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I love Australia, but...


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...there are a couple of things I really can't stand and will find it hard to adjust to. Please don't think this means I'm one of those 'Oh they're going to be a ping ponger' Poms because I'm quite a hardy lass when it comes to change, and I do completely adore Australia. However, does anyone else have those things they just really hate and aren't looking forward to?! (Told you I was a right moaning bag.)


First on my list, and this is the thing I really hate the most, is the way that in the Summer it's so humid and hot that you get out the shower...and are already sweating by the time you put on your clothes. Sticky and uncomfortable!


Second is these bad boys.



Lastly, one thing I do really dislike is not being able to sit down on the grass or a bench without worrying about something crawling up your skirt to bite you. And I'm not talking about my OH!


Once again, this is just a friendly banter thread, I do realise if you were REALLY bothered by these things you just wouldn't move there but I can cope, just felt like sharing and seeing if anyone else had those things you affectionately wish weren't a feature of Australia!

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

I love Australia, but ....... Why is it so far away?


Why is it doing so well financially compared to the UK, which is partly the reason why the exchange rate has dropped by $1 which is costing me a fortune.


Why is the television so crap, lol.


And why isn't life in Australia like neighbours?



GGGGGGRRRRRRRRRRRRR These things really wind me up.:laugh::mad::rolleyes:

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Guest anitaw

I know where you are coming from. When I first arrived ( 16 years ago) I wouldn't sit on the grass or even a park bench. I was TERRIFIED. Checked the shoes everyday and under the pillows. Today, it's a dawdle, have not seen a spider bigger than a 10 cent piece and never seen a snake. Seen cockroaches but they don't last a day once you put down cockie baits. Don't know where you live but honestly you get used to it and know how you feel. I hate creeply crawlies. You just have to know you are the boss and deal with them accordingly. Once you have confidence you will not be scared anymore. I promise, have been there and done it. Enjoy Oz. PS When I go to the park I STILL take a blanket to sit on but it's just routine now.:wink:

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LOL @ Neighbours, when I first arrived the first thing I said to Mark was 'Everyone's Australian...it's just like Neighbours!' sounds so thick now but I was just surprised at hearing so many lovely Aussie accents.

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Guest se123

100% agree with spiders! I think spiders that are the size of a 5p coin are big so dreading the size of those bad boys out there, plus they can be dangerous.

Cockroaches too, mainly because my partner is terrified of them so it will be left up to me to get rid of.


I think Mortein will be my best friend!

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Guest anitaw

Just don't get the Mortein spray........don't know what you are inhaling.......Invest in a good old splatter......whack em hard and you'll know you're safe !!!

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TV being rubbish is whats gonna keep me in this outdoors lifestyle im going for cos im a total couch potatoe as is the rubbish takeaways and chocolate ive heard about so the bad points in oz are going to make me thin and outdoorsy lol Not looking forward to anything that flys moths are my biggest fear id rather fight a shark even though there next on my list of fears, hope im not scared of going in the sea :S Ive got a wicked/dirty sense of humour hope the ozzies get it as i love nowt more than a laugh

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Oh yes I'm looking forward to the crappy chocolate and the crappy telly, I'll probably lose a ton of weight without those!


Bahahahah at the spider betting, I like the gheckos and the lizards but not spiders, the huntsmen are just too big for their own good, even if they are harmless. A decent splatter sounds good to me, very satisfying!

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Guest The Ropey HOFF

We hardly saw any spiders in the two months we were there, i never thought about them TBH i know they are there, but they are of no real concern to me, i hate cockroaches, but again i only saw one or two, one of them was a horned cockroach, is it called a Rhino cockroach or something it was massive, i wouldn't like one of them in my speedo's, lol.

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Careful with the huntsman splatting. Just bought DS a book about the Brisbane wildlife and apparently the stuff that flies out can blind you for 2 days.


Sorry if you are counting on crap chocolate as Ive found lots of lovely bars including dark with orange in.

