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Everything posted by Lavers

  1. Ok thanks marisa I need to stop worrying, I think too much is made about the cost of living in Australia. Regarding renting...is it correct that the landlord pays the council rates and water?
  2. Thanks everyone for previous input. Ive been trying to get as accurate a living bills that I can have come up with this can anyone please amend to give me a better idea. The mortgage/rent should be the other way round and based in Adelaide. Thanks again Mark
  3. Im currently a supervisor but I am planning on going back on the tools if we get to aus, so have based my earnings on this. I did what marisa said about checking on family benefits and me earning $70,000 with my wife not working and two kids 3 & 8 and is coming back with $1080 a month which isn't bad whilst we sort everything out.
  4. Hi Maria I've got my ielts in 2 weeks having failed my speaking by 0.5 Mark getting 8s and above in my other subjects. I looked at doing the PTE test but it seems more trickier to me so going to have another pop at ielts. Before you book have a look at some sample questions for PTE and see what you think. Good luck
  5. I've been doing the number crunching myself and as long as we can survive whilst we get going then that will do me. You may go and end up with a better paid job than your thinking.
  6. Sec Its also down to how you define quality of life. Is it the fancy car and fancy house or is it time with the family?
  7. Hi Im an engineer and I have already got my English sorted so its something ticked off the list haha Your doing the right things with the seats, don't think it will be much fun with your little one on your lap for 24hrs and the things with the flights the prices will fluctuate daily. So I could rent a house without a job but they would want 6months rent upfront but would the deposit still only be 1 month? Is this a common thing with renting or would they tend to avoid doing that and go with people who have jobs?
  8. I've had a few friends that have moved to australia over the last few years and as far as I'm aware your good to go when you arrive. I'm currently a foreman in the UK but I'm looking at going straight back onto the tools when I make the move.
  9. Your right marisa I will factor these costs in. 6 months to find a job I hope it doesn't take that long. Im in engineering doing metal fabrication and boiler making, there seems to be plenty of jobs on the internet so hopefully it doesn't take that long.
  10. Good on you for what you have done. It is so easy for people (including myself) to just carry on and do the same thing over and over just because it is easy, then we find ourselves in our own little bubble. The unrest at the start is what we could all do without but the rewards can offer so much more.
  11. The shopping can vary greatly then, I spend £80 a week in the UK if I do an online shop. If my wife goes to asda she spends £100 - £120 a week haha
  12. I may look at a 3 month rental then at least that stops some of the pressure in finding a job straight away. Am I right in thinking that you cant rent a house until you have a job?
  13. At least you did what you thought was for the best both times of asking and you wont live with any regrets (hopefully). Regarding the friendships I grew up in social care so I sought of feel like I belong in the UK either its just a case of plodding on (this isn't a big reason for wanting to try Australia though) so hopefully that wouldn't be a problem in Australia and if it does then I put up with it for my kids or we all feel the same and move back. I think maybe the deeper friendships you have are with people you have grown up with and experienced many things together rather than the friends who you see once a month at a bbq who are more than happy to slag you off behind your back haha.
  14. Out of curiosity what do people spend on a weekly food shop?
  15. Ive allowed for that thanks just didn't add it to my list as im only looking at $500 for 3 week rental so neither here nor there, although the small bits add up.
  16. Thanks for all the replies Obviously the figure I give for a car is a wreck but it would hopefully do just to get around but I am probably best to up that I think. Holiday rentals are around that price on the internet and don't seem to bad at all really just to get us going for a few months. Flights are checked, cheaper if you book early. I will check on the shipping as a couple I know moved end of last year and they gave me that figure. I would come with around 2 months worth of wages and hopefully find something in that time. Thanks again.
  17. Hi Marisa I have the cost of moving a lot lower so am I missing something? visa for family of 4 = £4000 Skill Assessment = £1500 Medical = £860 Holiday rental 60days = £3500 Cheap car = £1700 Flights for 4 = £1200 House Bond = £1400 Shipping Costs = £2000 Also other small bits and pieces so add another £1000 Then lastly money to cover wages whilst I find work but seeing as I will be in a holiday rental for 2 months costs will be low.
  18. 3girlmama I've just started the process of applying for australia and I'll be taking my 2 daughters who will be 9 and 4 if all goes to plan. At the end of the day I don't see it as as a risk, I either don't do it and I'll live the rest of my life thinking what if. We go and it's the best the decision we ever made after everything settles down or it's not what we thought and your on a flight straight back to the UK not thinking what if and you settle straight back into your old life.
  19. Hi Sonia From what I have read I don't think you have to submit medicals at the start so I don't think you go back into the pool, it will obviously take a little longer with having to get your medicals done and sent through. I was asking as I want enough time to save up cash before emigrating. I thought you had 2 years to validate your visa but it's 1 year from submitting your medicals.
  20. microburbs.com/au is a good one to look at.
  21. Hi Everyone So I have just got above 8s in all my ielts test apart from speaking which I got a 7.5, is it worth me challenging the score and has anyone ever done that on here? Thanks
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