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  1. A very important survey is going on. Take a look at this. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2018/mar/28/legislating-by-surveymonkey-senators-launch-novel-review-of-citizenship-bill As discussed in the Gurdian article, this calls for a period of 8 years as permanent resident along with higher English requirements in order to get Australian citizenship. Please respond and ask others to respond to the survey.
  2. A very important survey is going on. Take a look at this. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2018/mar/28/legislating-by-surveymonkey-senators-launch-novel-review-of-citizenship-bill This calls for a period of 8 years as permanent resident along with higher English requirements for Australian citizenship. Please respond and ask others to respond to the survey.
  3. Please share this link with others so that everyone can vote. This is an important survey. https://www.theguardian.com/australia-news/2018/mar/28/legislating-by-surveymonkey-senators-launch-novel-review-of-citizenship-bill
  4. Sorry to hear this. It is indeed disappointing. Do you have any plan on what you will do with your medical and police checks? I am worried as in my case those might not be valid anymore as I get closer to the 1-year mark. It seems that trying to get everything together before submitting a complete application has made things harder now. I can see now why some people do not do medical, police check etc. at the start and wait for the case officer to ask for those.
  5. For those who are more than a year or close to a year, what are you doing with medical checks and police background checks? I heard these documents are valid only for one year. If no case officer looks at the submitted application for long (10 months or more), do we need to go ahead and renew these documents? Are you guys going ahead and redoing your medical check and police check?
  6. So roughly 45,000 applications lodged and 36,000 processed per year. That means an average of say 3700 per month applied and 3000 processed per month. I can only infer two things (assuming the numbers are right). 1. We get to see really a very small part ------ the spreadsheet has only 40-50 lines per month (maybe about 1% of monthly applications made) 2. If more applications keep coming in than the number processed, it is likely that the wait times will continue to get longer. Not a surprise that the report says that the pipeline has increased Cheers.
  7. Hi Jess6, Good point. I am curious on how many 186 is usually granted per year (or per month on average). Would you know? The spreadsheet has about 40-50 lines per month (so essentially showing 500-600 per year). The total number by DIBP would help all of us get a sense of what percentage of applications we are getting to see and whether it is bg enough to make any prediction. Cheers.
  8. Hi - Do you guys know why there is no movement on the DE applications? None of the DE applications in April have been finalized. Last few weeks I have only seen transition cases getting approved. Lizzie - you did some analysis on DE applications. Can you please share your thoughts?
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