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Everything posted by MilaMocha

  1. I’d say it is. If you work full-time with the sponsoring business you are showing they really need you (position is existant and they can afford to pay you) and your chances are much better than being employed elsewhere. Also is better for you to start working there full-time (contracted) as it will count towards the 2 obligatory years. Good luck.
  2. Thanks. I wish I had found out about this sooner. I managed to find the link, here it is: https://www.humanservices.gov.au/individuals/forms/ms004. The application is attached bellow. Might be helpful for other applicants too. Good luck everyone! Medicare app form.pdf
  3. I didn’t know about this either. We’ve been paying for private Bupa health insurance for quite some time now. Can you please advise where we can apply for the temporary Medicare card while we wait for the PR (187 DE)? A link would be helpful, of the website or application. I tried looking it up but didn’t find it. Thanks
  4. That usually is the case if you have applied for both the nomination and application at once. From what I'm seeing online it can take as little as a week to up to a few months (usually a month or two) for the application to be approved. However, I am not sure what happens if the application is lodged on it's own AFTER the nomination gets approved, whether it goes in the usual queue with the normal processing times or it gets some sort of a priority. I hope for the latter. See if you can find out more from your Agent or perhaps call them.
  5. Thanks. From what I know you have to stay with the nominating business UNLESS you have a good reason not to (too many/little hours, unadequate pay, bullying, etc.) and a way to prove this. The State nominated though (points based) entitles you to work anywhere as long as you remain within the state.
  6. The 2 year processing time has nothing to do with the 2 years working for the sponsor (after the grant) condition. It has, however, heaps to do with an overwhelming number of applicants (187 became the last and only option for many people) and the cutting in staff in DoHA. It’s not like Immi is processing for two 2 years just to make sure we will work in regional during that time. They have other means to do this. On the other hand, according to the law, we (as applicants) are not responsible to inform DoHA whether we will leave the nominating company before the 2 years are completed. However, if you leave without the business’ approval, they can report you to DoHA and if you don’t have a good reason (Genuine Effort proven) you risk losing your PR. Even if the Business doesn’t report you, DoHA can still do random checks via its linked services (ATO for example) and see where and how much you work. If you’ve changed the company but have remained in regional Australia doing the same job - you are pretty much safe. On a more positive note, I’ve heard that they don’t have enough resources (and wont waste them) on going after people who have already been granted PR. This is mainly because doing so is not lucrative. They would rather use their staff on dealing with new applicants who are (still) paying. This means that if you and the business agree mutually, you can leave before the 2 years (as they wont report you). Also means that if the business is not paying your right or gives you more/less than the agreed hours per week, is discriminating you in any way, etc. - you have a valid reason (and proofs) to leave at any time (once you get the PR).
  7. Thank you. It’s surprising how many applicants (and their Agents) are mistaken.
  8. Absolutely incorrect. Even if you work 20 years for them the 2 years count from the day you were granted the visa. We are waiting for 187 DE too and have an awesome agent who told us the 2 years AFTER the visa grant is the condition of the RSMS: you are obglided to stay with the employer after you get the visa. The time you spend with the employer BEFORE is beneficial and can make your case stronger, but does not count in the 2 years. You can change employer if you have to but have to remain in regional Australia (your next job has to be regional too). If you leave earlier the Employer who nominated you can report you to DoHA. If you are on a permanent contract you are entitled to sick and holiday leave, should be to maternity too. Read your contract for details. Also the payslip is very much required and our Agent uploads then every quarter along with the financial statements. It’s untrue that 187 DE needs no supporting documents, it actually needs quite a lot as it is direct entry. We’ve uploaded heaps of docs to support the applications and it still doesn’t mean it’s decision ready. They can always come up with something to request and if you show them payslip with less then 35 hours or inadequate pay, I’d say you’re in trouble. Good to know you have the Partner visa as an option ? enjoy your pregnancy.
