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Everything posted by juliew1499

  1. Hi Moomin Did you send the AOS confirmation letter attached to the original request by using the reply button? Julie
  2. Hi Tien That's brilliant news, nearly there now for you. Our daughter phoned Centrelink today as we are still waiting for the letter to go to the bank. They apologised for the delay and promised to deal with it as a matter of urgency. Somehow I don't believe it. At least they sent you the confirmation letter quickly once you had paid the AOS. It will be interesting to see how quickly IMMI respond. Julie
  3. Hi Sadge So sorry to hear about the medical.....hope your paperwork sorts out the problem. I agree with your entirely, this process is totally draining, the long initial wait and now all this at the end. I feel like I've aged 10 years and definitely got more grey hair! Fingers crossed for you! Julie
  4. Hi Sadge our daughter had her phone interview over two weeks ago and we are still waiting for the letter from Centrelink to ask her to pay the bond. They just go over the responsibilities of being an Assurer. Completely fed up with Centrelink they are totally inefficient about paperwork. Julie
  5. Hi Tien So pleased for you, unfortunately our daughter has still not heard anything yet......the wait continues. Julie
  6. Hi Amanda So pleased for you and particularly that it came through so quickly after the AOS confirmation. Many congratulations, Julie
  7. Hi Amanda wonderful news, almost there. As you say, I don,t know how we would have managed without the help and support of everyone on here. At times it has been stressful, depressing and downright frustrating but there has always been someone on the site to help us along. To Steve2 and Geordie Joe, you have both been very quiet recently it won't be much longer before the June 14 crowd gets out of the waiting room. Enjoy your break in Paris Amanda, blimey 50th birthday wish I was that age. No pressure Centrelink and IMMI our flights back to Melbourne are booked for 12 Novemer....... hurry up please. Julie
  8. Hi Moomin Wonderful news, we are just waiting for the same letter, hope you hear soon. Julie
  9. Hi Amanda Yes we are relieved, busy transferring funds now to our daughter for our 2nd VAC for when IMMI ask for it. Such a pain, we can only transfer 20,000 AUD a day online so having to send it a bit a time. We are off to pick up our motor home tomorrow so I hope that when I next check into the POMS site that you have posted some good news about your visa. Julie
  10. Hi Tien Just had a Skype call from my daughter to say that Centrelink had contacted her and completed the interview over the phone. Slight problem though, Centrelink said that the local office had not completed the identification process correctly and could she go into her nearest Office and do it again! For goodness sake! They did say that once this was done via her UGov/Centrelink account the application would be prioritised and the bank letter sent out next week. She is going into Centrelink again tomorrow. Slowly getting there! have you heard anything more yet? Julie
  11. Hi Tien Thanks for the info, still no news for us and that is just about typical. If we don,t hear by Friday we are off the grid for 6 days in the far wilds of South Island. Que sera! Hope you hear very soon. Julie
  12. Hi Tien Are they allowing you to forward the misssing pages? Surely you don't have to start all over again? I,m afraid the local Centrelink Offices don,t know what they are doing with AOS. There needs to be a bettter system. I have emailed my daughter and asked her to contact Centrelink via her Gov account and see if everything is OK. Fingers crossed for us both. Julie
  13. Hi Amanda We are booked to fly back to Melbourne on 12th November so fingers crossed it is all sorted by then. The way the exchange rate is going we won't be having another holiday for a long time, best make the most of this one. Julie
  14. Hi Amanda Ooh, so exciting for you, can,t be long now. just had an email from IMMI saying they've checked everything we've sent and they now know we are offshore. They have said that once we have our confirmation of AOS paid then we will go straight to 2nd VAC. Come on .Centrelink............ we have just arrived in Sulphur city aka Rotarua, cor what a pong!!! Doing the sights tomorrow then flying off to South Island. It's a beautiful country and we hope to make the most of our six weeks here, despite the exchange rate! Julie
  15. Hi Moomin That's great news thanks for letting us know. I shall email my daughter now so that she checks her phone and post! Julie
