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Everything posted by libbye

  1. Gosh I am learning about your island. It certainly is diverse geographically and gives me impetus to want to visit even more. Fascinating. Thank you.
  2. We've had a mixture of everything the last week. Unbelievable here in the Morbihan, heat that none of us who live here signed up for, thunderstorms and rain. Thank goodness the temp has dropped back from 38 to 23 today. Can breathe again. Interesting Hobart or eastern Tasmania has had so little rain. Ballarat where I'm heading for has been having floods. Not quite sure where I'd rather be herein France or Aus! A changing climate for sure. Hope you all had a great day. Mine is just beginning and now the sun is coming out again.
  3. Morning all yes heat is horrendous but we are luckier than most. The Morbihan generally has a good climate and we're not suffering quite as much but bad enough. Respite due for a few days at least tomorrow )Sunday) but will believe it when it happens! What we haven't experienced before is how damp everything in the house is and the tiles are wet. Will have to give everything a good airing. I should be back in Aus mid September and although still no definite date yet as waiting on the shippers the sale is going through. Not feeling too much like packing at the moment but have really been very ruthless with what I am throwing out. Amazing what you collect and yet not really necessary. The cost of shipping is considerable but I couldn't let everything go as I want to bring some memories of what Roger and I shared together . Your winter hasn't been too bad has it? A lot of rain but you can never knock rain in Aus. A precious commodity. Spring isn't far away now and I guess your minds will soon be turning to your lovely gardens. Not sure what Ballarat holds for me but I look on it as a new adventure. Tassie is certainly on my bucket list.
  4. Interesting. Had no idea. Just shows how ignorant I am about my geography. How I wish I was so much younger.! So say all of us. lol
  5. For such a small island Tasmania has so much going for it . Love the paintings. Here in Brttany they do a lot of this as well which is quite charming. Adds character to a place. The letterboxes are extraordinary. What imagination.
  6. Very strange. Our electricity went off last night for a while and when I opened up emails this morning low and behold loads of photos and pics I haven't received before some dating back to 2018! Great to see them all and what some of you have been up to. Plans forging ahead here for my impending move. Hope you are all fit and happy!
  7. We are having terrible weather here. Not cold but rain rain and more rain. Supposed to be summer. All the rose bushes are spoilt and looking really sad.
  8. That's wonderful you have taken the horses on. Such intelligent animals and why not spoil them. The pleasure we derive from any animal makes life so much more pleasurable I really miss having any now but maybe will be able to foster if that's possible where I'm going to live. Will certainly keep in touch when I finally land and find my feet.
  9. I wouldn't tell anyone you didn't take it. Let them think you're a brilliant photographer I'm doing ok thank you. Wilting a bit under the strain of everything that has to be done IF I finally get the go ahead the house has sold. My daughter has offered to come and help me in the last week and then accompany me back to Aus which is great should I need her help. Am offloading as much furniture as I can here as I figure the girls won't want my stuff and I can manage on a lot less than I have now. Trouble is everyone wants it for nothing. have you had any snow in Tas yet? Apparently parts of Victoria have but I think mainly around the snowfield areas. Haven't seen snow in years! Thinking I might need to buy a good heavy coat and boots. Sounds like your horses are a bit spoilt. How many do you have and do you ride?
  10. What a great photo. Could win a competition with that.
  11. libbye

    Counting down!

    Where I live in France traffic is no problem at all I'm thankful to say. In fact it's wonderful. You can travel miles or less and hardly see another car and I'm not very far from small towns. Parking is a breeze and their law about the midday 2 hour free park is something I have never experienced before. Parking free at all hospitals although no doubt that will change when the french hear how much other countries make! However, all good things come to an end and I won't be driving in Aus. Buses, of course, well that's a different kettle of fish. ok here in the cities but local service almost non existent unless you want to get up at the crack of dawn and go on the school bus. To counteract this for the people who are non drivers vans come around so no-one goes without. Quite good actually. I think the fact England gives out bus passes is great so if i lived there I wouldn't want to drive a car anyway. Hope they never do away with it but do think there should be a means test Anyway good luck and hope you find a lovely place to buy and enjoy being back where your heart lies.
  12. libbye

    Counting down!

    Gosh that would be great Toots. Would love to hear about all your travels over a cuppa. libby x Marisa I think both my daughters are relieved. The unit I found was actually a good deal. No ripsoff as far as I could see and obliging people running it but without wanting to keep banging on about my health, the issues I have are fairly serious although a damned nuisance as far as I'm concerned and I'm not a good patient. However, will have to get on with it like everyone else who has probs but oh dear I am going to miss my lovely friends. Leaving the house doesn't bother me after all it's only bricks and mortar but its the garden. My late husband put so much of his heart and soul into it and at the moment it is glorious. However, it's the right time of year now to enjoy the fruits of his labour. Must admit I'm dreading it though. Still new adventures await me. Thank you for your kind words.
  13. libbye

    Counting down!

    Toots I have changed my mind so many times I've driven my daughters mad and myself at the same time. Tasmania is out for me which I'm sad about but a friend I thought I had, I haven't and with my health problems although I don't want to become a burden. I will need someone to oversee things when it becomes too much. In France although i have absolutely wonderful french and english friends I'm not their responsibility and my youngest daughter has said she wants me home. I think I will find it very hard to adjust but am determined to make the most of everything that comes my way whilst I'm able. At 81 how long will it be anyway!!! lol I really hope I can visit Tasmania and see what I missed out on. My daughter loves the island so am sure it won't be difficult to find a driver and companion. AliQ - Yes I can understand you loving that part of England. Nothing to beat it. You will be happy I'm sure but will miss some things in Aus and after awhile will be content.
  14. libbye

    Counting down!

    Why returning just out of interest. The program "wanted down under" always say more than half those who emigrate from uk to Aus return. We lived in Aus for more than 50 years and have been in France for 16 years. Absolutely love it but the time has come and I must return to my family. None left in England. Will not be going to Tas but to a country town in Victoria. it's all become too difficult for this old lady! I hope you will be happy back home but just bear in mind there's no utopia but family are important.
  15. Well done. You certainly have the right attitude to start life again in a foreign country. Hope it continues to fulfill your dreams and aspirations.
  16. How long dfoes it take to drive to Salamanca market. I've read about it and it sounds fantastic.
  17. More lovely photos. Autumn is just so glorious isn't ./
  18. Bit like here at the moment. We're all wondering if we're going to get any summer but of course down the south of ~France sunny! Still in Aus I guess one should never knock rain.
  19. Your photography is excellent. Nice and clear and how blue the sky is.+
  20. Brrr keep warm and cosy. Can you get crumpets there? Nothing nicer than toasting on a woodburning stove.
  21. When we emigrated back in the 60's our first port of call was Sydney where we lived in a lovely flat in Neutral Bay. My husband went to work on the ferry. I haven't been there again for 40 years but can well imagine the change and the population explosion. I loved it for the jazz scene and music which has been missing in my life for far too long. I too now enjoy the countryside and don't have any desire to visit large towns or cities but that's the way it goes I guess. My desire for music is still strong and my dream at the final stage of my life would be to have access to it. I can well see from the photos you post what a beautiful spot you live in and long may it last! Someone a long time ago stirred my interest in Tasmania but never managed to get there when we lived in Aus. There's always tomoow - I hope!!!
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