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About francy

  • Birthday 14/01/1977

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  1. Hi, myself & hubby work at the airport. if you work in healthcare you’ll be fine. Just upto people to go out and find work, get out and about and talk to locals. Keep an eye on Seek & Indeed for jobs.
  2. Hi, yeah, we made the move just before Xmas so have been in the Bay for over a month now and loving it 🏖
  3. Hi all, Just after some advise on a few things. Yes, we have jobs to come to (I know that's the first thing ticked). We had a few days up in the beginning of October, so know most of the areas. 1. Enrolling the kids in Urangan High Scholl - after good, quiet family areas in catchment area for rentals near enough for the kids to ride bikes to school 2. Any areas to avoid? 3. Any recommendations for a removal company - coming from Albury. Already had one quote at $10k!!! Moving up in mid December. And any other help or advice would be appreciated. Thanks in advance
  4. Hi, My in-laws have just had an extension to the 12 mth visa rejected due to lack of supporting evidence. They have been staying with my sister-in-law as she has separated from her husband and has 3 children (5-10 yr old) she is a full time nurse so needs assistance with the child care side of things. She sent a letter with the application explaining the full circumstances. ie. that she will have to go part time or find alternate employment Think they have resigned themselves that they'll go back to the uk for a few months then re-apply. None of us have the $33,000 for a parent visa, so just wondered what visa would they be best applying for? Sister-in-law is a citizen and we have just applied for ours, last week. Thanks in advance.
  5. Can be north NSW. Had a night in Newcastle last month & stayed in Port Stephens for 2 nights last year. Liked Port Stephens just house prices are a bit more & stamp duty is more than half in Qld. Daughters dream is to work at Australia Zoo but that’s a long way off and she’ll probably change her mind by then. if anyone has reviews on Newcastle areas as well?
  6. Hi, Looking for opinions on coastal areas (within 1/2 hr drive) of Queensland suitable for family of 4 - 2 kids aged 11 & 13. Housing budget is around $400k-$450k We've been to the Sunshine coast and love it there but just wonder what other areas there are as know there are many to be considered. (I've researched Caloundra & Sippy Downs area) Been told the further north you go there are less jobs? We're currently in southern NSW and have been in Oz for over 4 yrs. Ideally looking at moving in the next 6-12mths. Work wise, both myself and husband have over 10yrs experience in aviation/customer service. Hubby currently works at our local airport. I'm working in real estate which I don't mind. Looking at State high schools with good reputations and bonus if have a soccer team. We all love the warmth, not bothered about humidity (apart from frizzy hair :)) So basically my question is ....... If we were to sell up and move, where should we move to?
  7. Hi, Looking into moving up to the Sunshine coast from Albury, NSW. Does anyone have any opinions on Beerwah, Little Mountain, Sippy Downs or any of the other areas. Need to look into Secondary schools as have a 11 yr old and 13 yr old. Husband but be looking at getting a job at Maroochydore Airport. TIA
  8. Hi, In regards to cats - we've been here for 4 yrs now. Had 2 cats in the uk which we didn't bring with us. Mainly because of the costs and putting them in quarantine. A lot of people over here don't like cats as 'they kill the native wildlife'. We have since got 2 cats here and not once have they killed and brought us a gift back. In some states there are rules they have be inside from 8pm - 7am (i think) we generally have ours locked in at night time. If you have family happy to look after them I would go with that. The process for transporting cats can be long as they have to have a test or injection from the vet and then you have to wait something like 180 days for the next stage. Costs from what I recall are around $6000 for the 2 cats. I got more upset about leaving the cats then family! Hope this helps & congrats on your visa. We're in NSW but looking into moving up to QLD, Sunshine Coast.
  9. Hi, thanks. We stayed in Caloundra last April so wanted to stay somewhere different. Love Caloundra but houses are a bit above our budget. May end up back there though if we can't make our mind up
  10. Hi, We're coming up from Albury over the Easter holidays and wanting advice on places to stay for a few nights. Will be going to Australia Zoo on Easter Monday, so want somewhere coastal before Gold Coast. Will be heading to Newcastle area after. Thinking Redcliffe area but know nothing about the area, not wanting to do much apart from explore the area for potential move. Thanks in advance, as I say know nothing about areas so any pointers would be good. (2 kids - 11 & 13)
  11. Hi, Looking into moving to Sunshine Coast area or possible Hervey Bay area - any information advice greatly appreciated. We've visited Caloundra area and now looking at visiting Hervey Bay in Jan for a holiday (and to check the weather out as currently in Albury, sick of the cold) We would be travelling via coastal roads to check other places out in both directions. Have 2 kids - 12 & 11yr old. Husband works as a ground agent at local airport and I work in real estate at the moment but both open to any other jobs, vast experience between the 2 of us especially customer service. House budget would be $400-$450k and looking on the net Hervey Bay area would have no issues apart from houses sell fast. Wanting short distances to beaches and schools, the usual.
  12. Hi we are on a 489 visa applying soon for a 887 residency visa. We have a deposit for a house or build. Can you recommend a broker at all for the Albury area, NSW? Thanks
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