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  1. Hello. Having done that myself I'd have to say I disagree with you. Without asking about the timescale I asked the case officer a couple of questions about whether further evidence would be needed or useful. I got a reply similar to the one Leftyandstumpy got, only even less friendly and telling me not to contact them until the 8-9 months was up. Far from feeling that "this is a life changing decision, and one that people have a lot riding on. I'm sure the department understand this and should be willing to alleviate some of your worries/concerns?", I got the impression that they really couldn't give two hoots about us going through this process and whether we're worried or how much we're inconvenienced. I've been left with the additional worry that the case officer now has a down on me. From what others have written not every case officer is like that - but how would you know until it's too late?
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