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Everything posted by Mavi

  1. Hahahahha it's really hilarious. Too good thought mate, can't stop laughing.
  2. Do they normally update after one week?? Or it's just guess?? thanks mavi
  3. Mate u deserve award for patience. It is a big shock that nomination took 13 months to approve and whole process took 1 year 8 months. Don't worry guys we will hear soon. Good luck, Mavi
  4. Congratulations mate, enjoy Aussi moment. Can u pls answer me that as per the spreadsheet u applied for nomination on 25 Nov. 2014???? Is that right or u entered wrong info there?? thanks Mavi
  5. Hi Amritjot, no news yet. Don't worry day by day we are getting there. Good luck Nomination & visa- 15/12/16Occupation- Restaurant Manager 187-DE, HR country, no news yet hope for the best
  6. There u go.... Enjoy your best ever moment mate.. Guys we also will hear good news soon.. Stay positive. Good luck for tomorrow. Let's see how many grants will be tomorrow. Nomination & visa- 15/12/16Occupation- Restaurant Manager 187-DE, HR country, no news yet hope for the best
  7. Wow that's great news.... Huge Congratulations, pr is on the way and may be tomorrow your PR will be approved.
  8. Guys please update here as soon as u get your nomination or pr. I am just dying to hear some good news. Thanks
  9. Hello Muntasir, LR means Low risk country and HR means higher risk country. The Australian Department of immigration classify certain countries as either a low risk or high risk country. thanks Mavi
  10. Yeah mate... Don't know when they will clear the mess which they have done with 187 files. How frustrating it is that 186 far ahead from 187. Immi should update processing time from 6 months to 8+ for 187 on their website because stating 6 months on website is now not less than joke for us.
  11. Do you want me to add your timeline??? If yes than please tell your occupation, number of applicants, DE stream or Trasition?, 186 or 187? And have u ever requested any docs? Country HR OR LR? Thanks Mavi
  12. people who access this forum they add their timelines in this spreadsheet by themselves. You also can add your timeline in it. Thanks
  13. Hi Nishan, This spread sheet is only based on this forum members who have lodged 187 visas. Good luck mate Mavi
  14. Hey mate u misunderstood. The link you shared in 186 forum is for 186 spreadsheet not for 187. The following link is for 187. 186 people are getting visas who applied in Dec 2015 and Jan 2016. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1pHX-DrEHWKa4hC8A2QDIT_n1DT09lSIzbmxsnEh2JaM/htmlview?pli=1# well I still wish that whatever u said to be true because me too have applied 187 on 15 Dec 2015. thanks Mavi
  15. Thanks Khem for encouraging.. And Am sure you r getting good news this week or next week. Best of luck
  16. Omg more than 10 months.. I know this wait is sooooo painful. Have u or your MA ever called immi to know what's happening with your file????? thanks Mavi
  17. Me too hoping same. Pls immi finish pending files and start with Dec soon.
  18. Hi again, well my MA has suggested me to submit form 80and have submitted already and I am onshore. According to me diploma is sufficient for manger's position. Zoya, Khem or anyone else can u please advise him regarding form 80 and qualification??? Ravi If no one response here then please go to 'ask migration agent' forum and ask your question their because those people are Australian registered Migration Agents and will give you good advise. Thanks Mavi
  19. Hello Namish, when we lodge file with all required documents such as medical, police checks, Ielts and etc. That's called decision ready file. As u said you have lodged with all the documents, I don't think so there should be any concern about ur pr approval. Stay positive and patient you will get your pr soon. As per my information if anyone's nomination has been approved than its 100% sure about pr approval. Thanks
  20. Hey mate u misunderstood his timeline. Check it again. He applied for nomination on 16july 2015 and visa 12 Feb 2016..
  21. Hi Namish, now a days it takes more than 8 months for visa approval. You shouldn't be worried because ur nominations already has been approved. So you definitely going to get your pr soon, I guess may be next week or within 2 weeks if you have lodged decision ready file. thanks Mavi
  22. Sir I really appreciate that u replied. Now I better book appointment with my MA and ask him why he wants me to apply for visa extension? And Let's see what he says??.. Thank you so much sir once again for your advise. Mavi
  23. Dear sir thanks for your advise. Yes I have my bridging visa grant letter. Now I don't need to worry about visa extension otherwise I was planning to lodge one more file. But I am wondering and worried why my MA is saying I should lodge student extension file????? Dear Ahmad do u have any idea??? Thanks in advance, Mavi
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