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Posts posted by sbrowne9

  1. 5 minutes ago, mjayy said:

    @ring3018 you better check @Rizwan question. 186 visa is for 457 visa holders. So till you get 186 visa you need to fulfill 457 visa conditions. Looks like you are really confused.

    hey @mjayy I would probably check everything you are saying....186 isn't only for 457 visa holders...the transition stream is for 457, the Direct Entry is for anyone who satisfies the criteria. 

    and you are also wrong about the work conditions. He should really check his Bridging Visa A conditions, as that working condition may be different for him, but it is now normally nil, so while he is on the bridging visa A, he can work for anyone for whatever hours within the law. 

    seems to be a fair bit of confusion and assumption going on...

    • Like 2
  2. 21 hours ago, Jasz1 said:

    Hi guys I m so worried I have applied direct entry restaurant manager in August 2016 still no news  but one of my colleague applied as a cook in September 2016 from there got nomination refused as his MA said it’s bcoz of financial documents & restaurant turnover is 1.5 million 

    @Jasz1 thats pretty worrying! As chances are they submitted the same financial documents for your nomination...the 1.5 million turnover is plenty, definitely not an issue, but perhaps they didnt meet the training benchmark? I'd be getting onto that MA to make sure the financial documents are corrected for your nomination ASAP!

  3. 15 minutes ago, boo-yaa said:

    Normally there would be a reason for those to fall into the 10% tho. Applications that fall into the 'black hole' as you put it, would IMO have some risk attached that has prevented them from being processed in the standard time frame. Risk could be country, occupation, issues with company, or documents supplied.

    IMO - if all your docs are up-to date and everything is submitted as requested, from an agent that knows what they are doing,  your from a low risk country with a reputable company you would be very unfortunate to fall within the 10%.

    The actual occupation will have an effect also. The more skilled the better. An example of this would be if you look at the two finalised applications submitted in Nov:

    General Practitioner - Low Risk - Nom 1/11/17 - Granted 06/03/18 - 4.2 months
    Judicial / Legal - Low Risk - Nom 21/11/17 - Granted 24/02/18 - 3.2 months

    Both granted  way under 5 months.

    Again, this is all just my opinion, not based on fact.

    Yep, that would be my opinion too! I didnt say there wasnt a reason, just stated that there is a 10% to answer mvlm's question! And to further Bradford's post, I think onshore or offshore also has a huge bearing on the processing time.

    But you are right, these are all just opinions based on evidence such as the spreadsheet and this forum

    • Like 1
  4. 21 minutes ago, mvlm said:

    How do you know about this 10% thing?

    Agree completely with @bradfords

    The 10% thing is in the immi guidelines; 75% processed in 10 months, 90% processed in 15 months as per the website for 186 DE (valid today, may change). That indicates that while the majority of applications will be processed within these guidelines, but that 10% wont...10% get lost into a black hole unfortunately which fall outside those dates, which is really crappy

  5. 15 minutes ago, Ahmed2 said:


    I asked to my Ma about https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1INy6sxuUIisgLOT7CcskWLjQjHV_6yVvUBRHceWE_a0/htmlview# this link.he told me he have no idea about this spreadsheet.is this spreadsheet is correct ?

    @Ahmed2 This isn't an official spreadsheet, just a spreadsheet put together by someone on the forum where people can put in their details if they want to in order to follow others progress. Not sure what you mean by asking your migration agent about it, and wouldnt expect them to know about it as most dont...and we just have to trust each other in order to believe its validity...I for one have no reason no to believe it!!

    • Like 2
  6. 2 hours ago, Manpreet_kaur said:

    I just saw refusal letter it mentioned that he didn’t paid training after 2015, such an idiot, was giving me wrong information. What can i do now ? Pls help

    Hey @Manpreet Kaur

    I would suggest seeing a migration lawyer, as the majority of us on here have the same knowledge as you, and a professional knows a considerable amount more than I do.

