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Everything posted by carlhall

  1. On your CV you can put that you have full working rights on your spouse visa. you are not telling any lies as you will have full working rights. But that sounds better than saying You have full working rights on your temporary spouse visa s that gives the impression you will not be staying.
  2. I would suggest you do not mention the word temporary unless you are directly asked. Some members have had problems when they mention temporary visa as some employers will only employ permanent visa holders. If you tell everyone you are on a spouse visa then If you are then asked at an interview you can explain it becomes permanent after two years.
  3. I am in Hervey Bay QLD, I did think it would be hard renting with a dog, But I was happily surprised.
  4. Unfortunately Sir Les you can never stop wild speculation it is the way of the world. I do not comment normally on threads of this nature. As someone who has had to deal with people who have been involved in personal tragedy in one way or another I realise how threads such as these can impact on people who may in some way be connected to an incident. Fortunately i do not think the relatives or friends of the passengers would be members of a site like PIO. A few years ago I did know a lady who read speculation on a social media site about how her son had died. All the speculation really affected her mentally and ended up being totally wrong. As i said i do not normally take part in these speculative threads but they will always exist.
  5. I have just rented a house and have a dog. On real estate .com DO NOT tick the dogs allowed button. A lot of agents just put dogs on application in the description and the search engine does not pick those houses out. We looked at plenty of houses and ended up being offered 4. Talk to the agent and ask what properties accept dogs, you will find some do not specify pets but will accept if they are asked. We even had one agent who said she liked dog owners because they were normally responsible people. I presumed she was a dog lover....:biggrin:. We also did a profile sheet... this was to explain to the agent who we were what we did and how we earned money we also included a cute photo of our Dog. That way they knew what sort of dog we had.
  6. You need to consult a professional but I do not think it would be taxable as its a gift and not earnings.
  7. You gave it a fair go, if its not for you then go back with with your head held high and say... We gave it all we got.... its not for us... Australia is not everyones idea of the perfect place to live. Good luck to you and now start to enjoy the rest of your life.
  8. They will not be bothered by a speeding offence. Its only criminal offences that would possibly have any impact on an application
  9. What you can't see is my wife holding a doggie treat to get the dog to look in the right direction and the 19 other photos where the dog just walked off in disgust and stared at me. lol
  10. Thanks, I wanted to do something different, I had about 20 attempts at getting what I wanted before i was happy with it :laugh:
  11. carlhall

    Photo Course

    Currently trying an on-line photography course. These are photos that I have submitted to the course. The theme is Depth of field. trying to get the important parts to stand out by being in focus and the other parts out of focus.
  12. I would take the risk, if you are sensible and follow the fire prevention advice, (Clean gutters, keep ground clear of fuel) then you should be relatively safe. People live in Cyclone areas, others live in flood risk areas. There are not many places where you do not have some form of risk. I lived on top of a hill 30meters above the water with no risk of fire or flood. We felt very safe and secure.... Then we were hit by a bloody tornado.... It does not matter where you live there will be some form of risk. if you like it there, then go for it.
  13. I would suggest you try contacting one of the agents who offer a free assessment of your options. (Go Matilda and visa bureau are both well known and recommended). As snifter said you will probably need permission to remove your child from the UK even if the father has nothing to do with the family.....
  14. It used to be two years, but it has been four years for some considerable time now.
  15. Its the small things like that that you do not think about., We were lucky with our tornado as a small comunity the local supermarket owner knew us all and for about 5 days we all had credit accounts with him. Keep safe up there and we will be thinking of you all......
  16. Hopefully it will not make the cyclone strength winds or if it does then a cat 1 at the most (we hope), lets hope the winds will not be to damaging, the rain fall will be welcomed by a lot who are suffering with the drought conditions. I hope everyone stays safe up there. Please do not take risks and everyone look after yourselves and your neighbors
  17. A timely reminder Kate, 12 months ago tonight I was living in an area that "could not flood" and any heavy rain could run off down a 10 meter bank into the river mouth. We do not live in a cyclone area and the worst we normally get is the tail end heavy rain.... At 3.30 am we were hit by a tornado that dropped a 30 foot wall of water onto us causing a lot of damage. we were lucky our home was still habitable but other were not. No Power for 5 days, the town was completely cut off for 3 days and all telephone towers failed stopping us contacting the outside world. Even if you don't live in a Cyclone area there are natural disasters that can isolate you, Taken at 8am on 27th January 2013. Don't get caught out build an emergency kit ....
  18. I would go for something like a slow roast leg of lamb with Rosemary and mint gravy, Roast potatoes with roast and steam vegetables.
  19. I have a FB account because it helps me keep up with what my kids are doing in UK, (some may remember my post about son getting engaged on FB). I have my PIO account to enable me to sometimes offer advice and sometimes ask for advice. I used to do a lot more but now a days its just an way to pass an hour away. The big difference is that on here I am anonymous, but on FB many things you say or do become public property and once out there you have no control on what happens to them. Try googling your own name and see what may be openly available for people to see, despite your security settings.. PIO is not perfect, nothing will ever be and sometimes they get things wrong, we are all human and make mistakes, but at least on here you know the admin and mods are doing their best for the members and the forum. On here you decide how much you want people to know about you. I do not think I would ever like to meet anyone from here in real life after having a bad experience with a meeting once. Forums like this exist because of the support of their members. I have moderated on two sites, one I left and the other I was asked to stop moderating because had a disagreement with the owners, But i have the utmost respect for mods and admin on these sites its not easy and it can consume a lot of your spare time. Members must get behind sites such as this if they want them to continue and survive, if they don't then one day you may only have the big commercial sites such as FB and in my opinion that would be a disaster.
  20. carlhall

    Point Vernon (2)

    been here for just over 4 weeks, but the whole area seems peaceful
  21. I have never seen one before. The whole play area is designed for able children to be able to play with the less fortunate kids.
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