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Everything posted by takeachance

  1. I'm looking for 2 bedroom unit to buy around Sydney. I have a budget around 450k. I've been looking around Parramatta, but prices are high over there (over 500k). Any suggestions what other suburbs to look at? Just wanted to hear what everyone's thoughts are, and find out if it is actually feasible to find 2 bedroom units with 450K budget around Sydney (< 1hr train ride from the city).
  2. So I just got my 189 visa, now I'm looking to do my master degree in Australia. I have found the suitable postgraduate coursework for me and I have confirmed with the university that it is one of the commonwealth supported place. My question is as follows: 1. As a holder of 189 visa, am I eligible for CSP/HECS? *note: One Uni said to me you need to be a citizen / a holder of a permanent humanitarian visa to access this benefit, but my friend who has a permanent resident visa can access this benefit. 2. Are there any differences between CSP and HECS? 3. With the new Education budget for 2014-15 in place, how does it affect me as a new student? *note: in Layman's term please! Thanks!
  3. I'm an IT support and my skill assessment for Computer Network and Systems Engineer came out positive from ACS. As you know IT support is a very generic role and what matter is the job description. I focused on networking and computer systems administration, so that's why I applied for the above role. If your husband is focusing on software support for example, he may be successfully assessed as a Software Engineer. Hope this helps.
  4. This is normal. Case officers always changing, but they are always from the same team. I've got various replies from various case officers, all from team 6 Adelaide for me.
  5. Got a grant last Tuesday! Huzzah! Good luck everyone!
  6. Hi Guys, I've got my 189 visa lodged early Jan 2014. On 30th of Jan 2014, CO was assigned (Team 6 Adelaide) and PCC & Medicals was referred. Completed PCC and Medicals at 13th of Feb 2014, but until now I haven't heard anything from immi. Is this normal? I always though that the long wait is always when waiting for CO or invite. It is a bit strange that this is the other way around. Any thoughts?
  7. Thanks Rupert. Just one final question. Can you link me to a form or a page in immi.gov to reinstate bridging visa?
  8. Got it. How hard is it to a reinstate bridging visa? Is it safer if i just apply for bridging visa b right away before I leave?
  9. Thanks for your reply, blossom79. But I'm a bit confused by your post. If the bridging visa does not come into effect before my 485 expires, why do I have to apply for bridging visa b if i leave for a short trip and go back to australia before november 2014? I'm planning to leave for two weeks on 19 Jan 14.
  10. Hi guys, I have a question in regards to bridging visa. A little background,I received an EOI last week and about to apply for visa 189. Currently I'm holding a 485 which is valid until November 2014. To my understanding, we immediately receive a bridging visa when we apply for 189. Does this mean that my 485 visa is no longer active? Do I need to apply for bridging visa B if i want to leave Australia for a short trip? Thanks in advance.
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