    But, in my personal opinion, the employer has to prove the training benchmark is met for every year...I'm not sure if you will have an appeal if they didn't. but again, I would take it to a migration lawyer as soon as you possibly can

    • Like 1
  7. Just now, Tania said:

    Thank you. Then I don't understand why some agents are too cautious that they submitted nomination first, got approved, then submit the application. They said by that way if the nomination is rejected then application will not be rejected accordingly.

    If there is a allowed time to  withdraw then it is better to submit both nomination and application at the same time because it will save a lot of time. Rather than nomination approved, then submit the application, then application will be processed later and it might take even few more months.

    Correct me if I am wrong. Thanks

    You are completely correct, the only thing is you lose your application fee. So all the money we spent on the application, $5,000+ (cant remember the exact amount) was lost when we had to withdraw...it was painful to withdraw as the money was lost without anyone even looking at the application. That's mainly why some MAs prefer to do the nomination first, as to most the time doesnt mean as much to them as it does to us (thats not a go at MAs at all, but rather an observation of perspective)

  8. Just now, Tania said:

    They rejected your Nomination and how about the Application? Did they reject it or you have time to withdraw, so that it wont effect your profile?

    They always issue you with an 'invitation to comment on the refusal' or something like that, which basically gives you a period of time, like 30 days or so, to either withdraw your application, or appeal

  9. 4 minutes ago, Manpreet_kaur said:

    Thanks desperately need support, No they didn’t request any papersjust  refused straight way, yes we are with migration lawyer and heading to see him and what’s your position atm? Did you reapplied for nomination? 

    Yeah, our nomination was refused due to a company restructure, which I wasnt told about, but picked up on in my payslip, and when questioned the company said it would be fine. Reapplied with a migration agent with a much stronger application, only a month in, but can't help but check it and be on here daily! 

    Keep us posted on what your lawyer says, as I would be very interested to hear how you go, as we are seeing more and more refusals like this, which seem very unfair, particularly without requesting documents.

    Wish you all the best with everything, I genuinely hope your appeal is successful

  10. 1 hour ago, Manpreet_kaur said:

    They said training wasn’t provided during 2012-2015, even two other people got residency that time, And training was up to date. Very upset atm. I came to Australia in 2007 still struggling to get PR? my bad luck never leaves me. 

    Hey @Manpreet Kaur

    First of all, I feel your pain; I also had a nomination refused, its so crap and I still think about it 6 months later. Can I ask if they requested the old training details before refusing? Did you & your employer use a migration agent to submit your application?

  11. 57 minutes ago, Bellabonkers said:

    Hi Parkers, 

    Why does this mean you are never going to get your visa?

    Also the processing of incomplete applications explains why Praveen's application was denied recently as the company was not up to date BAS... they are just being roofless by the looks of it! 

    We all no that the processing status update is bullshit too! They approve applications that are much later then March 2017 all the time!

    Massively depends on your occupations so i don't no why they don't just say that!

    I'm remaining positive... I'm thinking this week may be my week! yeeeehhhaaaaa

    Hey @Bellabonkers Do you know if Praveen's application was denied solely because the BAS wasn't uploaded to the application? or were there more reasons?

    ...your's will come soon, I can feel it, there'll be a flood of grants...

  12. Hey I feel your pain mate, I'm pretty much in the same boat, but fortunately found another sponsor, just not really sure whether the nomination will be approved. Also be careful with what is said, even on this forum, as far as I know part of the conditions for a 186 is to be intending to work in the position full time for the two years after approval...which includes the employer having to say the job will be there for two years, but that may just be DE, not sure.

    It's pretty bad though all in all, I mean I'm not saying I should stay over anyone else as in my eyes we are all equally deserving regardless of profession, but currently supervising and teaching two young Australian staff who's jobs will disappear if I have to leave...I struggle to understand the reasoning sometimes. 

    Also have the car, apartment, dog, and life to dismantle if things don't go our way, which is a bigger stress than actually having to leave I think!

