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Everything posted by GiveAGirlShoes

  1. And try to speak to other nurses or students about whether it's family friendly, I have friends who are mums and nurses so fingers crossed x
  2. I had a 6 year plan, which after the surprise arrival of my baby girl in February became a 7 year plan. 2011 I gained a vocational qualification in Anatomy & Physiology. 2011/2012 I decided on a subject and went to uni open days 2012 I applied to uni in sept 2013 I started uni in sept 2014 found out I was pregnant; deferred uni 2015 start back for my 2nd year 2016 3rd year, tale PTE (English test for extra points) 2017 qualify and start to complete a few forms and make enquiries about work/visas/sponsorship and hopefully get an application in 2018 move on a temp visa or validate on a permanent visa. And that excludes any saving up, changes to immigration in general, selling/renting house and possessions... we'll, you get the picture, it's just the framework for my plan and so far so good xx With the responsibility of a child I'm much more open to the idea of moving within the UK, or going to Australia with an open mind about the possibility of returning should it seems the right thing to do for her. The time will pass no matter what you do, so creating opportunities in the time you have will reward you by you either taking them, or never having to think 'what if', or its too late. I may never move to Australia, but if I want to before I'm too old to get a visa,the option will still be there x
  3. Be careful if you retrain with a view to moving to Oz. I originally looked at Occupational Therapy but chose podiatry as I found something I was passionate about rather than doing it for a visa. I think OT has some difficult criteria to meet once you're qualified. At this point I can see you're just starting to think about your options, but the most important thing is to chose a career you love (or at least one you would be happy to do in the UK). IF you then want to look into migration, or are certain you will in the future, get on the websites to see what the requirements and opportunities are (in health that would be AHPRA, any registering body such as ANMAC or ANZPAC, and the board who are in charge of assessing your skills if this is not the same). I'm still in the planning and studying stage, but I feel familiar with a lot of the process, albeit only by research and this board! And just a bit of advice, get to know your visas, but know their conditions too... such as (but definitely not limited to) which states you have to pay for children's education in if you're on a 457 temp visa. Or that you have to validate a PR visa within 12 months of it being granted by travelling to Aus in that time, and how much everything will cost!! I do genuinely believe there are some people who wake up and decide they're going to move to Australia, and they actually do it, with no thought or effort, and it works out.... BUT I haven't yet found the discussion board for those people lol xx
  4. Apply for a tourist visa and see what happens. I don't know enough to advise you but I'd like to think DIBP could be contacted, or they might contact you to ask questions. You clearly have plans to leave and by trying to stay legitimately you show you're doing the right thing. If you're seeing someone it won't last long if you can't return until nearly 2019! Contact DIBP to find out if a tourist visa can be granted after a WHV. It's probably a FAQ on the website xx
  5. Is being caught not a sure thing? I mean when you exit they surely won't just stamp your passport and send you on your way... its all computerised isn't it? Worst case scenario in applying for a tourist visa is they say no. Then you're back to square one but if it were me I'd spend the extra on a ticket home rather than risk exclusion and a mark on my character. Hope all goes well
  6. If you decide to look at properties online, I know that the Domain app will tell you what's nearby (such as supermarkets, hospitals, coffee shops). It also lists what schools are in that catchment area (so you can Google them) and let's you pick 2 specific points of interest by actual address so you can estimate travel time (good if you did have a job lined up, but also good if you have friends or relatives, or want to visit anywhere particular). Hope this helps xx
  7. To be fair they do promise health care and leaves. Who doesn't love leaves?????? I think they're trying to sell the dream to people who don't have what, in the UK at least, are basic work rights (health and safety, a salary, annual leave, training etc) Try this website xx http://www.border.gov.au/Trav/Work/Skil I don't mean that to look patronising, it's full of useful and valid information. I have been trawling it for years (well, it never used to be skill select but you know what I mean)
  8. This says it all... I've wanted this since I was at least 22 (first visit). 11 years have passed now, I knew it would be hard but if I'd have done something about it then, I'd be there now!xx 2 to 3 years left now ? xx
  9. Really pleased for you, I was just thinking about how long you've been posting on here and I had my fingers crossed for you!! My 6 yr plan is now my 7 year plan due to having a baby, I'm currently 4 years in and news like this makes me realise I can already see the other side xx Looking forward to your arrival reports xx
  10. Also check if ANMAC now accept PTE. It sounds like it actually tests your ability rather than how well you know the format of the exam. By all accounts more straightforward. DIBP accept it for visas now, and ANZPAC accept it for registration (Podiatry) xx
  11. I saw on another post that you could still apply for skill assessment with ANMAC, where they can offer you a 12 week bridging course at a cost of $7000. I assume that would lead to registration with AHPRA xx
  12. I think unless you're in a mad rush or you're pinching pennies and already have a sponsor, you should definitely go for the 189. I'll qualify as a podiatrist in 2 yrs and i personally would consider the 457 (there are some good sponsors about for us) but only due to my circumstances having changed considerably of late. Even then I would apply for a 189 once onshore as soon as the opportunity arose. This would not be cost effective in the long term but might just suit my needs in the short term. best of luck and keep us updated, live seeing other pods on here!
  13. Thanks Stacey. Is going to be hard but she's all the motivation I need xx
  14. Sarah that sounds fab! Really interesting! Assuming I can find £7K a year for chilcare for the next 2 years I'll be back at uni to finish my podiatry degree in Sept this year ? and this little madam is who I'm doing it all for... Meet Amy ? x
  15. Hi littlesarah! Congratulations right back at you xxx Its added another 12 months on to my plan, but what a reason We find out if baby is pink or blue on sunday xx
  16. Hope you're enjoying your 3rd year Anna! I've had to defer my 2nd year, but I'm reading the lecture notes as I still have access. I now have a little miracle baby due in March, some real motivation for finishing my degree xxx
  17. I passed my first yr with a 1st Anna x not that it counts lol x And well done x not long now x
  18. It took me two years and a level 3 diploma until I started uni x Just finished first year with a 1st and will officially be a 2nd yr in September x It will fly by x
  19. Results day today. 4 A's and a B and overall a 1st for my first year. Shame it doesn't count and will get harder lol x
  20. I am a worrier aren't I? We got our results early and I passed with 68% ? x
  21. Oh dear ? Just had my 3hr practical exam and forgot to put something important in my clinical notes. Worried that might be an instant fail? Don't think I did very well with the tutors either, one had to lead me and answered some of his own questions, the other is usually lovely but seemed confused and disappointed at everything I said. Fingers crossed and positive thoughts ? x
  22. Have you looked at WWOOF? Worth registering as from what I remember I think some are visa qualifying. It stands for willing workers on organic farms x
  23. RSA is good to have for bar work. Can be done online from the UK. I was 28 when I went too so it'll be nice to see how you go on x I just Googled a lot and managed to secure barwork a cpl of days before leaving, but I'm sure you'll figure things out as you go xx
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