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Everything posted by Steve2

  1. Hi I'm torn between using Moneycorp or Halo. Any suggestions? Cheers Steve
  2. Hi Julie Great news that you have your acknowledgement = they seem to have moved the goalposts with regard to giving a timeline on the acknowledgement as I am sure I have read on here many times that this was the procedure. Perhaps they are trying to speed up the acknowledgement process by doing the timeline later now? BUT it would be very helpful to know what our timelines are. Like your comment re feedback - tempting isn't it??!! Good luck - we're not far behind you! Steve
  3. Hi Julie Wow where is it 1.96? I can only find 1.91 Thanks Steve
  4. Hi Amanda That's good news for you, the last auto reply I saw last week said they were up to the 1 June. May I ask what timeline they have given you for police checks and Medicals and if you have to do the dreaded form 80? I expect like me you have found the discussion on banking interesting - I'm investigating what bank to use in perth now. Cheers Steve
  5. Hi Val Test post received ok and the advisory email from the forum. That's a great exchange rate! Regards Steve
  6. Hi Julie Let's hope their task force gets into 1st gear and pushes on now. From recent posts about grants of 143`s the average time to grant is about 19 months from lodgement. We're gradually getting through our clear out and declutter, so great minds think alike there. Look forward to hearing when you get your acknowledgement soon. Best wishes Steve
  7. Hi Carob Brilliant news that you have your visa - many congratulations! Hopefully we'll follow you to Perth early next year. Best wishes Steve
  8. Hi Julie Big news - the auto reply today says they're now acknowledging for 1 June 2014! Big deal eh - 1 days progress in over 1 week. Regards Steve
  9. Hi Glynis Great to hear from you - I was wondering how you're doing. Hope you're treatment is successful. Best wishes Steve
  10. Hi Julie I think your "rant" is fully justified and I believe you "rant" on many of our behalves! When you consider the high cost of the CPV 143 we get very little "customer service" for our money in these relatively early stages, let's just hope it improves when we get down to the nitty gritty of our applications. As many of us have mentioned in various posts, this is all very stressful and anything immi can do to make it less so should be encouraged. I hope that someone can give us all some information soon, I've been unable to get a reply to the "test" email as well so I assume they have forgotten to set the auto reply. Regards Steve
  11. Hi Val Like the positive attitude, I know from experience that it's not easy being on the market so long and that was without the carrot of moving down under - we're dreading going on the market again and with so much riding on it! All the best Steve
  12. You're welcome. This isn't an exhaustive list and even if any applicant does have any of them I believe all cases are dealt with and assessed individually so any forum member who may read this shouldn't let this deter them from applying without seeking advice, it would be awful to not apply and then later find that their individual circumstances would not have stopped the application from being successful, better to spend the money and know for certain than to be forever wondering "what if"!! All the best Steve
  13. Thank you and I hope that you sell soon for the right price Regards Steve
  14. Hi From what I have found out the primary concern they have is if there are any health concerns that would end up in costing them money in dealing with your medical needs; cancer, some eye conditions, some arthritic problems and any long term illnesses and conditions. If you do have specific medical issues I would advise you to discuss them with an agent or an emigration lawyer such as George Lombard. Hope this helps. Regards Steve
  15. Thanks Joe. We've pretty much decided to put our house on the market in the Spring. Cheers Steve
  16. Hi Carob Yes I like that quote and it is very relevant to our feelings. Interesting comments about the house sale and the events that have followed and I hope that we can emulate your progress. We're visiting our son in Perth in may into June. Regards Steve
  17. Hi Robyn Thanks for the informative and to the point information. At first glance it came across as very negative but after reading it through a few times, along with your later posts, I can understand the points you are making. The waiting and planning are all very stressful already and your post does keep our feet firmly on the ground - even if we don't want them to be!! Regards Steve
  18. Hi Val I echo your sentiments entirely, see my reply to Maisie. Hope you sell soon! Regards Steve
  19. Hi Maisie I totally agree with your comments and we are in the same position. As previously stated it is a hard "catch 22" situation, but we have no option but to put our place on the market in the Spring and if we sell quickly then will have to rent then if we fail the medical (which is possible) will have to buy again or continue renting. All extremely stressful but the gamble we take to get a healthier lifestyle in a much better weather climate where our health will improve and be with our son is one we feel we have to take now or we'll never know and may regret it for the rest of our lives if we don't take the gamble. Best wishes Steve
  20. Hi Julie Yes it is official on the "test" email reply today that they are now 8 months behind in sending acknowledgements; the "task force" they put in place months ago seems to fighting a losing battle; I believe that May/June were particularly heavy months for applications so I guess we'll have to continue to be patient. Generally they have always said that the delay in acknowledgements will not affect the actual time scales for processing/granting but we shall see. Recent grants seem to be going through at roughly 19 months from lodgement. Hope you had a wonderful time, we're making a visit to Perth in May. Regards Steve
  21. Hi all Just found out that immi are now acknowledging 143's lodged on 30 May 2014. Regards Steve
  22. Wow - you've not hung around! Hope all goes well for you - when do you find out how your dog coped with the journey? Best wishes Steve
  23. Hi Carob You're within touching distance, they wouldn't ask for the 2nd VAC if you weren't going to get it. We like Mandurah (Dolphins); and we like Bussleton even more but if we get over we'll be starting with our son in joondalup. Regards Steve
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