    Anyway, really hope it comes through for you soon

  13. 2 hours ago, stevecbx said:

    Hey mate, 

    How did you end up applying for the same visa after the first one was refused?

    Just in case, maybe I'd be on the same situation later.

    Cos I thought u would not able to do that unless you take your case to MRT?

    Hey @stevecbx, as long as you withdraw your visa application, then it can resubmitted with a new nomination. Well at least it could for me, as technically the first application was with a business that went out of existence, so a new application could be submitted with the new business. Its all very confusing, but another application in with a reputable Migration Agent who has given us a good a chance as any.

  14. 9 hours ago, Parkesy said:

    Tough having a nomination refused! What happend with yours if you dont mind me asking?

    Hey @Parkesy

    I don't mind at all! So, I tried to get it out of my employer why their nomination had been refused, and they didn't want to tell me at all. So I did a bit of searching with my migration agent, and found that they had actually 're-structured' the business, had changed the ABN to a new one, made the old one insolvent, and transferred all employees to a new one... I had actually spotted the change of ABN a few months before, and emailed to ask if it was going to affect my visa, to which they said 'no, no, no, it'll be fine'. So it's quite a pain when we can do everything in our power to make sure everything is right, but one move from the employer means that your whole application is refused, quite down-putting.

    Now I'm back checking this and the timeline everyday despite it only being two weeks since my new application! 

    • Sad 1
  15. 1 hour ago, Rizwan said:

    My nomination has been refused without giving any reason. It just says invitation to comment on nomination refused ?

    Hey @Rizwan

    Unfortunately I had a very similar thing happen, but was still in the country. I immediately got a personal migration agent who looked over everything; basically means your employer didn't meet the standard for the nomination, which they can't tell you as it is the employers application, and unfortunately, you need to withdraw your application within the 28 days or else your visa will automatically be refused which will be a mark against your name (most visa applications have an 'Have you ever been refused a visa before?' question in there...just prolongs things if you have to tick yes). That includes losing the visa application fees if you were unfortunate enough to have paid them out of your own pocket like I had.

    As you are on a bridging visa B, and are off-shore, I've got a very bad feeling about it. If I were you, I'd be on the phone to a registered migration agent as soon as possible.

    Of course, I'm no migration agent, and only know what you've written about and my personal experience, so I would invest in a consultation with an MA.

    • Like 1
  16. 1 hour ago, Ozdream1 said:

    I'm so sorry for you mate. Did you have a MA?

    I'm kinda in the same situation than you but I think we still have the same ABN... :S

    No, I didn't personally use an MA as I think we had all our visa documentation in order, and the company didn't use one as the HR guy had 'submitted loads of them before.' I hope that things work out for you @Ozdream1 , and also thanks @Dons_30032017, hope you get an approval soon!

    I have a question which I would really appreciate any advise on; my employer and their new migration lawyer have asked if I want to resubmit, and the migration agent has said that he can submit the visa as decision ready, and put in a 'priority process request' which can speed up the application. This offer has come after my meeting with another independent migration agent, and I cant get back to her to ask her until the end of this week/next week. Just wondering if anyone has every heard of this 'priority process request'? If so, how much could time could it shave off my application?

  17. 13 hours ago, Praveen Reddy said:

    Sorry for that mate.

    What’s your Occupation?

    If you don’t mind could you please share the reason for refusal after you get to know.

    Thanks guys.

    Occupation is Industrial Designer.

    I believe that the refusal was due to my employer changing the ABN I was employed under mid-way through my application. The frustrating part is that I noticed the change in my payslip, and asked my HR guy if this would be an issue....he said no, not at all.

    9 hours ago, ShaunR6883 said:

    So sorry to hear that. Can't you get your money back in these circumstances?. I mean, they haven't even opened your visa application yet.

    I know, it seems incredible, but they only offer refunds in exceptional circumstances.....easiest $7,000 that the DIBP has ever made. My employer has offered to re-lodge, but I dont think we want to go through it again and potentially wait another 8-13 months...