  9. As the post above explained: the two years start from the day you get your visa. Nothing up to the date the visa is granted counts unfortunately, and some employers take advantage of this. Many decide to pay whatever rate and give too little/many hours during the waiting period (and even after) as they believe this is your only option to stay in the country and if you complain they will simply not sponsor you. Regarding your pay, visit this link and look up your award and level (should be in your contract): https://calculate.fairwork.gov.au/findyouraward. Again, does not mean they will respect this. You could of course report them but say good-bye to your nomination with them first. Also, part of the supporting documents you need to submit and they can ask for are payslips. Those must clearly show that you work full-time (at least 35 hours per week) and are paid as per the requirements. If the business cannot demonstrate they need you full-time and can pay you properly your application automatically becomes high risk. Regarding the baby issue - I have limited knowledge but I believe you should be able to take the baby with you unless the father objects to it. If he is permanent you could consider the Partner visa as plan B. Lastly, if you cannot talk to your Agent freely and ask whatever you need without feeling ignored, bad or stressed it only shows you have a crappy Agent. I really hope not, though.
  10. 12 weeks seems like way too long. Check what’s written on their website/application document. On ours (for our region in NSW) it said applications are processed within 4 weeks. They did request further paperwork but within this framework. We had response at 3.5 weeks.
  11. Has to be lodged first or together with the visa application. You cannot lodge a visa application without having the nomination lodged beforehand. This is why many people lodge them at once, but some decide to lodge the nomination first and if approved to submit the visa application then. The nomination is valid for a year so if the visa application is not submitted during this time the business will have to apply for another nomination before sponsoring someone.
  12. The nomination is linked to the business only and if granted it gives the business right to nominate and sponsor someone. It is not related to you and your application as here they only look at the documents of the business. All correspondence will be with the business itself of the MA if done through one. You cannot see anything related to this through your immi account, the MA or business will have to let you know if it's approved. Once it's granted they will look at your visa application. Both can be granted on the same day but sometimes can be granted a few weeks/months apart. Through your immi account you can only look into your own visa application and track its progress.
  13. The POOR applicant has to change the agent ASAP, before it becomes a REFUSED applicant. If you/MA don't respond to their requests within the 28 days timeframe, you and your application are pretty much doomed. If your MA is not serious and reliable enough to share everything with you and reply promptly, you don't need them.
  14. What's your enquiry about? If it's regarding your application status, don't bother, email or phone - you will get no feedback.
  15. It need's to be a full-time position with a minimum of 35 hours a week. If not, and they ask for the payslips (they normally do), you'll be in big trouble. If they don't check the payslips before the approval and you get the PR, you can change your employer and find a new regional job (if the current business cannot give you the minimum of 35 hours) and stay with them for the 2 years.
  16. You did say 'unfortunately' which can only mean increase though. As a decrease would be very fortunate. ?
  17. If that's the case (the numbers were changed based on previous month processing time - factual), they could as well drop. Could have been a difficult month as in too many not decision-ready applications, the CO waiting for additional documents for too long, other issues with the applications, etc. Will see.
  18. That's not how it works :) Once they open the file (regardless how 'suspicious' or 'high risk' it is) they can request further documents if needed and then resolve it within 28 days. In some cases it can take another 28 days for the final resolution. So it's the opening of the case that takes long, not the decision itself once it's open. Once it's open they are pretty quick at approving and refusing. The processing time was yet again extended today, we can only hope it was done for the last time. Try not to fall into 'waiting' mode but instead live your life in the moment and enjoy every day of it. Overthinking and stressing wont make your file open faster, or get a positive outcome. Everything is in the mind really so just set your mind to think positive and to deal with the things as they come. We only live once.
  19. You should be uploading your payslips too to your file if you want to have a decidion-ready application. If you don’t, they will ask for them once they open your file. From the payslip they will see not only how many hours weekly you’re rostered but also what your salary is (has to be as per the requirements, not less). If you want to have a strong case you should be working full-time (on paper), otherwise it might seem as your position is not genuine and/or needed. Full-time position and correct salary are crucial. 15 hrs per week is less than part-time even so you are basically applying for a visa with a casual position and making it easy for Immi to refuse your application.
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