Also i think the free TV here in way better than in the UK. A lot of the American drama, for example, that you find on Sky1 is on regular tv.

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Guest se123

Yeah what's all this about people not liking Australian tv? I love it. My Kitchen Rules, Masterchef, Bondi Rescue, The Biggest Loser ermmm can't remember what else but its great.

A bit confusing though when there is an ad break at the end of the programme before rolling to credits.

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Do you know Hoff, my brother in Sydney said there are two Cockroaches there, Aussie ones, and German ones. We were walking past a shop one day and he goes 'Oh look a German, see, he's all straight standing and military!' it was very odd! Then we were in Coopers once and my SIL goes 'Oh just lean forwards would you?' really casually...behind me a massive one walking up to my hair eeeeeew!


Only saw one in Gold Coast once when we were driving home at night.

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Guest The Ropey HOFF
Do you know Hoff, my brother in Sydney said there are two Cockroaches there, Aussie ones, and German ones. We were walking past a shop one day and he goes 'Oh look a German, see, he's all straight standing and military!' it was very odd! Then we were in Coopers once and my SIL goes 'Oh just lean forwards would you?' really casually...behind me a massive one walking up to my hair eeeeeew!


Only saw one in Gold Coast once when we were driving home at night.


The prison i work at is nicknamed, Cockroach castle, along with other names and one day i was on category A prisoner patrol and i was sat on a chair outside of the cat A cage, when out of the corner of my eye i could see something moving, it was the largest brown horrible cockroach i had ever seen on my shoulder, i absolutely babbed myself, i really hate them, give me spiders any day.

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Well, on the first topic, I agree. The summers (at least here in Southern Qld) are hot, rainy and humid. The good news is that the worst of it is only about 3 months long--and the rest of the year is great. Spring and autumn tend to be lovely--like the best (and very occasional) summer days back in the UK. Winter can be like nice spring days in the UK (with the colder nights) too--and the weather I like is 9 months of the year instead of about 3 days back in Bedfordshire. It feels weird, but now I tolerate summer and look forward to the rest of the year!


(And, if I'm honest, even the summer isn't THAT bad. We get a few really oppressive days but lot's of it is pretty nice too--it just stands out as not being the perfection on the travel brochures.)


As for spiders, if I'm honest, in nearly five years I've only seen one spectacular big one (a golden orb which, despite it's size, isn't all that venomous). The rest we've found tend to be huntsmen that are usually smaller than the ones that lived in my bathtub in the UK. Frankly, I'd like to see some bigger ones just so I can feel more Aussie!

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I'm so glad to hear you say that about where you are Bobbsy, as I'll be in Gold Coast and you're not too far from there. I found it so humid over there but it was the flooding at the time so I'm guessing that's why! Hopefully it will ease off in the cooler months and I won't have to take four showers a day. I did love it at about 6pm when it was easing off, just a lovely time to go have a meal and sit on the balcony watching the parrots flying and watching the cat chase gheckos. <3


My OH did find a whitetail in the bath once and I just kind of ignored it because it was so tiny. Then I got home and realised what a whitetail was, oh dear!

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Guest AKA63029

The OP did say that the thread was meant to be 'humourous', and to tell you the truth it is. I have had to edit a few posts recently as one was an attack on the OP's intentions, and the other referred to that post. I have seen FAR worse on here with INTENT to stir, this is not one of them peeps.

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Guest AKA63029
did I just imagine a poster calling us whinging poms lol


Hi Vixxy.


It 'was' there, as was yours, but had to edit to get it back on topic, sorry about that matey.


Cheers Tony.

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Thank you AKA. This is just a friendly post to have a light-hearted whinge because nowhere is perfect, and sometimes it's just nice to have a natter about the things that can be a bit bothersome (and petrifying!) on a daily basis. Please let me apologise if anyone reading has taken it as a post to diss Australia; because I love it so, giant man-eating spiders and all. ;)

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