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Everything posted by Bekelauer

  1. If it helps anyone, my email came through at 16:30... I don't remember ever sending a relevant work email after 4pm ever, so kudos to them for actually granting it so late in the day. Hehe.
  2. If I had only said it earlier... My visa was granted yesterday!!! Just under 7 months, completely unexpected! Woohoo!!
  3. Congrats!! Oh hell, this visa flurry makes it hard not to keep checking my emails every five minutes. I had already made up my mind that the wait was going to take another few months or so but now I can't actually wait for it to come through! Argh!
  4. Hello guys! Been lurking for a couple of months so decided to come out of the shadows in the end. I applied for my 309/100 on 23rd June, and got assigned a CO (WP) some time in August. I had my police check done before applying and the medicals a month after - at the time we didn't know we had to way for CO to let us know, and we were eager to get it all done and ready - whoopsies. I was asked for a further police check (EU country) which we uploaded right before Christmas. So now we are on the waiting wagon!
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