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Everything posted by Steve2

  1. Hi Joe First of all - don't panic. I'm surprised that immi haven't emailed you telling you what happened. My advice is to get your sponsor over in Australia to phone Perth telling them that you've asked for the payment to be cleared the next time they claim it. Our card had expired and they called our son in Perth to ask him for his help, he contacted us, we sent him the new details, he phoned them back, we phoned our card company and it went through very smoothly from both ends. Of course had they taken the payment back in July/August the problem wouldn't have arisen anyway but that as we all know is another story. Hope this helps and let us know how you get on Best wishes Steve
  2. Hi Joe No worries - let us know when you get your money taken!! Cheers Steve
  3. Hi Amanda Let's hope so - time does drag when you're waiting for something to happen. What state are you planning to move to? We're heading to Perth all being well! Regards Steve
  4. Yep we're all going through the same motions, one of our local esate agents reckons we could sell within a few months so don't know when to go on the market as it changes so much. What is the 12 month rule to which you refer regarding appliances? Cheers Steve
  5. Hi Val Yes very useful feedback from you and I was kind of thinking along those lines but we're a bit concerned as we have medical issues as to whether it's too big a gamble to take, but will consider it. Best wishes Steve
  6. Hi Julie Lucky you off to Melbourne for 7 weeks! Our son and his wife are coming back next week for a couple of weeks, think we'll hide in their suitcases and go back to Perth with them!! We've been advised to allow about 2 years in all, so if it happens in 18 months that's a bonus. Yes we're thinking along the same lines with the property sale, but we may sell it and rent instead of turning down any good offers. Tale care Steve
  7. Hi Julie Thanks for this; yes at last it is starting to feel a real prospect and as yours and Amanda's dates are only a few weeks before ours it would be good to hear your progress, I believe that the next step is the formal acknowledgement which they say is about 5 months after lodgement so could be a good Christmas present? Best wishes Steve
  8. Hi Amanda, Joe and all Just an update. We lodged our 143 on 1 July and the payment for the 1st VAC was taken this morning, so some progress at last, now the very long wait! Joe:- you may be interested to know that they take payment up to 3:00pm Australian time, so about 8:00am over here. A bit of a relief to now at least know that they did get our paperwork! Steve
  9. Hi Joe We're only a couple of days in front of you so when we hear you'll get very twitchy I expect! I'm expecting similar contact from our card provider. Cheers Steve
  10. Hi Julie Great news and thanks for the update. Ours was delivered to them on 1st July so only a week behind you, so will be interesting to see when we hear from them. At least there is some light at the end of a very long tunnel! Regards Steve
  11. Hi Caddie I believe that all parent visa applications are dealt with by the Perth immi office. I'm sure someone will correct me if I'm wrong. Regards Steve
  12. Hi Julie We lodged ours on 1 July so we are a couple of weeks behind you and Amanda but at least this gives us hope that they are opening their post! Best of luck Steve
  13. Hi Amanda Yes I have seen your post - it's good to see some positive news on here and hopefully we will hear soon. Time does seem to be dragging though. Regards Steve
  14. Hi Amanda Good to hear from you. As you would expect there's no news, I have to say that I do think it outrageous that they expect all this money but do not treat us with the minimum of respect or customer service. They have been saying for a few months now that they have employed a "task force" ro deal with the backlog but it is so slow and frustrating. Never mind it could be worse I suppose. Hope to see some more positive news in the forum soon!! Regards Steve
  15. HI For what it's worth here is what I have managed to find out. Our 143 was delivered by courier on 1 July 2014 and as yet no money has been taken for the 1st VAC. I e-mailed the parent visa office in Perth and had a reply saying that they were acknowledging applications received on 1 June, this e-mail was dated the 1st August, they went on to say that they had a vast number if applications 3000 in four days in June against the usual 53 a day! They said they would acknowledge as soon as possible. I like you remain concerned about any potential price rise. Hope this helps a little. Regards Steve
  16. Hi After a brief exchange of e-mails with the Parents visa office in Perth it transpires that they are still acknowledging lodgements made on 1 June 2014! They are not giving any clues as to when they are taking the 1st vac payment, only that they will send a receipt attached to the acknowledgement e-mail. Great way to treat people who are spending thousands of dollars to move over there. Regards
  17. Hi Fisher1 Yes I know the feeling, we have our kids to thank for all this stress and worry! Regards Steve
  18. Hi Joe Yes we are expecting exactly the same thing to happen! Regards Steve
  19. Hi Fisher1 It's all stress, we just want to know they've looked at it and taken the 1st vac, then we know we know the long wait starts! Regards Steve
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