we should do the IELTS test and to inform Immigration we were doing this so it could be taken into consideration. But 'sods law' we got our application refused 4 days before Mark (my husband) sat the test. Our case officer would not take it into consideration. We now have 85 points so hopefully second time round we will be ok.


I found a really useful pdf which was dated after we had applied on their website which explains about getting proof of work experience which has to be sent with the application. I can't remember the link but it's called 1119.pdf


I hope this helps and good luck


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Hi Lebourvellec,


Thank you for the help. We now have 85 points as my OH completed the IELTS test to give us the extra we needed. I've left a message with Matilda so hopefully I will hear back soon.


Thanks Emm

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Guest waqas7

Kindly help me too. I received letter of Natural Justice few days back my 2 year daughter has failed medical on the grounds she has mild developmental delay but MOC is saying its severe. I applied thru a registered MARA Agent and it never crossed my mind that she could ever fail the test and therefore never on agenda with the agent. What options do i have? what should i do?


Please help



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I'm not sure what your circumstances are, but we applied about 2 1/2 years ago for our 175. We were looking on here and saw that it was taking people years to even get a case officer, so we decided to come out on a working holiday after being advised we could transfer our 175 application to a 457 once we got out here and found someone to sponser my husband. What we didn't realise was that since we were in the country, it pushed our 175 application to the front of the queue. We ended up being contacted by our case officer within 2 months of being here and once we had our police checks and medicals we were preapproved within the month. We just went to Bali (cause you have to be over seas for the final approval) and got our visa stamps. We have now had our permanent residency since last August.


We didn't use an agent, because we had been told by a few people on here and others that they would rip you off. We have actually had a family member trying to get his sorted over here and has cost him over $17,000 throughout this last year and they still managed to screw up his application. We went to see a few when we were still in the UK and they just gave us dodgey vibes, so be careful.

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Hi All


This is probably a silly question but I will ask it anyway. I am just going to press the magic button to lodge my 175. In regards to the documents which need uploading, I believe that I have to give proof that I have worked for the last 8 in 10 years doing my nominated role. Ideally that is some references from my current employer. Tha's not good, I do not want to let them know that I am thinking of emigrating until I hand in my notice. Is there any other way of showing evidence. Any advice would be appreciated.




I know it might sound like a lot of work, but you could scan all the payslips 10 years back and create one pdf file, that you can attach to your application.

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