    Thanks for the support though guys, really hope you all get that golden email soon, and not the lead one I got!

  18. pretty heartbreaking news for us today. the nomination was refused, and my visa application wasn't even opened but we will have to withdraw it. 12,000 down the drain. Still trying to get a straight answer from my employer about the reasons for refusal, as no documents were requested. 

    They've offered to resubmit everything with 'correct' information....but not sure if we can undergo the wait and anxiety these months has brought. Also I'm a bit broken by the whole process, and really don't believe the the system is a good one. As a result of this, two Australian employees will lose their jobs under me, doesnt make sense to me at all. But anyway, obviously feeling a bit down and bitter toward the whole experience, but thanks to everyone on this forum; its been a daily check for me for the past few months, and I wish everyone all the very best with their applications. I hope you all get good news soon!!

  19. 1 hour ago, Hakan said:

    How do you find out if its low risk or high risk? And what does that even mean?

    Low risk countries are those countries in the below list, which that the DIBP have deemed as 'lower risk' whatever that means!

    At time of typing the current low risk countries  are:

    Hong Kong SAR
    San Marino
    South Korea
    United Kingdom
    United States Of America
    Vatican City


    Hope this helps

    • Thanks 1
  20. 31 minutes ago, 186TR_May17 said:

    Hi guy, a quick question. Do I need to include the Form 80 for every single member  of the family including myself?

    Many thanks

    Hey @186TR_May17

    Some people haven't uploaded it and had their application approved....others have been requested to submit it and end up waiting an extra month....

    I've uploaded one for all applicants, as its better to do it now and have the application ready, as opposed to risking it and then having that request come into you inbox, but thats just me personally.

    Hope this helps

  21. 1 minute ago, MP15 said:

    Hi, as we can track our visa application through immiaccount, is there anyway we can track nomination application as well? and if we can what details we need for this?

    Hey @MP15

    unlike the 457 application, you cant see the nomination process. The only way to ask the employer for their log in details, which most employers wont give obviously. Just have to ask the employer and trust what they are saying is correct! 

    Frustrating I know, but hope this helps

    • Like 1
  22. 6 minutes ago, jess6 said:

    Hi Everyone,

    Good news for me :) My PR has been approved today. I cannot not described how awesome it is!!! 

    Details are in the spreadsheet

    Marketing Specialist - DE 186 - LR - 1 person on the application

    Applied June 20 2016

    Opened July 20 2017

    Approved August 8 2017

    No documents requested

    Thats amazing, must be so gooood!!! hope this isnt the last post we see from you though @jess6!! Congrats though, good to see some action on the earlier 2016 applications...

    • Like 1
  23. 46 minutes ago, Praveen Reddy said:

    What's happening with immi?
    Only a week short of completing an year now but no response yet. I think I am the only person waiting this long for 186 being a Software Engineer.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

    Just to echo a response on here earlier; like everyone here, I really can't wait to get a decision on my application PR....but would gladly delay it by months to get results for @jess6 and @Praveen Reddy; you guys are always there with a response, and the first to congratulate...I hope you get that golden email very very soon; I'm only waiting since April, and cant imagine what waiting that long would do to me....hopefully I don't find out.

    • Like 3

    39 minutes ago, GV1991 said:


    Can anyone tell me what defines a HR or LR country? What category is Indonesia in?



    Hey GV1991,

    countries are judged by DIBP as high risk or low risk for their own reasons, low risks countries are those on the list provided by Jess6 below; unfortunately Indonesia is judged as high risk...

    Might not be the answer you are looking for, but hope this helps!!

    3 hours ago, jess6 said:

    This means Low risk or High Risk country

    I cannot find the official link but here there is a list stating:  

    "Current list as of March 2017 of countries considered low risk are:

    Hong Kong (SAR of China)
    Republic of San Marino
    South Korea
    The Netherlands
    United Kingdom—British Citizen
    United Kingdom—British National (Overseas)
    United States
    Vatican City."


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