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Everything posted by Steve2

  1. 0 Hi all I think that the phrase "patience is a virtue" was made for our visa applications! I wish I was blessed with patience. Regards
  2. Thanks for this info Blueray, it is helpful. I expect I'll be in touch with more questions sooner or later. Steve2
  3. Thanks Blueray, it's going to be a long and bumpy ride I reckon, I suppose we just have to try and put it to the back of our minds for a few months now we've lodged it. Regard Steve2
  4. Hi AmandaJB Yes it seems that perhaps they haven't increased the prices, we would have lodged it earlier but our papers took a while longer than hoped for to be delivered to our son out there. It is indeed a lengthy and very pricey process - can't wait for it to be sorted now we've made the decision. Regards Steve2
  5. Hi AmandaJB Our application for the 143 was delivered/lodged on 1st July so I would be interested to know how your application history goes as we're so close in lodgement dates. All very nerve wracking this process! Regards Steve2
  6. Hi Barry Thanks for that info, now we know when the next step is likely to be on the long journey; I don't suppose we'll dodge any price rise they may have inflicted from yesterday though, although nothing has been announced or is visible on their website. Regards
  7. Can anybody tell me their experience of how long after lodgement that they take the 1st VAC for the 143 visa.
  8. Has anybody heard what the price increase is for the 143 from 1st July?
  9. Haha - you could have a point as you can't see a smile/wink over the phone! On another matter, if we lodge our 143 ourselves can we still use an Emigration agent to help with other matters?
  10. Hi Fisher1 If it's any help I spoke to Australia House on Monday this week about possible price rises for the 143 and was told that "on July 1 all prices are subject to change as they are every year, some may go up, some may go down and some may stay the same"! In regards to the form there is a new 143 form on the immi website which appears to be basically the same as the one before the 103 was abolished. Cheers Steve2
  11. URGENT - Just spoken to Australia House again today and they now say that for visa's lodged by mail have to have Certified copies of documents! Wonderful isn't it?
  12. Hi Carob Thanks very much for the info, shall have a look at the site you suggest. Have they said how the balance is payable? Good luck with the rest of the process. Steve2
  13. Hi We have just filled our 143 form in and yes there is a section on it to cancel any previous outstanding applications. Good Luck
  14. Hi AlanSteel/Carob Your advice please. We are just about to lodge our 143 visa application and are confused after a call to Australia House in London. The forms say "certified copies" of supporting documents but Australia House said that this wasn't necessary nowadays - what did you do? Also, how did you pay your deposit? they said that we can just put our credit card details on the form and it would be taken in Perth on receipt of the forms. How long have you waited for your medical Carob since applying? Any other advice and timescales would be much appreciated. Cheers Steve2 ps - can anybody out there answer my queries please?
  15. You're welcome, I'm sure if I'm wrong someone will correct me! We're hoping to lodge ours as soon as we get some medic al answers (it's complicated). Good luck to you and your parents with it. Perhaps you/they could let me know how their application progresses - timescales etc?
  16. Hi Simon Although new to all of this I have read and read the immi website and it is clear to me that you cannot lodge a 143 online it has to be hard copy and sent together with your sponsors form40, and of course payment!! Hope this helps.
  17. Thanks for the info, looks like it will be a long drawn out and nerve wracking experience for all of us hoping for the move to be with our kids!
  18. Hi Fisher1 I am in the early stages of getting advice from George Lombard. Thanks for your guidance.
  19. Hi Jerry If possible could you please send me a copy of the email from your lawyer about the pvc progess info. Cheers
  20. Great news for you, congratulations, can you tell me your experience of the process, problems and timescales etc?
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