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Everything posted by sbrowne9

  1. Cheers Owl! I think I didnt explain myself properly, I'm actually an industrial designer, not a cook. But think I might attach the payment documents anyway, as I cant see how it would be a negative. thanks for the reply
  2. Hey @Bobbydazzler as far as I'm aware, its only to do with experience gained/ability to do the job, not directly to your nominated position. feel free to add your details to this spreadsheet associated to the 186 ENS timeline thread on here https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/15vELBrMvzNYP9qesILSVBlozJZ7o04VXUhfiX-dBA0k/edit#gid=1159472963 al the best with the application buddy
  3. @Bellabonkers https://goo.gl/bFWMIY hope its ok if I post this as a comment.....Admin, feel free to delete!
  4. Hey all, So I've got a question and really interested to see if anyone has experience with something similar; I've applied under the DE pathway, and of course one of the main criteria is the 3 years of relevant work experience, which i satisfy twice over. I've got a positive skills assessment, however, 5 of my 7 years of experience are with a family business. My question is, I've got all my documents as specified in the list, however I'm not sure how a Statement of Service from my own father stacks up as evidence of work experience for immigration vs VetAsses. All the experience is legitimate and genuine, but I'm just worried as I dont have offical payslips, and that they may ask for another form of proof...I could attach 5 years of bank statements showing my wages, but do you think it will be necessary? I'd prefer to do it and attach it now as opposed to waiting for the request. I know, still very early days for my application, but cant help but want to make my application as strong as possible and avoid any further document requests if possible! Any opinion or experience would be much appreciated
  5. Hey @Hussain with regard to Q1, I'm not quite sure what you mean; what is the expected processing time?? below is the immigration's predicted processing time; Global visa processing times Stream 75 per cent of applications processed 90 per cent of applications processed Direct Entry Pathway 10 months 12 months Agreement 5 months 7 months Transitional Pathway 8 months 9 months and on Q2, the department are currently processing applications between April and November 2016. Let me know if I've misunderstood the first question...
  6. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2017/apr/19/citizenship-changes-will-put-australian-values-first-malcolm-turnbull Not to send anyone into a frenzied panic, but looks like the 457 visa announcement yesterday wont be the last made my Turnbull with another "imminent"... “This is important for temporary visas, vital for permanent residency and citizenship. Citizenship must be valued and we’re making changes so the practices and principles of those obtaining citizenship are consistent with our cultural values.”
  7. @Bevan I just had a look through my emails, and I didnt receive any emails or confirmation until the actual cert arrived, but as I said, was surprisingly quick. Hope all goes well for you and I know that restless feeling...I've still got 8 months of it ahead of me!
  8. @Bevan Hey buddy, just a quick one to let you know that the UK one is actually relatively fast, and as far as I understand (which might not be saying much, maybe someone else can confirm) you only need a colour scan. I applied for a UK one, an AFP one and an Irish one and the UK was the first to be done...I ordered two copies for a little extra cost, had one sent to a friend in the UK who scanned it as soon as it arrived, and another to my Aus address....cant remember exactly, but it was very quick (less than two weeks)..whereas my Irish one took 6 weeks....and is just a word document IN COMIC SANS FONT..... Might not help you out now, but incase someone else comes across the same thing
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