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Everything posted by Catlady2014

  1. Alan, you might need warmer clothing for Thursday if this report is right! Snow?! http://www.973fm.com.au/newsroom/get-ready-for-snow-australia
  2. from the weekly Immi test email: "OFFSHORE APPLICANTS (Subclass 103) Once your application is allocated to a case officer (which may take up to 17 months) your eligibility for a visa will be assessed and if you are found to meet eligibility requirements your application will be placed in a queue and assigned a queue date to wait for a visa place. We are currently assessing for a queue date applications lodged in March 2015 We are currently assessing for finalization applications with a queue date up to May 2009". I take that to mean currently 7 years from queue date.
  3. Latest from Immi: "We are currently assessing applications lodged up to and including 23 May 2014 (no change from last week)."
  4. Might be a silly question but ... are you remembering to close the screen doors to stop them getting in in the first place? You can leave windows and doors open, but make sure those screens are tight shut.
  5. Looks fab! You lucky lucky things! A minor setback re the broadband, as you say, and I suspect it won't be too much longer before you're no longer a "visitor", so that issue should resolve pretty soon.
  6. Here's something else to think about - just heard that an amateur weather forecaster says the southeast of England won't be getting a summer this year, apart from 2 weeks in July! I bet you don't wish you were here, hahahaha.
  7. This is an extract from the weekly email from parents@gov.au. "OFFSHORE APPLICATIONS (subclass 143/173) Your application will be processed according to the order of lodgement date and once your application has been assigned to an assessing officer, they will contact you. Please be assured that the department will endeavour to finalize your application as quickly as possible. When your application is allocated to an assessing officer, you or your authorised contact may be asked to provide more documents including but not limited to Assurance of Support (subclass 143 only), police certificates and health clearances to finalize your application. We are currently assessing applications lodged up to and including 23 May 2014 (no change from last week)." So, as you can see, it's currently well over 24 months. Looking at people's timelines, it's closer to 26 months. You can send a blank email to parents.gov.au, just putting Test as the subject, and you will get an automated response giving the latest processing times. I send a test email once a week or fortnightly but it doesn't do any good to start stressing over the processing time - it's how it is and there's nothing you can do to speed it up. When I applied, it was 18 months but that has been stretching and stretching, so it will probably lengthen even more.
  8. I think the decision is already made that you WILL get your visa, they wouldn't have asked for the second VAC otherwise. However, it sounds like they can't let you have the visa until next financial year, but look on the bright side - after the start of the new financial year you will be one of the very first to get a visa - no waiting while you get your second vac sent off, no waiting for them to process it either as it's already all done and dusted. In other words, July is your lucky month!
  9. Very interesting. Each to their own though - Sydney wouldn't suit me any more than London which I detest (maybe that's age creeping in, haha). And I do think there will be differences in working hours, cost of housing etc in different parts of Australia, just as there are differences within the UK. So it's probably over-generalising to say housing, cars etc are more expensive than the UK. As for jobs, I won't be looking for one, but my daughter and her husband found they were in great demand by Australian employers, working no longer hours than they did in the UK. And pubs - I can do without pubs these days as I prefer socialising with friends in our homes. As to the cost of housing etc, where I'm headed it is way below the cost where I currently live. Maybe some of the returners' problems are down to not doing enough research before deciding where to settle in Australia to get the lifestyle they want at a price they can afford?
  10. good thinking Skeelsy! It's so easy to leave documents on the platen after scanning. Hopefully that's where Harvi will find them. fingers crossed.
  11. I don't think Harvi can turn up in person as the profile location is India! Any luck with the passports yet, Harvi?
  12. I resigned myself to a longer wait some months ago after studying the timelines on others' signatures, and I said so at the time. In fact, I'm not banking on anything under 26 months. When people ask, I just say "I'm at the mercy of a Government Dept, so I won't have any firm answers before the end of this year".
  13. I emailed my agent about the rumour of the 2014 allocation having been reached and I received a reply that all their applicants who lodged before May had been allocated a Case Officer. The email ended with "... Currently, there are enough places to cater for demand of these visas." It's not what you might call definitive and I don't think the agents know a lot more than we do, to be honest, but I interpret that final sentence to mean that the allocation has not been filled yet.
  14. Oh dear, it doesn't sound good but let's remember that Immi aren't good at committing to anything, it might just be a stock answer.
  15. Did I miss something?! I don't remember reading anything about the 2014 allocation having been reached?
  16. Is this for a 143 visa? You can email them at parents@immi.gov.au. If you are looking for info on current processing times, send an email to that address with Test as the subject line and you will get an automated response back. They are currently processing applications lodged up to 6th May 2014. You are about a month ahead of me in the processing order.
  17. They're currently processing applications lodged up to 6th May 2014. You can send an email to Immi each week to get the current date. Just put "Test" in the heading and you'll get an automated response back. Or you can keep checking on here as we're all equally interested in the processing date and often post the info.
  18. There is an Australian tax agent on the Money and Finance forum, who can advise on these questions. Take a look here: http://www.pomsinoz.com/forum/money-finance/238040-tax-help-australia.html. There are lots of individual threads on that forum as well, all very helpful.
  19. I would just add to what others have already said, that there is another visa you can apply for if aged over 65 (i've forgotten the number of that visa but somebody else will know) that has a much shorter processing time of about 6 months. Moneywise, it's much the same as the 143 I believe. I would qualify for that other visa in three months time. If I had known when I applied for the 143 that the processing time was likely to become so extended, I would have waited until age 65 and applied for the other one. It would have gained me nothing timewise, but it would have saved me 2 years odd of stress and worry as I would only have been involved in all this waiting and guessing nonsense for about 6 months or so. But hey, hindsight is a wonderful thing.
  20. I think we're now looking at 2+ years unfortunately as I think Maisie's timeline is well over 2 years. I was planning on leaving the UK in October but have now resigned myself to maybe around Christmas time. On the plus side, the exchange rate has improved very slightly after the recent plunge - every cloud .... etc.
  21. I'm using an agent too. As far as I'm concerned, my agent does everything - it's what I pay them for, and they don't come cheap, do they? You know the old saying - there's no point keeping a dog and barking yourself. They stressed that I should respond promptly to whatever instructions they send to me, and they also say "we will advise clients when they should proceed with Police and medical checks ... ". I would check through the stuff your agent provided you with to see what they say.
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