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Everything posted by rommelverain

  1. if it is mint condition then car dealers will probably get it. but the problem is they will try to bargain your asking price.
  2. it depends on the bank that you are getting a credit card to. i think that you should wait a little bit more so there's less in denying your application.
  3. hopefully it will lessen more. but it looks like that the economy is beginning to go down.
  4. i think you have to save a little less. reserve extra money for emergency purposes.
  5. 2.5%? not bad. still a normal interest rate for me.
  6. i would suggest that to loan a few years older car than a brand new. there are many good 2nd hand cars there and don't forget to loan it. don't buy it in cash. it's much better to have a loan when you have a job.
  7. having a separate account or joint account is not a big deal. it depends on how comfortable are you in your choice. but i would suggest that you get a separate account and a joint account. separate account for your own and a joint account for your family savings.
  8. best place is the bank. sometimes the exchange rate is higher in the bank.
  9. bank money transfer is much safer and easier than money transfer shops.
  10. first you need to have a property that's worth the car you are buying. then the capacity to pay monthly amortization.
  11. well it's good to transfer money when the currency in the receiver's is cheaper.
  12. that interest rate is too damn high! that's how austrailian banks roll.
  13. it depends on what car you drive. the more expensive your car the more expensive your insurance is.
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