  16. Hi Amanda Today was quite shocking with the dramatic fall, considering all the good figures that came out in the U.K. Economy this week it really doesn't make sense what is happening. We are in the hands of investors who are nervous about what might or might not happen when the UK starts to negotiate the exit from EU. Someone somewhere is making a huge profit out of this situation. unfortunately it is not us! has your son Had his letter yet to go to Com .Bank? Julie
  17. Hi Fisher Melbourne is very expensive but you could pick up a cheaper property around Langawarren or Cranbourne plenty of new builds there. we are toying with either renting or becoming grey Nomads and doing the one year tour around Oz with a caravan or campervan. We are picking up a campervan for 6 days later on this month and driving from Queenstown toChristchurch. We may have killed each other after 6 days never mind a year! Having said all that we really want nothing more than to settle down in our own home in Oz and get on with life. Unfortunately Brexit has ruined all of our plans. I know it may mean waiting for you but I really think that until the exchange rate improves you will be better off in the UK. If we had a house back in the Uk we would go back and wait it out, however we don't have that choice. the other option that we might consider is buying a plot of land and building our own home. If you can find a piece of land at the right price then there's no stamp duty to pay and nothing on the new build either. The new build is paid in stages so hopefully we can spread the risk of our expenditure over a period of time. I am not sure how much longer we will have to wait for our visa, Centrelink are a law unto themselves. Que sera, sera we will work something out eventually, just not sure what! Julie
  18. It is lovely to be with family but the further crash in the pound is starting to be a real cause of concern for our future. let's hope Mr Hammond has something in his briefcase for the Autumn statement that might help the exchange rate! Julie
  19. Hi Thanks for the update Tien. IMMI should be ashamed of themselves for not foreseeing this problem. Let's hope the exchange rate improves whilst we are waiting. At this rate I've got the feeling we are all going to be worn out and absolutely broke when the powers that be decide that they want to give us a visa. As you say absolutely ridiculous. We had to book a return ticket for our offshore trip to NZ, so we decided that six weeks should be sufficient, returning on 12 November - starting to think that we ha ven't a prayer of getting things sorted by then! Julie
  20. Hi Tien Please can you let me know when your Sponsor receives the letter from Centrelink. We are now in New Zealand and feeling a bit helpless as we are not able to check the post box everyday for mail! As you are one day ahead with your AOS it will give us a good idea when to expect the letter. thanks. Julie
  21. Hi Amanda Whoopee, so pleased for you. thank you for letting us all know the process it's a great help. exciting that you will be in OZ by end of November! Julie
  22. Hi Tien Looks like it's going to be 3 weeks or more.....ugh! Julie
  23. Hi Amanda It s so frustrating..... Immi have a lot to answer for, they should have known this would be a problem, they should have allowed the AOS requests earlier...... Rant over.......I really hope you hear soon. Our daughter has linked up her Gov site with Centrelink so hopefully she will hear through her personal account rather than snail mail. It's anyone's guess at the moment. I keep telling myself that it will all happen eventually but these last weeks are really difficult. I guess you still can't hand in your notice yet.... Julie
  24. Hi Moomin Did Centrelink advise you of the 21 day processing time? The Centrelink we visited hadn't a clue what they were doing, didn't know what an AOS was for. all they said was that they would upload the documents the same day. We had to tell them to witness our daughters signature.It was one of those experiences that made you have no faith at all in the process. Do you know if they correspond to the Assurer by snail mail or email via the Assurers Centrelink Account? Sorry for all the questions....... Julie
  25. Hi All June 14 applicants For those who have submitted their AOS, has anyone had any contact at all from Centrelink? Amanda JB I'm frightened to ask how it's going? We are off to NZ on Saturday as our visa expires, thinking of staying out there a month, but now starting to think that this AOS and final visa decision could be a long way off yet! Julie:mad::mad:
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