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Everything posted by alansuspect

  1. I've not heard this before, is that true? The way we're heading over I might be a bit too early for my visa so may have to go in on a tourist one. However, my CO advised me I was being put straight through for a subclass 100 so if I don't have to leave Aus for a few days that would be amazing! Edit: I can't believe I missed that, it's right there on the page! http://www.immi.gov.au/Visas/Pages/309-100.aspx
  2. Hi all, it's been a while since I posted on here as I'm just twiddling my thumbs as far as my visa is concerned! Interesting to hear the wait for December applicants is now 12 months, I applied at the start of November and we're looking at arriving in Aus at the start of October this year, so fingers crossed for an 11 month wait. Anyone else applied around that time? Also it's shocking they put the fee up by 50%, I feel bad for anyone who was about to apply but missed out before it went up.
  3. I forget exactly what he said now but he certainly hinted it would be closer to the 10 month than 14 month mark, but I guess we'll have to wait and see!
  4. Blimey, just got a call from my CO! That was really quick, I only applied 2 days ago. I think it had something to do with me uploading most of my stuff straight away. No medical stuff before 4th May for me, he quoted the usual 10-14 months but that hopefully it'd be within 12. Exciting!
  5. Hi @Lainey85, have a look here: http://www.immi.gov.au/Visas/Pages/309-100.aspx and make sure you read the Partner Migration booklet, that's pretty handy. It's hard for us as we don't really have anything jointly (no bills, leases or even bank accounts) so we're just using other stuff that shows we have both lived at the same address, etc. but if you have that stuff it will help. I'm going up upload a couple of photos but from what I've read they don't count for much. Basically anything that shows not just that you've known this person for however long you say but that you are actually in a relationship too. We've been engaged since March this year but have been together just over 3.5 years so I'm hoping we have enough evidence, we just don't have the really obvious stuff so hopefully that won't hinder our application.
  6. I finally submitted my application last night for Partner Visa 309/100! Was hoping to do it over the weekend but for some reason the system was down. Now to get uploading documents. With the 60 item limit, is that in total for applicant and sponsor or do they get 60 each?
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