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Everything posted by Steve2

  1. Hi Kath Yes it's one form per person and depending on if you've lived a sheltered life or not isn't anywhere near as bad as it looks! Good luck with it. Steve
  2. Hi Sadge Don't panic, it's all pretty straightforward really. I'll PM you with info on what we've done. Cheers Steve
  3. Thinking of you and I'm sure this is THE week! Hope so anyway as I've got my fingers and toes crossed for you so much that I'm getting cramp now! All the best Steve
  4. Hi Lisa When we changed our passports I emailed immi and they asked for colour scanned copies to be emailed, they didn't want form 929 although the website mentions that form. Good luck Steve
  5. Any excuse eh?? Like your style mate! Not sure where I got $300 from.
  6. Hi Amanda Yes it's very generous of us all to keep making donations to the Aussie economy! Hope all's going well for you, Steve
  7. Hi Great to hear from you and I hope that you're both well. Good to know that there are some free benefits after paying all that money out to get there. We will definitely meet up this time! Take care Steve
  8. My understanding of the AOS process is that Immi email you a letter which you have to email to your sponsor so that they can attach it to their form (a different form from the one they filled in with the original application), the sponsor then make an appointment or just turns up at any Centrelink office to lodge the AOS papers (they need to take originals of their ID). Centrelink will then do a telephone interview with your sponsor and will then write to them asking them to open the Commonwealth Bank a/c (costs $300) and deposit the bond money ($14,000 for two parents). The bank will then contact Centrelink and Immi to confirm that the bond is in place. I'm sure someone will correct me if I've got it wrong but I hope this helps. All the best Steve
  9. Brilliant news Phil. We're not jealous really we're not (oh alright - yes we are!). Look forward to our beer in Little Creatures or somewhere once we're out there. Enjoy your champers - you've earned it. All the best Steve
  10. That's very useful - thank you! Do you know if the granting of the seniors card has any effect on the AOS bond that we have to have on the CPV 143 visa?
  11. Hi By the way it's going we won't be too young by the time we get our visa's! Hope all's good over there. Steve
  12. Hi Linda Some great advice here, thanks very much. Hope you're settling in well now. Take care Steve
  13. Hi Thought you'd have heard by now. Hope you hear soon and that you don't let it get to you too much, you're so nearly through the process Hang on in there. All the best Steve
  14. Hi Phil Wow - brilliant news - what a great weekend you'll have. Best of luck and get us a cold one in at Little Creatures! So pleased for you. Steve
  15. Hi Bev At this rate you'll be there before we are!! What part of Perth are you heading to? It would be good to all meet up over there and perhaps even one day laugh at all our concerns over this experience? The forum certainly is a good place for keeping up to date and even letting of steam occasionally and I will certainly keep updated on it. Best of luck Steve
  16. Hi Phil Sorry to read that you've not yet been contacted by the CO, I'm sure it will be early next week though. That would be good to meet up when we're all over there; we'll al deserve a good social life with like minded sufferers of this system. Have a good weekend. Steve
  17. Hi Alan Would be interested to know which firm gave you the problem and which one seems to have resolved it today; as you know we're not far from you and have had 3 firms round so far, 1 was very over priced and then added loads of extras (even an admin fee at invoicing stage!), the other 2 are close in price but nether particularly inspire us. Cheers Steve
  18. Hi Phil Great news on the house sale; we sold last year and have been living in a rental since September (we call it the transit lounge) but are totally bored with it now and it's not home is it? My dog has his import licence ready, darn sight easier than our visas, and just waiting for the visas so we can get his export and transit licences ready. I know you'll agree that although worthwhile this waiting is intolerable. We're heading to Perth as well, the Joondalup area then hopefully onto Yanchep, whereabouts are you going, not sure if I've asked you before? I agree with you abut the logistics and it's not much easier when moving from a rental. All the best Steve
  19. Hi folks. I've been trawling through my old emails since lodging our 143 and have noted that in a "test" reply dated 23 March 2015 that Immi were assessing applications for 143's and 173's lodged on 9 July 2013; so they have dropped back considerably since that time, which is no surprise but not good. Later emails go on to say that delays are being experienced due to the unprecedented number of applications lodged in May and June 2014! Wish I hadn't looked now; but it's a reality check and may help others with their forward planning a little :frown: Steve
  20. That's a bit naughty, Brentwood is much closer to you and I know it exists as I know people that have been there. Good luck again
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