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Sick of opening the curtains lately....it`s like smack rat city out there!!!


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Hi Bexter.


I was listening to the radio this morning and a couple in their sixties went through a ford, car was swept away and the husband drowned.


We can all deal with the rain, not the end of the world, but in this case it must feel like it is for the wife left behind.


Cheers Tony.


Awww.....how sad:cry:. Here`s me havina good ole moan and people losing their lives!!! It just puts it into perspective doesn`t it???

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North Wales is awful too, I'm a rep working all over the North West and North Wales, bloody hell you see some sights in the GP's surgeries. Some I've thought it would be kinder to just put them out of their misery.




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Oooh I used to love Rick Astley - never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down - showing my age now


I laughed my head off when I heard on the UK news that it was the "wrong type of rain" - you couldn't make it up.


We need to have a Rain Dance across the Seas - we need the rain here so if you guys in the UK have a dance and send some over, I will have a dance (to Rick Astley if you like) and I will send over some sun - it was a lovely 26 here today.


Isn't Johnny Vegas from St Helens? Isn't that near Blackpool? I have been there and loved it. You know us people from the Sarf, we don't venture very far past Watford LOL!!


Well if ya could see me now Candygirl.....I throwin all kinds of shapes out in me living room....big fish, little fish, cardboard box:cool:

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you might as well kerry!.....i have a 9yr old boy and i dread when he wants to play out away from the house...... i can see me txting him every 5mins .....no joke......


its funny some on here will be reading the title thinking wot the hell is a "smack rat" i only have to go to the local shop to see one haha


Oh I`m very blessed with their presence....every 2 bleeding mins from the comfort of me own living room......YUK!!!!

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Guest JoesDog

You lot who are moaning about the rain should move to Australia, It never rains there!

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Guest kerry19
i wouldnt let my 10 year old play out last week till they caught that man! Crazy around here sometimes.


My house up for sale too, might raffle it off. what do you guys think??[/quote


How longs it been on the market??


on and off for a year... thinking of renting it out now. i just didnt want any ties to the uk tho... decisions decisions!!!

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Were you in Brisbane or did Joesdog live there pb? heaves it down but then dries out quickly i read on here..

When I was in Perth Brisbane was on the news a lot with all the flooding it gets, it can rain for weeks of end in brizzie, Perth if you want the weather mate.

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When I was in Perth Brisbane was on the news a lot with all the flooding it gets, it can rain for weeks of end in brizzie, Perth if you want the weather mate.


Ahhhh,just wondering why Brissie mentioned a lot,alles klar:wink:,nah,dont want 10 months of sun ta,S.A will do

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Guest JoesDog

I think you will be fine in SA as far as weather is concerned, its swings and roundabouts i suppose. There are very few places that have great weather and are interesting at the same time

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I think you will be fine in SA as far as weather is concerned, its swings and roundabouts i suppose. There are very few places that have great weather and are interesting at the same time


Thanks,reassuring,you live/lived in Sa then?or elsewhere in Aus?or are you a returned migrant joesdog...

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Not made up my mind yet. Maybe one day


Not made your mind up over whether you've lived or live in SA or are a returning migrant joe?


Either way,theres no point rushing such a big decision eh..

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Its still in the 20's in perth during the day at the mo. Winter doesn't usually go below 13 deg but much colder at night.


We've had enough rain, what we need is for the gov to arrange for more reservoirs to be built as none have been built for yeeeears.

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
Were you in Brisbane or did Joesdog live there pb? heaves it down but then dries out quickly i read on here..


I have read over and over from people who live in Brisbane that it rains like mad in the rainy season and then for 8 or 9 months its dry and fantastic, but what do they know ....... They only live there.



I don't mind a bit of rain here in the UK its been dry for a long time, but i don't like the lack of any sustained hot weather, surely we are due a nice hot summer, fingers crossed.

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Guest haunted1234

I lived on Anglesey in North Wales, beautiful part of the world.....if it's good enough for Wills and Kate :o)


oh and you should come to Cairns, it NEVER rains here! :eek:

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Guest kerry19

hasnt rained where i am for 24 hours, maybe i should stay here after all................:tongue: lol

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Well Ropey Hoff, I've been doing some serious positive thinking..... It's not working!

I've been positively thinking that that little sh*t from round the corner should stop bringing his mums kitchen scissors into my garden to cut down all my flowers..... been positively thinking that the d*ckheads from the estate should stop riding their quad bikes on the pavement outside my house and nearly knocking me down whenever I (bravely) venture out with my kids...... been (not quite so) positively thinking that if I see any more kids smashing up the fone box/bus stop/derelict car over the road I might have to invest in an air rifle......

And it's STILL raining!!! lol!

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Well Ropey Hoff, I've been doing some serious positive thinking..... It's not working!

I've been positively thinking that that little sh*t from round the corner should stop bringing his mums kitchen scissors into my garden to cut down all my flowers..... been positively thinking that the d*ckheads from the estate should stop riding their quad bikes on the pavement outside my house and nearly knocking me down whenever I (bravely) venture out with my kids...... been (not quite so) positively thinking that if I see any more kids smashing up the fone box/bus stop/derelict car over the road I might have to invest in an air rifle......

And it's STILL raining!!! lol!

Depends we're you live to be honest, I lived in north bridge Perth and those things above happened with the bogans also, you need to choice a nice area in Perth to live as some areas are full of chavs bogans.

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Guest Guest66881

Never seen anything of the above while we have lived here, ok you might see the occasional bit of graffiti about, more so further south. But as for burnt out cars and smashed up bus shelters/phone booths no we haven't?

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Guest thehammonds

Just to make everyone in UK feel better - it's been raining in Mornington/Melbourne ALL day - and it's cold!

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